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The short version is my apartment flooded.

The slightly less short version is that I'm fine, everything is probably going to be fine, but things are going to be upended here for a little while and I expect this to have a distinctly negative effect on my work output.

What happened is my roommate was filling her fish tank and forgot about it, and I discovered something was wrong when the water had built up enough to be seeping through the floors and soaking my carpet in the next room.

Damage is quite minor, all things considered, and seems to be confined to only the carpet. Our downstairs neighbors have been unbelievably kind about this. None of us have lost any valuable possessions and the building hasn't been damaged, we're just living in a swamp of fishwater up here because it's soaked fully into the carpets. We're not being evicted or anything, and my roommate who caused the incident has renter's insurance, so everything should be covered. At this point my only real concern long-term is that they'll raise our rent over this.

The interim solution, however, is that the building management company brought in a restoration company, who surveyed the damage and have plunked down two heavy-duty industrial carpet-drying fans, which have to run non-stop for the next three days. The one in my room is right at my desk, in the only place where I can put a desk chair.

Even that isn't completely ruinous, aside from the fact that they keep tripping the circuit breaker. I switched out my office chair for one of the lawn chairs we keep outside and I can still sit at my keyboard without getting in its way. The breeze is actually quite refreshing, at this time of year. Less exciting is that my bed is right behind this thing, and it is loud.  Roomie has already moved to the living room while her room is being blow-dried, and there's really not space to lay out a mattress anywhere else in here, so...we'll see how well I sleep for the next few days. My guess is not very. But hey, it drowns out the tinnitus, so I won't even need to play my nature sounds to sleep. Can't hear 'em anyway.

So this is not a call for help; as things stand at the moment and pending any further bad news, I shouldn't need anything. I'm just keeping everybody in the loop about the fact that shit is topsy turvy at Chez Webb right now and while I don't yet know exactly how this is going to interact with my mental illness, I am not expecting to have a positive or productive few days. Things may look different tomorrow when I've had time to get accustomed to this situation; I'll get to writing if I can. I'm not willing to promise anything, though.

Life's an adventure, eh?


Finn Ryan

Really sorry to hear that. What I get from this is that any future delays should be blamed on roomie who we now hate. Grrrr … rr? Just kidding, I hope you and her get through this with no further complications


Roomie is good people, everybody makes mistakes. Now I have something to bring up if I ever cause a disaster.

Finn Ryan

Haha for sure. One thing I’ve been doing recently was going through my house clearing out things I don’t need anymore I feel like it did wonders for my calmness. You really don’t realize how much stuff you hold onto until you do. Maybe you can use the water as an excuse to do the same. Mind you it also takes a lot of time so maybe not if you are stressed in that way.


Oh man, we had a leak at work once and they brought in a bunch of those fans. I couldn't get anything done until they finally turned into back ground noise. Took a few days. i can't imagine living with those one. Best of luck and don't worry about use.


Oh man, I had hoped your streak of bad luck would break sooner or later but it's still ongoing after all those years? Damn. Really sorry you have to go through this but at least nothing was lost. I remember when I wanted to go to the bathroom at two in the morning and was suddenly wide awake when I stood in a large puddle of cold water with my bare feet. A pipe in my upstair neighbour's bath had burst and it was all running into my apartment. The wallpaper from the ceiling was hanging down like the world's saddest flag and streaks of dirty water were oozing out of the concrete and running down the walls. On the other side of the wall, my kitchen wallpaper bulged out like it was pregnant due to all the water trapped between it and the wall. My neighbours were blackout drunk and didn't open the door, so I had to call building maintenance to shut off water for the entire building, which was huge fun for everyone in the morning. They eventually got the pipe fixed and water turned back on, but I had a huge construction dehumidifier in my bathroom for four days. Incredibly noisy and I had to empty the water tank every few hours but luckily it happened during a hot summer and I could speed things along by opening all the windows. I did turn it off at night though, it would have been far too loud otherwise. Once everything was dry my landlord had my bathroom restored to pristine and all other damages fixed at no cost to myself but it was still really annoying. I hope you won't have to live in a swamp for too long and get enough rest. Are you certain you have to keep the fans running during the night?

Russell Todd

I’d airmail you some good luck but I can’t find a postal service that can read the stamp or even see the envelope it’s on…