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Gwen runs into people she knows. Locking her made up name in place.

Also this month I changed from ink to digital. I wanted to see if I could make production any better. What are your thoughts?



Martin Lock

People do say "Must of" for "Must have" don't they? Your style seems the same, basically, in digital, so if it makes life easier for you, no worries, though it seems a shame not to have artwork "originals" in a stack somewhere. There may be a temptation to make backgrounds over-simple, such as the green-covered table in the first panel of this page... and I'm not entirely convinced by what sweet Gwen's legs are up to in that panel. With any luck she'll get some assistance with her hairstyle, as well as scoring a super booth babe costume, in the coming weeks...


May be regional on "must of" I've always known it both ways. I'll have to keep an eye on the backgrounds. Stylewise, I'm not looking to cut corners, but make things better. Also not have a pile of paper sitting around here. Although I love the feeling of ink on paper.