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Quinn is making quite the impression at the office. 

We'll be posting one panel of the Looking for Roommate comic everyday this month. We are following the story of Quinn as he looks for a new place to live. Hopefully a place open to his desire to be the woman he truly is. 

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Bob Fink

With the sweater blouse she's wearing I can see why, she has an amazing figure.

Martin Lock

This is strange - a reality shift, so that Quinnberly has always been a woman, as far as the office is concerned, and remembers being thought of as a small-breasted woman? Candace has done some powerful magic!


Or over the time of the change, Quinn told work she was trans and this is part of the transition. Both readings are correct.

Martin Lock

A change to a person's reality is probably more in keeping with the genre here. Otherwise, we have an unannounced time-jump between pages of quite a few months - and I don't remember any references to Quinn's workplace before. "My boss has been okay about my transitioning, supportive even, though of course he thinks I'm just taking hormones." I think I'd prefer that more mundane approach, as, time-jumps apart, it does give more continuity to Quinn's character.