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Check out the discussion HERE: https://youtu.be/5Ofoh1XCbBM

Head over to 7:22 for the reaction because I just ranted about my schedule lol.

Watching this on Crunchyroll.

Check out the note:




I do think that if you want a schedule that isn't just "Get whatever's most popular out ASAP", it is better to set that standard early on, rather than trying to change it later after your community has already gotten accustomed to same day/ASAP releases. I really enjoyed this episode. The whole mini mystery was pretty fun, and it had a very wholesome ending that I liked, while also showing how that kind of "true love" is something that the concubines can't really have, being subservient to the emperor.


Yeah, I get that. I mean, I'm sorta pushing a few anime this season to not be same day and it's still doing fine. It's not that I'm going to make an immediate switch when it happens, I'm gonna ease into it. The only thing that's not going to change is Patreon gets same-day release. I thought this EP was alright. Didn't really hit me as much, but I def enjoyed EP 4 a lot more haha.

Horsy Bread

i'm really liking this anime, it's smartly written.