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I'm moving this month. It's a rushed move so things are a little chaotic this month. So I wanted to visit some ideas.

This is a bit of a repost, but now that we are 30+ pages in, I can go into this a bit more.

These were original design sketches I did for Ken/Gwen that I did a year or two before starting the comic. I even started using 'Gwyn' as a name for a D&D character I had during development.

In this version Ken had hair. I even drew a whole test page of the comic including Ken with hair.

Starting Gwen was a bit more soccer mom. It was something I wanted to play up, but that will have to be an other story.

I was going to dress Gwen up as Power Girl. But I eventually realized I cant use Power Girl, and Tiffany took that role. As for long hair Gwen, it could still be in the future.



Martin Lock

Gwyn would be an unusual name... might it come from King Arthur's wife, Guinevere, sometimes pronounced that way? Maybe Gwen comes from there too... but probably not Quinn.


When I was googling, Gwyn was a masculine name, back in the day. Or at some point in time. Works better for a D&D character than this story. Not sure where the name Quinn comes from.