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Incredibly frustrating development.  I was making good progress finally, but I ended up having to backtrack because what I managed to write pushed the story into a corner that cut off important future developments.  I had to toss out part of what I'd already written and now I have to take more time to retreat to the drawing board and re-plan.

The timing couldn't be worse.  I was trying so hard to catch up on the update schedule for Avenist chapters and now I can't see having this one done by next update time, let alone the last one.  

I apologize for this, but rather than let my top tier backers fall even farther behind on the rewards they're owed I'm taking a one-chapter release break.  So the current Scion chapter will go up to RR on Friday, and I will get the owed Avenist back chapter up on Friday.  For the skipped update, Avenists have already suffered it the previous date, this Friday will be the missed chapter for other Scions, and it'll be next Tuesday on Royal Road.

Again, I'm very sorry.  I'm having a real bad mental health time and this time it happened to coincide with a plotting error, with painful results.  I'm calling the break because I recognize a pattern I've fallen into before; if I don't give myself time to step back and reset, the mental strain will keep building and schedule slips will keep happening.  This should prevent that, at least, and confine it to one skipped update.

Thank you for your patience, everybody.


Ragav Kumar

I'm really happy that you've become better able to recognize these patterns before they get really bad these days. Best wishes, and see you next update, dude.


I'm fine with waiting personally. I know from experience how traitorous brains can be sometimes. Love every chapter you put out, and I'm looking forward to the next.

General Corteau

Take care of yourself first and foremost!

Mickey Phoenix

I really appreciate your hard work. I appreciate the care and the craftsmanship that you bring to this endeavor. I appreciate your unwillingness to compromise on quality. I appreciate your dedication to producing the finest quality writing you possibly can, for us to enjoy. But there's something I appreciate even more than all of those things. I appreciate when you take the time to take care of yourself. To let your mind recover. To take a deep breath, or a week's worth of deep breaths, and give yourself permission to sometimes need a little extra time and a little less stress to do your best creative work. I appreciate when you are able to exercise the self-compassion needed to take care of yourself when you are having a rough mental health time. It's a million times easier to say that to someone else than to do it for oneself; I know that from my own experience. So I will just remind you that if anyone else was dealing with what you are currently dealing with, you would be telling them that it's okay to take the time they need to get well. You would be telling them that there's no terrible rush, that it's all right to sit down and take a mental breather from time to time, that you want them to put their health and their well-being first. And that's what we want you to do. We'll still be here, and we'll still be supporting you, whenever the plotting is done, and whenever the next chapter is ready to read. There are a million cliches for this situation. Sharpen the saw. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Something about a hairy turtle, I dunno. But the truth is, even if it *wasn't* the best way to get more of your wonderful writing, we'd *still* want you to take care of yourself first. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Hey, we're not paying for a service - we're supporting you because we like what you do. Take care of yourself, OK?

Conrad Wong

Definitely this! Also have felt the pain of having to backtrack considerably (though nothing published as yet) in a story because of realizing it's Just Not Right (tm). It sucks but it feels so much better once you're on the right path again.


Understood! Reminds me of when I was working on some digital art and spent an hour re-drawing the same curve non-stop and the day after just re-drawing that layer over and over (including that first curve I wasn't satisfied with.)

Patrick Sheehy

Bro that’s life - art takes however long it takes. Please don’t feel like ya gotta push yourself to meet arbitrary deadlines


Cant speak for others obviously, but your stories are consistently great to read and think about. If you need more time to keep up that quality, then take however long you need