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Hey folks.  I hate that these seem to happen every other month these days, but painful experience has taught me that leaning into this is the best way to put it to a decisive end rather than letting it stretch out into a long-term problem.

Basically I've been having mental illness-related problems which have had me running late on the highest tier backer chapter for the last week or so; today was my best opportunity to catch up, and today has been a complete loss due to a combination of physical and mental health issues that are feeding into each other such that not only have I lost any productivity for the day but I clearly need to take a short break and focus on my health for a little bit.

The missed update for Avenist (highest tier) backers is Tuesday (today); the missed update for other Patreon tiers will be Friday, and for public readers next Tuesday.

Sorry to let you down, I always hate having to do it.  I'm in damage control mode now, though.  As frustrating as this is for me, this is what I've learned needs to be done to interrupt the spiral and let me get back on track.

Thanks for your patience, everybody.


Conrad Wong

You only get one you, take care of yourself first!


Take your time, the stories you write are amazing and I for one would much rather you take the time to make sure you are doing well and tge story maintains this kind of quality!