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I hate this...

Okay, as the Avenists know, their chapter is late because I hit a really bad brain episode two days before it was due and hadn't pulled out of it in time to finish by the Friday deadline.  Since it had already been a couple of days, I figured (what with my usual rhythm of depressive episodes) that it would clear up and I could have it done in another day or two.

Since you're reading this, you probably know what happened.

I'm only just starting to pull through; I've gotten some work done on the chapter, but it's nowhere near enough, and we're now at the point where I no longer have time to do sufficient prep work to have Tuesday's chapter done to my standards even if I was able to finish Friday's in the next hour.  In the interest of not creating a domino effect of failure, this is where I have to call it.

First unplanned break of the month, woo.  I guess my "scheduled" break this time was three updates instead of two.  If (God willing) there are no further problems, Avenist chapter on Tuesday, other Scion chapter on Friday, public chapter next Tuesday.

I'm extremely sorry about this, as I always am.  I'll try to do better.



Thank you for not self destructing by trying to force it and risking the domino <3

Reed Montemurro

hey, i know i speak for the grand majority (if not all) of your readers when i say that your health is more important than getting any chapter done on a given timeline. even if i were completely lacking in empathy and compassion, it still makes more sense logically: if you don’t take care of your mental health, eventually you will either be unable or unwilling to continue writing, which would leave the story unfinished- objectively worse than a slight delay.

Thomas Verjans

For me at least, and I think that goes for many readers who have some level of experience with mental health issues, chapters are nice - chapters at the cost of your mental health are not. How are we supposed to enjoy a chapter, knowing that it made you worse instead of better? The best ones are often those where you’re in top form anyway. A set schedule is important and necessary for structure, but deviating from it when necessary is a lot better than trying to stick to it at the cost of everything else. Take care, do what works and what would help you, and don’t beat yourself up over doing what’s necessary. We’re still here, and I at least am not leaving (even if I have some catching up to do).


🧠💪, 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Take a month (or two, or three) off if you need, your mental health is more important than some chapters.


Well said. I definitely agree, take care of yourself!


Take your vitamins, exercise regularly, take care of your body or your body will continue to fail.


Pretty sure everyone would rather mourn the story than you, take whatever time you need. Your health is all that matters here.

Dominic Corbin

Take the time you need to feel better!

Patrick Sheehy

It’s fine man, takes however long as it takes. The idea that a web-serial should come out on a regimented schedule seems at odds with life and the creative process