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Hey, folks, as you may recall I decided with the launch of Book 3 this year that I'd be taking a week off per month to prevent burnout-induced schedule slips.  As you may also have noticed, I completely forgot to do that last month.  I figured it wouldn't be a problem, I could just push through to the last week of this month and then get the schedule back on track and it'd be fine.

Yeah, so, that didn't work out.

I've been trying to write the next chapter for the last two days and producing nothing but steam and static between my ears.  Apparently I needed those breaks, and skipping one because I felt fine was pretty much the same as those people who go off their meds because their health stabilizes under them and then immediately have a relapse.  Lesson learned.

So, I will be taking a week off this month as per usual, the only different circumstances will be the lack of my usual notice and the fact that it's the third instead of the fourth week of the month, both because I've hit a wall and I need the break.

The most recent OVDT chapter will be posted on Royal Road this evening, and updates will resume for Patrons next Tuesday and public readers next Friday.  Thanks for sticking with me, folks.  It'll be worth the wait; any chapter I squeezed out right now would not live up to my standards, which is the exact thing I want to avoid.


Ragav Kumar

It's a bit like antibiotics. Even if you feel fine, you still need to continue the medication / intervention / break according to the schedule, because our bodies and brains can and will keep going a bit further than is healthy. Enjoy your break, as well as every other scheduled one, dude.


Enjoy the break!

Patrick Sheehy

Dude good for you - I love your writing and am just thankful that it’s out there at all. I don’t see this as a contractual thing where I pay X amount of money and get y number of updates. You sponsor an artist so they can make art. That happens on its own schedule!


Seriously mate, take your breaks. While I love your writing nothings worth burning yourself out over. So enjoy your time off, see you in a week.

Finn Ryan

Just a bit confused, since this is the previous months break will this mean you will be on break for two weeks or will this be the break for this month just moved up a bit? Either way take your time.