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Hey Patrons! Now that v.6.5 is out, what's coming up next?

1. Bug fixes!

So with all launches, usually come a few bugs that need a stomping. The more messages and comments I receive will help me find them and flush 'em out best I can. So v6.6 won't have new content only quality of life updates.

2. ...a break...
So unfortunately, my hands have a nice concoction of different medical issues, from carpal tunnel to locking up finger joints. While I've definitely been okay enough to draw these past months, but it's been getting difficult.  

That being said, I'm going to physical therapy for this, and it's not as bad as I first imagined. But for the rest of the month I'll be holding off from drawing.

3. Dressing Room - Animated Short!

But after that I will be working on the Business of Loving animated short! Guessing from the audio it'll be at least 2 minutes long, and a lot of fun! The voice actress Ms. Oedipus did a wonderful job. 

4. Comic?

I teased a comic a while back, and have really been itching to get back into them. It'll still take a bit but I'll get around to it!

Well, that's it for now. As usual if you have issues or questions, my inbox is always open, and I get around to answering messages ASAP! Stay safe + enjoy yourselves this summer!
