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I am having a major bad brain day and entirely failing to write.  Sorry...this is just something that happens sometimes when you try to do creative work while mentally ill.  These things always clear up sooner or later; I will try again tomorrow or ideally this evening, whenever I get another brain chemistry shift.  Sometimes a nap or a meal can help, it's weird stuff.  Anyway, I will attempt various things and have the chapter done soon as I can, but for now it's going to be delayed again.  I apologize.  

Meanwhile, I'm gonna go ahead and post the current chapter to RR a bit early so I can take the rest of the afternoon off and try to get my head back in order.


Dominic Corbin

A traditionally published author might take months or years to write a single book, and then that much again to edit and revise. What you do is just as good as any of them, and you do it a on a time crunch without a safety net. Take a break, get right with yourself, come back when refreshed.


Quick update: The delay has already been helpful because half the problem I was having was creative: I was unhappy with what little I was managing to write and forcing it was making it worse. Taking time off and stepping back enabled a breakthrough and I'm finally working with a chapter outline I am really happy with, and which I think will be a very good chapter when it's done. Episodes like that are a major reason I'm willing to make these delays at all; I never want to force out something inadequate or compromise on the quality of the story, and sometimes giving up for a little while is what it needs to overcome these hurdles. The other half of the problem is just my standard mental health troubles. Even working with a better outline that I'm happier with, I am having severe trouble focusing and even staying awake today. It's one of those depressive episodes. I have been able to get some work done, but only in fits and starts, and will continue to do so. So, chapter is coming along, still in the works, and will be out as soon as it's done. Tonight, very optimistically, probably not later than tomorrow. Sorry for the holdup and thank you for your patience.