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I thought Whisper You A Love Song was coming out Winter, but NO! It's coming out in Spring! WAH!

Anyway... there's not a lot of anime I want to watch for Winter, so feel free to leave any season or non-seasonal show in the comments.


- The Dangers in My Heart S2

- The Apothecary Diaries (Continuing)

The MAYBE list

- A Sign of Affection (Yubisaki to Renren) - I read a little of this a couple years ago, and sorta stopped because I didn't want to get into any drama stuff, but I don't think it's a drama... probably

- The Witch and the Beast (Majo to Yajuu) - Urban fantasy. It's the biggest reason why I'm potentially interested in it lol

- Metallic Rouge - It's an anime original, so I'm willing to give it a go

- Tales of Wedding Rings - It's from the same creator of Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, and I've read the manga bit many years ago, so I'm interested to see how it goes

- Dungeon Menshi - Leaning more towards not, but adding it here to consider lol

- Doctor Elise - EEEEHHH... maybe not? But we'll see.

That's pretty much it lol. I know that I tend to add any yuri anime onto the list because I feel is my duty to watch all the yuri, but I've grown out of Gushing over Magical Girls and now I find it a bit... 😬 oof! I like the BDSM aspect... I don't like that it's middle schoolers in said BDSM scenarios...

LOOK, middle schoolers, you do you 😂 I just don't wanna see it.

I also thought about adding Chained Soldier, but after seeing the trailer and thinking more about it... I think I'd rather keep reading ecchi and not watch ecchi lol.

I'll get the definite list out by next week.


Horsy Bread

i'm looking forward to "Fluffy Paradise", "Gushing Over Magical Girls", "Whisper Me A Love Song". if "Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week" gets adapted into anime, i would love to check it out.

Ferdinand Hernando

For my winter anime, I curently have Sign of affection and 7th time loop. I'll have to check the list more properly to see if I can add more. Btw any update about Dark Gathering?


I planned on starting it Winter, but with The Apothecary Diaries being 2 cour, I have to put it on the down low and then see if there's interest in it on YT later