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It seems like I have a Patreon again (despite the fact that I said I won't have it). I am like an unfortunate goldfish who's memory refreshes every 3 seconds. Wait, no. That 3 second memory is a myth, goldfish can remember up to 3- 5 months. I am worse than a goldfish.

I'll still keep a buy me a coffee page for my writings, but I had a problem embedding non-YT videos, which was a big factor on why I moved back to Patreon.


  • Will start putting up full lengths this week (tomorrow). I've been hesitating on this, which is why there wasn't a full length immediately after the first episode. But after a lot of thinking, I decided to go for it.
  • Posting all the notes for Adachi and Shimamura (for reals this time)
  • I still got three more episodes of Shadows House I need to edit. 
  • Will record more of Shadows House and Wonder Egg Priority and hopefully finish up watching by next week.
  • I got a full readthrough done of a yuri manga (will be posting for free), but I need to record the Bad Ramblings video for it.
  • If you don't see the Bad Ramblings video next week, there will be blood >:(

That's about it. Thanks for reading :)


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