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Business of Loving | Kickstarter Q&A

It's official, the Business of Loving Kickstarter is happening. We're launching August 15th.  


A few questions you may have that I'd like to clear up first though.

Why a Kickstarter? Is Patreon not enough?

Well, yes! And no... Patreon has been an amazing way to gain consistent support for my projects, whether it be art, comics, animations, anything really.  That being said, to finish the game I really want it to be finished, I'm going to need a bigger financial push.

Over the years, this game has been off and on production due to having to work other jobs, and set aside times for smaller projects (commissions and comics, mainly) to try and keep the income flowing, as big pauses tend to lull support. I want to stop that cycle, and have one big influx of monetary support to sit down and finish this thing. I've had routes, ideas, plans in my head for years that I was afraid I'd never get to. There were a few times I was willing to give up. But it's not happening, and I'm never going to stop until this thing is done. 

Luckily, thanks to you guys, this has been the Patreon's best month ever. The support has never stopped from many of you, and I thank you sincerely. I'm going to see if we can keep the ball rolling and finally crank this out.

Okay, awesom- 17k???

The goal price is $17,000. Is that steep? Yes. Is it required? Most likely.

I'm looking to make this thing with help, and a lot of it. I'm talking background artists, coders, and guest artists. Not to mention the hired talent of voice actresses. Along with that are my own living expenses for the 2 years that I plan on cranking the game out.

That being said, I'm overestimating, probably by a lot. But, I've seen a lot of past Kickstarters fail because of underestimating time and money. I'm overestimating my deadline and goal because of this. I'd much rather under promise and over deliver.

Along with that... This game is going to take a while to work on, and a lot of effort.
There are still about 23 major updates planned, that will have at least 30 scenes each. The math there is about... Around 700 images drawn, and that's a light estimate. (That number just scared me writing it out.)

And what if this fails?

Come rain or shine, Business of Loving is getting completed. Granted, I'll be in a little more debt than I'd like, but it's getting done no matter what. Despite the pauses over the years, and some difficulties with production, I'm this games biggest fan and I want to see it through more than anything. I love my characters, I love this silly little world I've made, and I want to see their stories wrapped up.

I'll just continue as normal, comic pages and game updates every so often just as it's always been. Nothing lost, not really. But as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. This can only be a good thing, even if I do fail! Learning experiences are invaluable. (Even if it can be very painful. T~T)

What else?

That's it really. I'm starting a Kickstarter, fingers crossed it takes off. If it does, and I finish it in the planned time, I'll release it here, on Steam, and Itch.io

All Patrons who contributed over $15 dollars on the Patreon will be applicable to get the final release of the game for no extra cost. Doesn't matter what your tier is or when you did, as long as you've given over $15 lifetime contribution, the game is yours.

You grease my hands, I grease yours. ;)

There will also be some fun extras such as stickers, digital pin ups, and maybe more. Stay tuned, I'd gladly be willing to share some with you guys as well.


That's about all I gotta say I guess. As always, thanks for the support.



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