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Chore Day:


So the Patreon is getting a new goal to reach! I haven't really tried and push my goals too often, but I'm getting to a point where I have to start making a little more off my art if I want it to be an actual job. ^^;

I want this to be my #1 focus, I'm currently working 2 part times right now which impedes a lot of my drawing time. So much so last month I had to take a bit of a break from drawing to juggle it all.

So, here's my goal. At $1000 a month, I'm going to dedicate time to making another animated short! For fans of Chore Day, it'll be the same characters + extras. Pretty much just a Chore Day 2!

I don't want this to come off e-beggy, just as a little incentive for the Patreon to hopefully start bringing in a little more.

Regardless, it's an amazing thing I can bring any sort of money through my art, and that is something I can't thank you guys enough for. Enough of my rant, have a good day!
