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I got a copyright strike for two EPs, which... thank goodness both those videos counted as one strike lol. Anyway, I know how these sort of companies work. They'll continue going for the other videos. I used to deal with this problem with counters, but I'm not brash as I use to be so I'd rather not deal with a potential lawsuit.

This means I've private (soon to delete to be on the safe side) all the videos. I'll upload it again on another channel and update all the links in this page.

Sucks when this series was gaining traction on my channel :x but I'm not risking it a second time for this channel LOL. We all remember what happened there...



Better to be safe than sorry, I found your channel way back during the first season of Villainess so I don't want to lose everything again 😀 They aren't yuri, but have you seen the shows the Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated (funny take on the demon girl / magical girl genre), Gabriel Dropout (hilarious character named Satania), or Asobi Asobase (just straight up one of the funniest anime ever made) - might be worth a look if you ever get holes in your schedule depending on seasonal stuff.


That's a while back! Haha. I know of those three anime, but never really found the want to watch it. Might be something I put in the community poll to see if people want me to watch.