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Hi. Welcome to "I talked too much this episode" part 5.

Also, I was waiting for a better sub for Komi-san because all the ones I've gotten for the "latest ep" are all Netflix subs lol. Will get Komi-san out tomorrow.


aquatope 22 full



The anime was really talking with its chest this episode, no subtlety necessary. Just start thinking more about protecting the sealife and stop poluting the water. Fuuka has been a literal angel this second half, always there when she's needed. Which is pretty often. I feel even the outfit she's been wearing for most of cour 2 really gives off that wise big sister vibe. Hey, we finally got the meaning of the name of the anime 22 episodes in. Took a little while, but we finally made it. I suppose the final episode witll probably involve the White Sand wedding then. Maybe the spirit will show back up then, since he's really one of the only loose ends that we haven't addressed during the 2nd half. Definitely doesn't seem like Udon-chan nor Suwa will get episodes centered around them. Suwa especially since you could argue Udon already had hers technically like you mentioned. At best, they might give us a 5 minute segment focused on him and his background and then move on. And I couldn't agree more when it comes to Kai. We're not getting Kukuru and Fuuka, we're not getting Kai and Kuuya, we're probably not even getting Kuuya and Kaoru. The least we can get is a proper confession from Kai before the series ends. I'll be pretty annoyed if doesn't happen, and I could easily see that happening. I like Kai (And pretty much the entire cast, to be fair), but honestly, for awhile I was hoping they'd pull the Kukuru x Fuuka trigger in the last few episodes *just* to spite Kai for doing jack-all this whole time and basically accepting his place as her punching bag whenever she needs to vent. And thinking about it a little more, even if he did confess, there's really been no romantic build-up between the two to where I see Kukuru reciprocating. Almost all of the problems she's gone through have been resolved by Fuuka. The only remotely romantic moments in the series have been between the two protags. It's not even about wanting yuri in this (totally not yuri) anime. It's about the fact that they've given almost no reason for anyone to be invested in a Kukuru x Kai ship compared to Kukuru x Fuuka beyond "It's the only one in the series that has any chance of happening."


By Udon-chan, do you mean Karin? I can't remember an episode on Udon-chan currently. Yeah, when I saw "white sand" I was like "aaahh... that's what it meant" hahaha. I like the idea of a yuri romance just to spite Kai for being passive, even though I like the guy. I don't mind if Kukuru says no to Kai, I just want the guy to actually do something xD