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Showcasing a scenario play out involving elongated dicks and big tits.
I know this is perhaps one of the weirder pieces I've made, but can't deny the sexual tension that is very much present in this room!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Yet another piece that is as beautiful as it is teasing... and again I hope to reach the mighty ones attention with my plea for a follow-up. But will it be enough?! Only time will tell...


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I hear ya, I know many of my other pics have been left open-ended for possible sequels, and I wanted to work on them as a theme for this month, but I have other pics in the works that are all new, so I think next month will serve as the perfect month for sequels/continuations of other pics, but I will still try to offer some this month, just need time to plan em out and work on em.