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It's that time of the quarter again. So after the rather grueling race of doing multiple anime and somehow hitting hour long videos towards the end... I was glad to see that I didn't have a lot of anime that I wanted to watch for the summer lol.

FALL on the other hand... oh boy.

So here's what's coming down the pike!

Note: I'll try to do same day, but there will be times when I don't release same day.

 - The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses (Tuesday)

 - Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon (Wednesday)

 - Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Sunday)

 - Skip and Loafer (Once a week)

 - Yuru Camp S2 (Once this is finish, will be doing another community poll)

What are YOU watching for Summer?

Depending on how I feel, I might add another show whether it's seasonal or non-seasonal.



I was looking at the Spring Season Schedule and laughed at what I wrote towards the end where I said I know I'll regret my decision.


Enjoy the hopefully lighter schedule for once. :P Fall do be looking pretty stacked. I know I personally already have 11 anime on MAL scheduled for Fall and I know there's gonna be more added as we get closer. >_> The vast majority of the anime I'm most looking forward to Summer season are sequels/2nd cour or manga I'm already reading in the case The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses. Really glad to see The Duke of Death and His Maid back as I really enjoyed S1 a couple of years ago and held off on the manga because S2 got announced, and I'm apparently in the minority of people that ended up enjoying Spy Classroom quite a bit, hah. Of the anime that don't fall into the above two categories, the one that piqued my interest most was Liar Liar just based on the trailer and synopsis, and there're barely any chapters available to read online. Actually pretty excited for that one, so I'll see how it goes. And I decided to check out Synduality on a whim because there's also a Bandai Namco game releasing at some unknown point and it has a solid studio behind the anime.