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Check out the discussion HERE: https://youtu.be/1CRm7g-tOEA

I remembered seeing an R rating on IMDB when I was looking at this series and thought, "Why is it rated R?" lol I guess I sorta see it.

Watching this on Crunchyroll.



William Pina

After a strong first episode and a kinda meh start to the journey with a yuribait 2nd episode, I was a little worried about the path this series was taking. But this episode gave me what I wanted. An exploration of this world almost from a 3rd person perspective. A lot of people dropped the series after this episode and there was a lot of hate on twitter towards Elaina because she didn't return to warn the town or took it upon herself to destroy the evil plants. People did not seem to get what the series is about, and were expecting the shounen route.


I can understand getting mad at that haha, but she made a promise! Either way, she's just a tourist, not a resident of that country :L No need to get involved.