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Hey all, just a little personal post. April was not the best month for me productively, so I want to give a bit of an apology. I’m getting alllllll my shit together for May. I’m working out a new schedule with my job to be able to focus on the Patreon more, as well as just organizing myself in general.

This up coming month has a lot of goodies in store, including a comic, 2 Business of Lesbian Image Sets, and a new MILF of the Month.

Thanks as always for all of your patience and kindess. See ya’ll around!






Life is complicated, no worries. You do what you need and we'll all be here.

David Silverburgh

Someone has got fire in the eyes. Great to see you pumped up and raring to go! I do feel a little put out that you used the gif that I would have used if you didn't use it. ;)