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Hey folks.

I find myself once again at a place it seems like I've been too many times before. Specifically, the place where I recognize how many times I've been here before and what I have to do about it, that as usual I really don't want to even though long experience has taught me it's the only thing that works.

I still haven't managed to put out a new chapter because, at this point, the stress of not having put out a chapter is making me unable to work on it.

First the TGAB manuscript was much harder and more stressful and took longer than I was anticipating, and when I finished that I tried to jump right back into new content and have produced, so far, one paragraph in those...how long has it even been? Two weeks? Anyway. I should've taken a short break then to recuperate mentally, I see that now. It had just been so long since I wrote a new chapter, though, I wanted to get right back in it and now...here I am.

I'm taking this week off. Based on past experience, giving myself a little time to relax and not be responsible for Producing Output will let the tension dissipate, and let me calm down and focus and then resume work.

I will plan to publish new content starting Monday, and if anything else occurs in the interim to change these plans I'll let y'all know as soon as possible.

I know I've said it many times but I can never say it enough: I really appreciate how patient you all are while I constantly wrestle with these mental gremlins. Priority one is getting back into condition to work so you can all have the content you come here for.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon.


Mark Robert Mitchell

"Brain-Eating Weevils" Hmmmm, running for political office can be exhausting.

Robert Grimes

I just joined because I wanted to say two things: First off, this book(s)/series/etc is extremely well written. I've read a lot of books and this is easily better than a large portion of the big publishing house books. Secondly, I really wanted to recommend you check out the author Elliott Kay, particularly his book Good Intentions, https://www.elliottkay.com/book/good-intentions-erotic-urban-fantasy-ebook/, after reading Hoard I think you'd find it right up your alley.