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Check out the discussion HERE: https://youtu.be/tDVRrenIoEA

Ow. Me hurtie. Anyway, skip to 3:24 to get to the reaction.

Watching this on Crunchyroll.



Horsy Bread

anxiety is body's way of telling you to do drugs


I did like how when Rae was dragging Claire to Thane (8:44 in the episode), Claire is caught off guard and calls Rae by her actual name (And even uses the "chan" honorific in Japanese, which is a little more subtle for Western audiences as they aren't translating that), which shows that she's kind of going out of her way to keep calling her commoner all the time. Combined with the pause and blush at the end of the episode before she answered, it tells a good story. And I remember reading a comment on last week's video on how Rae's apparently-more-extreme-in-the-anime personality might make the conversation that was going to (And did) happen this week a bit more awkward, as they did sorta give Claire a legitimate reason to be on edge around Rae with the first couple of episodes, but I think they still did a solid job of conveying the overall message. Not that I feel that I'm the most qualified speaking on the subject and if it feels "forced" or not.


That's a good catch! I think they did a good job on it, and I like that they didn't go for Rae telling us the story about her experience (as she did in the LN/WN) and instead chose to show us it in a flash of her previous life.