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This is a collection of flash fiction, based on reader prompts.

Contains: Breast Expansion, Rapid Breast Expansion, Breast Expansion as Weight Gain


Short Stacks

Volume XIa



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Classic one is a wish gone awry, woman wishes she had what would make her dream man instantly love her more than any other woman, poof and now you have literally inhuman tits and the back to handle them.

Contains: Breast Expansion


Be Careful What You Wish For

I’d been half–joking when I made my wish. After all, who still believes in wishes as an adult? But the weird old woman in her weird little store said she would grant me any wish. Why on earth didn’t I wish for, like, a billion dollars or something normal?

Instead, like a lovesick puppy, I made a wish about my crush, Eddie. I’ve liked him since high school, and he had a surprising glow-up while he was away at college. I know a mousy bookworm like me could never catch his eye, so I made a really dumb wish.

“I wish Eddie would see me as his ideal partner.”

So dumb. I’ve read all the stories— Monkey’s Paw all that shit. A sensible adult would know better than to believe in wishes at all, but I should have known that if a wish actually worked, it was almost certain to go terribly, terribly wrong.

So here I am, trying to drive my little compact car with freakishly huge breasts resting in my lap and pressing into the steering wheel. I really hope I don’t get in an accident with these damn things. Breasts isn’t even a strong enough word. These are boobs… tits! What’s the word they use for cows… udders!

They’ve been slowly but steadily growing since I made that stupid wish. I circled back through the mall to try and make the weird old lady undo it, but the whole damn shop was gone! Vanished! It’s like I’m living in some very poorly written story…

Well, at least Eddie’s ‘dream girl’ apparently has back muscles strong enough to carry these ridiculous things. But did he have to imagine them so sensitive? I’m so hot right now I’m gonna have to get my car detailed, to say nothing of these jeans. I’ll have to burn them; I’ll never get the smell out.

I probably double–parked when I pulled up to Eddie’s building, but I didn’t care. I marched confidently up to his door and rang the bell. I had to freakin stand sideways to reach the thing.


“Hi, Eddie.” I thought he was hot before. Now, I was seconds away from jumping his bones.

“You –uh– look different from the last time I saw you…” He said lamely, shamelessly staring at my gravity–defying tits.

I channeled my best femme fatale. “Are you gonna invite me in or leave me standing out here in the hallway?”

“Oh, sorry!” He stammered. “Please, come in.”

I’ll admit it gave me a bit of a thrill to see him so flustered. Maybe this wish wasn’t so much of a curse after all.

As I walked past him into his apartment, my breasts very nearly brushed the doorframe. They did brush against Eddie’s chest, and my knees nearly buckled at the intense electric tingles that shot through my body.

I took a few calming breaths, then stopped myself. Too deep an inhale was liable to rip my poor tee shirt right open.

“I’ll be straight with you, Eddie, since this situation is so weird. I’ve liked you for a long time. And I wondered if you…”

“You wanna go out with me?” He asked.

“Well, I was gonna say ‘fuck me,’ but we can take it slow if you prefer?”

Eddie smiled shyly. “I don’t mind taking it fast if you don’t.”

“I didn’t think you would…”

I came three times before he even attempted to get my pants off.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
In modern society, you now have the ability to alter the size of your body parts through special cosmetic chemicals; a woman falls into breast growth formula during a factory tour.

Contains: Rapid Breast Expansion


Charlotte and the Cosmetics Factory

Charlotte bounced with giddy excitement. She’d found a platinum ticket that won her a free tour of the Madsgenix factory! She’d heard stories since she was a little girl about how, decades ago, a mysterious woman founded Madsgenix and changed the world of cosmetic body alteration forever. The ticket gave her a plus one so of course she invited her girlfriend, Josey.

“I know you’re excited about this, Charlotte, but isn’t it just going to make you more disappointed that girls like us can’t afford these fancy pants growth products?”

“Don’t be such a downer, Josey. Plus, we’re gonna get free samples at the end of the tour!”

Josey just rolled her eyes. She was more than content with bionic tattoos and similar upgrades that were available to the commoners like them.

A middle-aged woman in a purple tuxedo led them through the factory. There were many boring areas where scientists mixed chemicals that all looked the same.

“Now for the exciting part— product testing and quality assurance!”

The tour guide flung open the double doors and led the group of twelve into a hallway lined with large windows. In each was a woman or man (mostly women) being measured and observed as they sampled various Madsgenix products. A woman swallowed a pill and grew six inches taller. Another spread a cream on her arms that made them form muscle tone within seconds.

Charlotte watched each transformation with rapt fascination.

At the end of the hallway, they entered a massive open warehouse with big vats of different colored chemicals.

“As you all know, the earliest versions of Madsgenix products were diet and metabolism modifiers. They required the consumption of calories for a woman to enlarge her breasts. This year is the twentieth anniversary of Madsgenix’s first true body mod chemical— Serum 628, or as you all probably know it, BustTonic.”

Charlotte’s eyes took on a crazed gleam as she stared down at the enormous vat of BustTonic. The tour was moving on, but she was frozen in place.

“This way, please, watch your step on the catwalk.”

Josey tugged on her girlfriend’s arm.

“Charley, they’re leaving; let’s go.”

Charlotte was in a trance.

“Just look at it, Josey… just a sip of that stuff, and I would finally have boobs!

“Yeah, well, that stuff costs like five thousand credits an ounce. Come on!”

Charlotte was leaning her wispy body against the railing now, leaning further and further out over the bar.

“Stop that you’re gonna fa—“

As Josey stepped beside Charlotte and attempted to pull her back, the chunk of railing snapped free, and the blonde girl tumbled off the catwalk. Josey just barely managed to keep her footing as she watched her girlfriend fall in slow motion—directly into the vat below.


Charlotte’s head popped up, and she treaded water—or BustTonic.

“I’m fine!”

Charlotte wasn’t quite “fine,” however. Josey watched two orbs of flesh sprout from her girlfriend’s chest. Within moments, Charlotte didn’t have to tread water; her breasts were keeping her afloat.

“Charlotte, get out of there!”

Josey’s cry fell on deaf ears as Charlotte stroked the expanses of a pair of breasts bigger than the rest of her body, shuddering in orgasmic rapture.

“I don’t think that tour guide’s going to be happy about this…” Josey said to herself.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Spoiled rich girl with a kind heart utterly being confused by the concept of a woman below DD.

Contains: Breast Expansion as Weight Gain


Let Them Eat Cake

Queen Marie, First of Her Name, Protector of the Realm, Fairest among Women, sat in her private dining chamber popping rich, delicate cakes into her mouth. She wore a thin circlet of gold, and her auburn hair was done in flawless ringlets. A perfectly fitted gown hugged the expanse of her breasts as the royal mounds spread across the table further than the queen could reach. An attendant stood next to the young queen, handing her fresh plates after each delicacy was devoured.

“My queen?”

A middle-aged woman with a simple gown encasing her H–cup breasts. Marie smiled sweetly at her Hand.

“Good morning, Lady Alice!”

“Good morning, Your Highness. You have a meeting with your small council in an hour, but I’d like to review some more pressing issues with you first… if you’ll permit me.”

“Of course!” Marie smiled through her latest mouthful of cake.

“There is another rebellion in the North, though I daresay Lord Darius has that well in–hand.”

Marie nodded and stuffed another cake between her perfectly straight teeth.

“And there are reports of increased banditry along the coast road, but we have coin enough to double the guards on the tax collector’s wagons.”

Marie nodded again, chewing thoughtfully.

“Finally, there is an issue of grain and other food supplies in the capital. We are getting complaints from commoners… and even some of the lower nobles.”

“Oh, dear. What are they saying, Lady Alice?”

“Well, there is food enough for the men, the laborers, to keep their strength up. But the women in particular are complaining that their clothes are growing loose.”

“Loose? –homf– I don’t understand…”

“Their breasts are diminishing, My Queen. There are reports that some of the baronesses have dropped below C cup, even down to B.”

“C–cup?” Asked the young queen, who had never seen a woman below an E. Even the most waifish of her Royal Court were generous F cups.

“The size of lemons, Your Grace.”

Marie nearly dropped the square of lemon cake in her hand.

“What!? These are women grown?”

“Yes, My Queen.”

Marie paused in the act of biting into the cake.

“But how, Alice? How can a woman’s breasts be so small?”

“They are not eating enough, Your Highness.”

Relief washed over the queen’s face.

“Can’t they just –scarf– eat more?”

“That’s just it, My Queen. With the riots in the East and the supply wagons being intercepted by bandits, there isn’t enough grain coming into the city.”

“Hmm… grain?” Marie murmured through a mouthful of cake.

“Yes, Your Grace, grain. Without enough grain, there is not enough flour for bread. Some of the peasant women have no bread and have diminished even smaller, becoming completely flat–chested.”

Marie choked on her next bite. Her attendant moved to aid her, but she waved the woman off.

“Flat!? Like a man??”

“Indeed, Your Grace.”

Queen Marie screwed up her face. It was taking all of her limited mental capacity to process this notion. Then her face lit up, and she smiled, proud of herself for having found a simple solution to this truly tragic situation.

“If there isn’t enough bread…” the Queen said, plucking a square of chocolate sponge from the plate held out to her, “they should just eat cake!”



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Villainess makes a device that instantly steals all the boob size from all the women in the city and gives it to her in an instant.

Contains: Breast Expansion


Rounding Error

Morgan stirred the bubbling cauldron with a huge spoon, dropping in bits of ingredients as her minion handed them to her.

“How long will it take to work, Mistress?”

“The effect should take but a few moments, Wendy. Soon, the excesses of bust hoarded by the women of this town will be mine!”

Morgan stepped into the natural spotlight created by the full moon through the high tower window. Her wide-brimmed hat cast a shadow over her face, but her eyes glowed in the moonlight. Her black robes fell flat over her gangly form, and the white lace covering her chest was like a doily on a side table.

“No longer will Morgana, Last Daughter of the Fae, be scoffed at and derided by the lowly peasants of this land! When my mortal body has bloomed to full ripeness, my beauty will be undeniable! Knights and Lords will prostrate themselves before me! Verily will they shower me with their gold for just a chance to look upon my glorious bosom!”

“Yes, Mistress…” Wendy added, bowing so low her head was almost on the stone floor.

Morgan “tsked” and walked back to her pot. “The final ingredient, Nightshade!” She barked at the portly young woman.

Wendy handed her a small bucket filled to the brim with ground powder. Morgan paused.

“Are you certain this is the right amount?”

“Yes Mistress, twelve fists-full.”

The sorceress shrugged, dumping the powder. When the reaction started, she quickly grabbed a gilt goblet and scooped out the essence of her potion.

“And now… behold!” She cried, bringing the cup to her lips and tilting her head back as she gulped greedily.

In seconds, the goblet was drained. Morgan screwed her lips and shuddered. She tossed the goblet to the floor and stepped back into the spotlight.

Morgan and Wendy watched as the sorceress’s body twitched. Flesh filled her skeletal limbs, wrinkles on her face smoothed, and her hair lengthened and shone in the moonlight. In seconds, she was transformed from a withered hag to a woman more beautiful than a princess in full bloom. More quickly than she expected, a pair of breasts the size of apples sprouted on Morgan’s chest. Her eyes gleamed as she watched the fabric of her gown stretch over their supple round form.

But they didn’t stop. They grew to rival grapefruit, then honeydew melon.


The squeak of distress from her minion drew Morgan’s attention from her rapidly swelling bosom. The chubby assistant was clutching at the loose fabric of her robe. Her handfuls of puppy fat breasts were gone.

“What have you done!?”

Morgan stepped to her spell book, running a finger down the page. Her breasts swelled into the edges of her vision as the threads on her outfit snapped, and she was left exposed.

“You imbecile!!” Morgan screamed as Wendy huddled on the floor, still grasping for her non–existent breasts.

”This says 1/2 a fist full, not twelve, you blithering fool!!”

The weight of Morgan’s breasts pulled her shoulders down. She used both arms to hold them up as she attempted to remain standing, but they were still growing. Soon, the weight was too much for even her magically–enhanced legs, and the sorceress dropped to her knees.

Filling her lap and spreading outward, the cold stone against her bare skin made Morgan shiver. She tried to push down the heat of arousal burning between her legs as she frantically flipped pages in her spell book, desperate to find an antidote. She needed to reverse this before she got too big to move.

Or before a horde of flat–chested women stormed her tower with torches and pitchforks.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Weed that makes a stoner’s tits grow. It could also be swung that instead of the weed itself making her grow, she has classic “All weight goes to tits”-itis and her first time trying weed, she gets the munchies bad.

Contains: Breast Expansion as Weight Gain


The Munchies

“Anya! Did you eat my Pop-Tarts?”

An angry female voice startled Anya awake, and she groaned. Her head felt like it was hosting a practice session for a high school drum line. Rolling back over, the blonde pulled the duvet over her head.

“And my CT Crunch!?” The voice intruded again.

Nikki shoved Anya’s door open. She was holding an empty carton of ice cream.

“Anya, what the fuck?”

–Hrrng– not so loud…”

Nikki’s anger started to dissipate, and the chubby brunette chuckled.

“Rough night?”

“What the hell was in that edible, Nikki?”

“What do you mean?”

Anya’s gorgeous face appeared as she shoved the covers down to her chin. Her mascara was smudged, but Nikki’s breath caught as it always did when she saw her beautiful roommate’s face.

“I feel like death.”

–Pfft– that’s just ‘cause you’re a lightweight.”

Nikki had hoped getting high would make her roommate a little amorous—or at least give the brunette the THC-induced confidence to confess her feelings. Instead, the busty blonde had spent the whole evening munching on snacks. An activity that apparently continued long after Nikki passed out.

Anya groaned again.

“What happened last night?”

Nikki dropped the empty carton on the dresser and walked over to sit on the foot of Anya’s bed.

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

“Um… the duel in Princess Bride?”

“Yeah, we watched that, then put on YouTube and watched cat videos and kids falling off bikes until I passed out.”

“Why do I feel like I got run over by a bus then?”

“Maybe you’re just sore from eating so much?”

Anya’s eyes went wide with shock.


“Yeah… you dug into your snack stash when we started the movie. I guess the munchies hit you hard because all my food is gone, too.”

“‘The munchies?’ I thought that was an urban legend!”

“Nope!” Nikki grinned. “Well… not everybody gets them, but probably half of people do.”

Anya’s head rolled back on her pillow.

“Nikiiiiii, why didn’t you warn me!?”

“What? About the munchies? It’s no big deal; we’ll just have to run to the store later.”

“Yeah but… my condition…”

A single bead of sweat formed on Nikki’s brow.

“What, your –uh– thing about gaining weight in your boobs? I thought that was a joke…”

Anya slowly sat up in bed, letting the blankets slide over the curve of her chest to bunch up in her lap.

She was huge.

Nikki had long admired her roommate’s impressive curves. She’d even snuck a peek at one of Anya’s bras and saw the tag: 30G

The memory of that tag had been Nikki’s companion during many long showers.

The twin melons that stretched out Anya’s tank top now were well above G cup. Nikki guessed they were at least H, if not I cup.

“Holy shit…” she breathed.

Anya clutched her chest, squeezing her newly enlarged breasts with annoyance.

“Look at this, Nikki! I’m gonna have to diet for weeks!”

Nikki found her body moving of its own volition, crawling up onto the bed and closer to her roommate.

“I really… wish you wouldn’t…”

Nikki’s hands joined Anya’s as they groped, and their lips met.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
A woman’s breasts swell up from heat, so after a day of tanning, her bikini is tighter, etc.

Contains: Breast Expansion


They Plump When You Cook ’Em

I should have known better than to tell Kyle about my secret.

But then, what was I supposed to do? He was so worried about me after that beach day. We were only out in the sun for a couple of hours, but it was over 90, and I went from my normal D cups all the way to fat round F’s. I tried to tell him it was just my Norwegian heritage being extra sensitive to the light, but Kyle wanted to take me to the hospital! To be fair, the redness of my face probably didn’t help, but how was I supposed to explain that I was just turned on and not super sunburned?

Anyway, I told him. It’s nothing to do with sun per se, but my tits swell up in the heat. The adorable bastard even remembered that stupid hot dog commercial. He also figured out pretty quickly how much I “enjoy” the experience, whether I want to or not. More than once, he used the damn heated seats in his car to resolve some argument we were having. By the time my bra hooks snapped, I didn’t even care about whatever I was mad at him for. After a few extra cup sizes, the most inexperienced virgin could make me come with a few fumbling squeezes. And Kyle is more than experienced with his hands…

I’m getting distracted again. Damn this heat.

It was Kyle’s idea to install a sauna in our place, but I’ll admit I didn’t argue too hard against it. In small doses, it was really nice— get a quick bump up a size or two, and I was raring to go. Over time, I noticed I never quite got down to my normal size. The absolute smallest I can get now is a solid E–cup, but I don’t mind it so much. They certainly come in handy talking my way out of traffic tickets.

But now here I am, stuck. I fell asleep in the damn thing, and Kyle’s nowhere to be found. I left my phone outside; the humidity in the sauna isn’t good for it, but I really wish I had it now.


I don’t even know what size I am now. My tits are filling my lap, and it’s difficult to stand. Even when I do get myself upright, I can’t maneuver to open the door without mashing my hugely bloated tits into the wall and collapsing to the floor with another earth–shattering orgasm.


It’s a good thing I’m naked in here. Nothing I own would fit me. I bang on the door, hoping that Kyle is somewhere within earshot. The motion sends my taut orbs wobbling again. The sensation is more than I can bear. The damp air in the sauna feels like a thousand warm, soft hands caressing my skin. I can feel the juices dripping down my legs, and I know I’m about to come again.

I sit back down. There’s nothing I can do. Even if I could get the sauna door open, I’m probably too big to even fit through it. I rest my hands on top of my breasts, feeling the skin get tighter as the flesh within swells from the damp heat.

I beg them to stop growing, but secretly hope they won’t.


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