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Hey guys! End of the month is coming up, but BoL v12 is still very much in development. The art is at it's final stages but it is gonna need a few more weeks before the entire update is completed.

There is so much in this update along with some changes I didn't intend on making until last minute, but ended up being pretty necessary for the quality of the game. 

That being said I think it's going to be worth the wait, as it's the biggest update the game has received to date.

Any how, enough with the explaining, I got some more work to do! ;D

See you guys later, feel free to PM with any questions you may have.


Brendan Veale

These things cannot be rushed. You take as long as you need to have it completed to your ideal satisfaction. We know know the final product will be as great as it always has been!


if it's a top update we wait

John Boris

Is Bathtime 2 still gonna get an update?


All good man, take your time o7

E Poshtoll

Work takes time. Just wondering if there is a estimate of how long the wait will be