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Check out the discussion HERE: https://youtu.be/bamkB0YMtXE

OMG! The answer was in the TOMATOES all along! x2

Also, I should've guessed that the SAL would already have their own WMD.

Watching this on Crunchyroll.

Here is the note:




Pleasedon'tkillEl5nPleasedon'tkillEl5nPleasedon'tkillEl5nPleasedon'tkillEl5nPleasedon'tkillEl5n The Schwarzette is probably my favorite looking Gundam in this show. Love me a good One Winged Angel aesthetic. You know, regardless of what happens to anyone in this final episode, no one can complain the yuri was bait in this series. :)


well... on the bright side (if it happens), maybe he can be together with Norea LOL For sure! I hope we get to see them have their vacation on Earth at least haha

Horsy Bread

at 12:30 it was very nice of Guel to let his brother win. at 14:00 i wonder if Lauda had a massive nosebleed seeing his brother get covered by white stuff. but seriously, i really didn't see anything (yet) that explains why calibarn is considered to be a monster. it allowed to Suletta to keep pace with Eri but nothing else.