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I have a couple of important announcements!

First of all, a clarification of how Patreon's systems work, because moving to the reward tier structure has caused some confusion.  If you're pledging above a tier amount and not getting the reward for that tier because you want to continue donating to me in that higher amount, first of all, thank you very much for your support!  But also, there is a workaround.  If you sign up for one of the tiers, it'll automatically adjust your pledge to that one.  Once that's done, though, you can manually adjust it back upward and you'll retain your tier rewards.  And have my undying gratitude!

Second, I'm happy to announce that after the big burnout disaster at the end of last year, bonus chapters are resuming and the two uppermost Patron tiers will once again be getting their promised benefits.  Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for sticking with me through this whole mess; your support has kept me fed, housed, and clothed while I recovered enough to begin writing again.

TGAB content is still, for the time being, off the table.  I need more space from that story to let the burnout abate all the way before I can go back and give it the finish it needs and deserves.  I didn't re-launch the system with the launch of OVDT both because I was easing back into working steadily, and because there was no story to speak of by that point.  Just not enough material for people to nominate bonus chapter topics from.

To recap how the system works:

On the first of the month, I'll make a post for Avenist-tier backers, to which they can reply with a comment requesting a subject for that month's bonus chapter.  I reserve the right to veto a topic suggestion, if it gets into spoiler territory or for other unforeseen reasons, but if your suggestion is nixed you can make another until we hit on one that works.

Starting one week later, a poll will be posted for Eserite and Avenist-tier backers with all the nominated bonus chapter topics to choose from.  After a week voting will be closed and the winner will be the subject of the bonus chapter I will write during the last two weeks and post at the end of the month.

The nomination post will be going up next.  I'm looking forward to getting back into it!

As always, eternally, thank every one of you for making it possible for me to do this.



This is wonderful news! Obviously I’m excited to read new material but I’m so happy to hear you are feeling even a little better.