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Hey guys! Just doing a quick check up. Months when I'm working on Business of Loving, my art output is a little low. I want to see if you guys felt like I posted enough to justify staying subscribed.

Patreon is where I make most my money now a days and I'm really trying to make it worth it so people don't leave at the end of every month. Which they are more than entitled to, I just would want my page worth it to stick around!

Anyways, let me know your opinion on how you felt this month, and feel free to comment what other content to release when not releasing a comic or game build.



Personally I’d love to read some more from your literotica!


I don't know if you sketch on your free time if you have any but I'd love to see some on here if you feel comfortable if you're worried there's not enough content either sfw or nsfw