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Hey! 2022 is ending, so that's fun. I just wanted to make a little year in review on Patreon and what I feel I did good or wrong. I'm also looking for feedback about the Patreon, so I'd be happy to hear it 🙂

I also wrote a year in review for my YT channel. 

How do you feel about the watch-a-long?

I've been trying to make things more convenient to keep things in sync. I add in where I'm watching in the post's description; I have at least three sync points in the EP (the beginning, after OP, and middle).

I honestly feel like the timer is useless, but I have it there to fit in with the whole watch-a-long format 😂.

Have you had an alright time syncing with my reaction? Or is there something that needs to be improved?

How do you feel about the upload "schedule"?

I put in quotes because the schedule is really more like a suggestion. Perhaps that's just my own way of not feeling super stressed out if I miss uploading a seasonal on the same day.

Especially this month and last where I feel like I'm a day or two off with the seasonal. I just want to let you know that the video will come out within the week, if it doesn't come out the same day.

How do you feel about the change in format (PiP to watch-a-long)?

So one of the big change I made this year was to switch from PiP to watch-a-longs. Gotta say, I'm much more of a PiP fan because it's so much more convenient, but I am thinking long term. Eventually, streaming sites like Streamable will take a hit and they will have to conform to copyright laws. The same goes with Patreon's own video player.

The other reason I didn't want to continue with PiP was because I'd have to pay for more storage and Patreon currently isn't paying the bill for it. Yes, I know Patreon has its own video player, but I'll redirect you back to my first point.

What do you think about separate posts for Discussion and Full Length?

I've been thinking about separating the discussion and full length, but at the current moment, I just want it for aesthetic purposes. Eventually, when I make a new tier, I might separate them, but I just wanted your opinion on it.

Are you indifferent about it?

The reason why I make it where you gotta click on the link to go to the discussion is because YouTube. That's just how it works. If you watch an embedded video from Patreon, it won't register your YT account so the next time you see my video on your homepage (or etc) and you don't click on it, YT will assume you're not interested in the video. And thus, hurts the video's CTR.

So by getting you to directly click on the link, it'll at least let YT know that you are interested in the video. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

How do you feel about the inconsistency?

I started with PiP; then I changed to watch-a-long; then I decided that the previous shows that were PiP, I'll continue it in PiP; then I said there were some shows that I'll do PiP (a la old shows that aren't on legit streaming sites).

A little inconsistent, don't you think? At the very least, I have a hybrid format now lol.

Future Plan.

Next season, I'll be switching from YouTube to the Patreon video player. During my reactions to Lycoris Recoil, I noticed that someone might've leaked the link to others who aren't a part of my Patreon. To which... good for them 😂.

But I'd say you gotta work for free shit! Just getting a link and handing it to others? That's too easy! 😤

Now, in the off chance that it wasn't leaked by a Patron, then this means YouTube is recommending unlisted videos to people. So I'm switching for security purposes.

And... that's about it.

Thank you for being here, even if you're only here for the month 🙂

Here's to another year! 🥂


William Pina

The only problem I have with syncing HSG is that you're watching on Blueray and I'm watching Netflix and the Netflix version has these pauses and additional in-between cards that add a few seconds after the OP and the mid episode break. But it's a minor inconvenience at worst


Can't do much when it comes to the difference between streamings sites, but hopefully you're able to re sync with the reference points :o


The current watch-a-long format has been fine to me. It doesn't take much effort to sync up for me, and the multiple reference points help on the off-chance I had to pause or something midway. Indifferent to the upload schedule. Personally, I'm in favor of whatever works for the creator, as I don't care to put pressure on them to upload at a specific time/day (More than they already might feel pressured to because of analytics and such). I think PiP is obviously more convenient since it cuts the middle-man out for both parties and allows you to pause whenever you want to take notes/comment on something more in-depth without breaking focus from the episode. That said, the reasons you mentioned for opting for the watch-a-long approach are very valid, and as I said earlier, I don't really mind whichever method you go with. Indifferent towards separate posts and I understand the problem with YouTube embedding. I do miss the golden days of embeds counting as views and being able to like a video through the embed instead of having to move to YT to do it, but alas, those days probably aren't coming back.


Thank you for the feedback! I'm thinking about perhaps putting up the entire video but blurred and with no audio as another way of syncing. I might do that one for a bit when I switch to the Patreon video player. Yeah, I feel like as long as I get the videos out within the week, it should be good, but I know some folks are very schedule-centric. I definitely enjoy doing PiP more too consider I can just pause and go back lol, but I think I'm doing pretty okay with the current setup. Alright. I'll prob keep it within one post for now and hopefully not come to regret it later lol.