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I've posted a couple of updates on my discord server, but since the problem is ongoing and not everyone is on it, I wanted to add a quick explanation here.

It's brain problems, as usual.  Doesn't seem too intense, as depressive episodes go; at any rate, I'm not suffering terribly from the residual problems that always come with it.  My concentration and creative ability are absolutely fried, though.  I have been working on a chapter for the last week and a half, and have about 2,000 words of it done, that's all.

I apologize for the delay.  I just wanted to make sure everybody knows I haven't forgotten to write, nor am I neglecting to.  I'm just in one of those points where it's not working well.

These things always pass, sooner or later.  I'll have the next chapter up as soon as I am able.

Thanks for hanging in there, everybody.  I appreciate you.



We appreciate you too!

Dominic Corbin

Do what you need to do! I'm not on the discord so I appreciate updates here.

Joel Tone

May it pass quickly. Don't be shy about experimenting with different approaches, you need to find what works for you.