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“Let me wrap my head around this. If the holo-emitter carries your entire program, the storage capacity must be at least equal to a modern spec'ced Starfleet vessel”? 

“Yes, and there’s room for more”, the Doctor answered with a hint of smugness. “There’s some more teraquad’s in me than the average looking hologram”.

“I bet”, came the reply from a man not facing him but his holo-emitted shoulder. The young engineer looking at the Doctor’s arm rested his face as close as he could to the mobile emitter without blurring his vision. 

A year since arriving back at Project Pathfinder, the EMH found himself roleplaying as Voyager’s representative to a chorus of technicians and junior officers who helped work on the MIDAS array allowing the data-streams. The previous visit involved being carried in Barclay’s briefcase for transport to Jupiter Station curing who the Doctor considered, his father. 

The crowd of on-duty Starfleet personnel took turns with asking questions.

“The attenuation of the holo-projecting lens must be incredibly refined to project your image in the manner it does”, commented a blonde, female technician.

“That’s 29th century technology for you”, the Doctor pointed out with a smile.

“The composition of the alloy”? Asked aggressively a Tellarite colleague of Reginald Barclay’s.

“I believe it’s a blend of Nillimite, duridium and an alloy called Poly-deutonic”, the Doctor answered as though repeating a simple recipe. 

“Poly-deutonic? Huh. That was theoretical until five seconds ago”! The Tellarite huffed, astonished.

“Sorry, and you said it is backwards compatible with current technology”? Clarified another technician recording the Doctor’s replies.

“Yes that’s right. The device includes the necessary compatibility protocols. We’ve never had a problem switching my program from the ship’s holo-emitters to the…”

A Junior Lieutenant cut in over the light-generated man to others surrounding him, “It doesn’t matter anyway, we don’t even know how to replicate such an alloy or dare to reverse engineer this emitter. It would be like giving a phaser to an 18th century gunsmith”. 

“Excuse me, Lt,…”?

“My name is Lt Hedor Pavaax”, the Trill answered as though complying with a questionnaire.

“Well Mr Pavaax, while that’s astute of you to say, we do have more of the alloy, you just have to strip it down from a 29th century Borg drone we made, accidently of course”.

The tone in Pathfinder’s lounge area shifted on this piece of information. 

“No need to look worried, I assure you, its quite dead and has been for nearly three years”.

“Seems Voyager had a ton of fun in the Delta Quadrant”.

“I assure you it wasn’t all fun, it was quite scary at times”.

One of the engineers turned and fired a question at the Doctor’s escort, “Aren’t we altering the timeline by talking about this? There are ethical considerations after all”.

“Admirals Paris and Mitchell have discussed and provided the clearance”, Barclay replied with a confident tone in his voice.

“Anyway, how do we know we weren’t supposed to invent this thing”?

The crowd smirked at the paradoxical joke Barclay made as he stood alongside the Doctor after having brought the team to meet the EMH. It took mere moments since arriving via the Delta Flyer to bring the Pathfinder team together.

Voyager shared technical information of their journey to Pathfinder during the data streams. But not the mobile emitter and some of its newest other enhancements.

The transfer of the Doctor allowed everyone standing, a chance to witness some of the future brought back.

“How long can the device maintain a holographic image before it needs recharging”?

“Oh, I don’t usually wear it for long, but on one away mission, I wore it for three years without it needing power, it’s also been used to power other larger, more considerably demanding devices in short bursts”.

“Voyager left Federation territory for seven years, I don’t understand”, enquired a Vulcan female, Reginald knew her as Ensign Lattl.

“On Stardate 53502.3 I beamed down to a planet that, shall we say, didn’t operate in normal space-time. My three years turned out to be a mere eighteen minutes aboard Voyager”.

“Wow”, said an engineer. “This Mark 1 is so compliant compared to previous ones.

  The Doctor taken aback against the remark, replied in a cordial, defensive tone, “Well when it comes to personal interactions, I’ve been allowed to expand my capabilities.

“That’s a shame then, I’m being reassigned tomorrow”.

“That’s double unlucky, because you’re also not allowed to discuss with anyone outside Pathfinder what we’ve received from Voyager. Is that understood”?

“Yes sir”!

“But if you still want to indulge yourself, I won’t mind if you continue to probe our updated Mark I friend here”.

“Thank you sir”.

Pete Harkins, the Commander managing Pathfinder cut through the group huddle to reiterate the requirements of the transfers from Admiral Paris. He placed himself at the front of the Doctor and Barclay.

“You’ll be happy to know you’re stuck here with me, Reg”.

“Tha, thank you sir”.

“No thank you about it, we should be thanking you. Our efforts have paid off because of you. By the way, Admiral Curry will arrive tomorrow to assume command from Admiral Paris. We need to prepare a presentation for him by 09:00 hours tomorrow. Are you up for it”?

“Certainly sir”.

Pete handed Barclay a PADD with the same report made by Seven and Icheb. He informed Barclay it would be useful for his presentation.

“Doctor, good to meet you, we would appreciate the help since you’re with us now”.

“I’d be happy to sir”.

The engineers, technicians dispersed from the lounge area as Commander Harkins tasked them with the department’s reorganisation.

His interruption gave the two friends a moment of privacy with Mr Barclay asking the first question.

“You liked the attention didn’t you”?

“Well, let’s just say, it makes me feel like I’m contributing”.

“Come now, you enjoy an audience”.

“I admit, but I do think I have a lot to offer, especially beyond having better manners”.

The doctor paused and then expressed an issue.

"Though I did notice nobody asked anything about me, just the emitter". 

"Oh, well, this group isn’t well experienced in holo-tech, I'm kind of the resident expert. And you have to admit, that device and a dead Borg drone from the future is attention grabbing". 

Wanting to believe his comrade, the Doctor supposed as much.

“Oh, speaking of holo-tech, do you want to see my work area? It's Lewis Zimmerman approved"?


Couple of things going on here, the beginning of the Barclay/Doctor bromance, the questionable nature of the future tech and the way the Doctor is viewed as a programmed hologram, not a sentient life form.

The opening of the scene begins in the same way the scene did in episode 1 when Mile's O'Brien asks about the storage capacity being equal to a star ship. It's going to pop up a few times as a comment on how people's firsts reactions are usually quite similar.

Very technical scene and deliberately so, with lots of questions being asked, which the Doctor replies by spitting facts, making him on a certain level - true and quite real.


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