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The Avenist chapter I just posted will be my last one of the year as I've decided to go on my monthly writing break following this.  It's an odd time, I know, but it does encompass Christmas and New Years, and after the mess covid made of my November schedule I ended up taking the break across the month gap that time, so it has been a month.  And I appear to be due, to judge by the increasingly difficult time I'm having pushing through brainfog and stress to get my chapters out.  I'm gonna rest up and come back to launch 2023 in good shape, hopefully.  

So, next Avenist chapter will be next Friday, and the next two tiers down will cycle through the remaining two chapters I have published as normal.  Thus, when this chapter hits RR next Friday, Avenists will be reading again but public readers will have to wait a week.  

Thanks for reading, everyone.  I appreciate you all.  I hope your holidays are wonderful and that the year has treated you well.  May the next one be better for us all.


Dominic Corbin

Thank you for a great story. Seiji and Aster, and all the rest are just wonderful characters I look forward to reading more about. Enjoy your well earned rest, and I hope your holidays are merry!


We appreciate you!