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Hi everyone!  Posting a summary of immediate and future changes here.

First, I'm adjusting my current plans for the last bonus chapters.  In trying to work on them over the weekend I've been having a lot of trouble and feeling the symptoms of burnout, and it occurred to me that since I was pushing through to wrap up Book 3 I skipped my normal monthly break.  So while I'd originally planned to push out those last bonus chapters and then go on my between-books break, I'm instead going to break now, and I will post them first thing when I return after a month off, then we'll go right into Book 4.

So, I'm taking September off.  OVDT will resume with the start of October.  I'll finish the nomination/voting process for the August bonus chapter, write that and publish it in October along with the two currently still owed.  Bonus stuff will also be paused for September while I rejuvenate.

And now, future things!  There are going to be some changes when I return from break.

First, I'm adjusting my lowest backer tier from $3 to $5 per month, as discussed in my previous long explanation post and subsequent poll on the subject.  This will not happen immediately!  As I promised, that won't go into effect until after my month-long break after Book 3, so August and September billing will remain as-is.  The new $5 tier will go into effect for the October billing cycle.

Second, I am adding another Patron benefit, based on suggestions I received from my last big post on potential changes: I'm going to do a monthly AMA.  The exact details of how this will be executed I am still contemplating (suggestions and advice are still welcome) but my broad plan is to have the chances of your question being included increase with the backer tier, with Avenists getting a guaranteed answer.

Third, with the re-launch in October, I am going to be dividing my attention.  This does, unfortunately, mean OVDT updates will be slower, probably down to one a week.  I went into detail on this previously, but the short version is that this story is really messing with my mental health and making it harder, not easier, to get back to TGAB and finish it, which is very important to me.  I haven't yet decided which of my possible story options to pursue (I have several on deck), but I'm going to pick another story that is deliberately lighter and more uplifting to help ease the stress of the Seiji Grimdark Slapstick Show.

And fourth, I'm planning another mystery improvement in patron benefits which I'm not ready to announce yet because I remain uncertain whether (and how well) I can pull it off, and I do not want to over-promise and under-deliver.  I will work on that over break and see what I'm able to do.  Possibly nothing, but I'm reasonably confident I'll have something extra for you all when the time comes.  Details to follow.

That should be it for now.  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support, I will never be able to appreciate it enough.  I really hope you're enjoying OVDT; with this last book I feel like the story is finally coming into its own.


Luker number 5

Sounds good, have a great rest and see you in October

Mickey Phoenix

I'm so glad you are taking off the time you need to rejuvenate! That's really important, and I think it will do great things for you. I greatly appreciate the high-quality writing you give to us so generously. And I eagerly anticipate its return in October!

Patrick Sheehy

Have a good break! You deserve one! This just gives us readers another reason to be excited about fall!


Glad to hear you are taking care of yourself! Have a great rest

Nick Bond

Have a great break! Time for a TGAB re-read!