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Hey there! Just making a quick post to update you guys!

Business of Loving v.10

v.10 is currently being worked on! I have the sound effects and voice clips for Lorraine, and some temporary ones for Lily until I find a suitable VA.

Lorraine is voiced by the wonderful @SerenaDarling3 on Twitter. She’s a real pro, so give her some love!


MomSwap won the poll, and I’m currently sketching that up. I’m excited, I’ve been wanting to do this one for quite a while! Jen and Bea are both going to have some fun.

Mom Of The Month!

Remember the time Lois Griffin won the MILF poll? Well she sure did, and I’ll have an image set out with her this soon. ;D

Guess that’s it for me! Hope to have some stuff for you guys soon.


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