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Contains: Breast Expansion


Jeanie Dreams of Boobs

Chapter VI

Once she settled into her new routine, Peyton wondered why she stayed in the same apartment now that she was making such good money. She did some searching online, and while she found some nicer places, the rent was much higher.

There’s no point in living in a building with an elevator if I have to go back to eating instant ramen.

Peyton grabbed another shrimp and dipped it in cocktail sauce. The side she’d added to her crab ravioli order cost as much as three meals from her old life. Even with indulgences like these, she was able to save and invest over half of what she earned. Peyton was on track to retire from dancing before she turned forty, with enough saved to buy and start up her own club. As the horseradish in the sauce tickled her taste buds, Peyton decided that this apartment would do just fine.

The decision was made easier by some of the side effects of Jeanie’s changes to her personal history. The cheap apartment was much nicer than it had been before. The peeling facade was freshly painted, and none of the stairs squeaked. Peyton had a faint memory of the landlady’s son coming around more, trying to hit on her. Maybe he pushed his mom to take better care of the place to impress her.

Too bad I don’t swing that way…

There was still one thing about Peyton’s apartment that she found less than ideal.

“Aha! In your face!” Jeanie cheered as Peyton’s character hit the edge of the screen in an explosive burst.

Peyton sighed. “You’re cheating.”

“What!? I am not! I can’t help that my fingers are faster than your slow mortal ones.”


Katelyn’s broom sounded through the floor.

“You could always wish to be better at this game, Mistress…”

“What I wish,” Peyton said, “is that my downstairs neighbor wasn’t such a bitch.”

“Okay!” Jeanie grinned.

“Wait!” Peyton cried.

Jeanie froze with her hand raised, and Peyton considered. Sure, she could make another wish for herself. But honestly, her life was pretty good. Sure, she could wish to be a CEO or some other kind of one-percenter, but what kind of monkey’s paw consequences would that wish cause? She’d been given three wishes, after all; why not use one for someone else?

“I can’t wish for, like, world peace or anything, can I?”

Jeanie dropped her hand back to the controller. “Unfortunately not, Mistress. I can only affect the life of an individual.”

“What if I wish for Hitler to, I don’t know, spend more time on his art?”

Jeanie quirked a wry smile. “Well, that would certainly set off some ripples. But no, that’s too far in the past. And besides, it has to be something directly connected to my Master’s life.”

“I guess that makes sense. Alright then, I wish that Katelyn wasn’t such a bitch. That we get along as neighbors. I’m guessing she’s had a pretty shitty life to make her so miserable, and you can change that?”

“Your wish is my command!” Jeanie beamed as she snapped her fingers.

Pain shot through Peyton’s head as her memories changed again. She’d assumed Katelyn was somewhere in her fifties but now realized that a lifetime of hard living and depression had aged her prematurely. The woman she saw in her new memories didn’t look a day over thirty-five.

–knock, knock–

“Come in!” Jeanie chirped.

Katelyn stepped through the door. The emaciated, knotty-haired shrew from downstairs was now a darkly beautiful bombshell. Straight black hair hung almost to her waist. Her dark eyes were warm and full of mirth. And, of course, she had massive breasts. Peyton gaped. Her neighbor was bigger than Jeanie, almost as big as Peyton herself. She wore a cream cable-knit sweater and carried a plastic food container.

Katelyn bounced across the room. “Hi, girls. I made some brownies and thought you might want some. Are you playing that game again?”

She plopped down on the couch beside Peyton, making all four breasts wobble. She opened the container and held it out to Peyton. Stunned and trying not to stare, Peyton plucked a gooey chocolate square and took a bite.

“Do you like it?” Katelyn asked.

Peyton nodded. “Delicious.”

“It’s my grandma’s secret recipe,” she said with a wink.

Peyton chewed her brownie and raised an eyebrow at Jeanie. “Boobs again?”

Jeanie shrugged. “I like boobs. Don’t you?”

“I mean, I guess…”

Katelyn held up the container again. “Of course, my little Peytikins likes boobs.” She patted the side of Peyton’s left breast. “It would be kinda weird if she didn’t.”

For a second, Peyton was shocked at the woman’s familiar touch. Then, new memories of the two of them hanging out filled her mind. She’d assumed that Jeanie couldn’t make people fall in love, but Katelyn was obviously into her. And pretty bad at hiding it. It took all of three seconds—and a few years’ worth of memories—for Peyton to decide the feeling was mutual.


Chapter VII

Peyton plucked another brownie, leaning into her neighbor as she chewed. “Thanks for these, Kate. You’re the best…”

A massive breast smooshed into a huge one, and Katelyn blushed at the contact. Her voice got quiet as she said, “I’m glad you like them…”

Peyton brushed away a few strands of Katelyn’s dark hair, lightly touching her ear. Katelyn met her gaze, then glanced at Jeanie, who was watching them.

Peyton shot Jeanie a meaningful glare.

“Huh? Oh! I think I hear my –uh– telephone!” Jeanie jumped up and left the room.

“Your roommate is kinda stra—“

Peyton cut her neighbor off mid-word with a kiss.

As she lay in bed, coming down from some of the best sex of her life—and the first she’d had in almost a year—Peyton’s thoughts wandered. She could feel Katelyn’s breath on her neck. The older girl’s hand gently stroked her breast, slowing until it stopped altogether, resting on the fat lobe as she fell asleep. Some part of Peyton thought it was a pretty convenient loophole for Jeanie to make them fall in love by rewriting their backstory. But once again, it felt so damn good that she couldn’t bring herself to be upset about it. She remembered months of Katelyn doting on her like an older sister, and the woman had spent the last hour worshipping Peyton’s new body. She was the most attentive and generous lover Peyton had ever been with by a fair margin—not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. As she drifted to sleep, Peyton completely forgot she had one more wish left.


Jeanie gave the couple space for the first week. Katelyn came up every evening bearing cupcakes, cookies, dips, and even homemade donuts. Peyton was surprised at how much food she was able to put away, but when she went to work, she never had any trouble fitting into her various costumes, so she figured Jeanie was right about the workout she got while dancing.

Sometimes, Katelyn would stay in the apartment hanging out with Jeanie until Peyton returned in the small hours. She seemed completely unfazed by the genie’s presence or the small magic she sometimes did, moving an ottoman closer or refilling a glass. If Katelyn was still there when Peyton got home—which was most mornings—they gleefully jumped into bed together, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms.

One morning, Peyton heard Katelyn behind her whisper, “Oh, hi, Jeanie…”

She rolled onto her back to see Jeanie snuggled up against Katelyn’s back, a hand resting just below her left breast. “Sorry… she does that.”

Katelyn grinned. “I don’t mind being the meat in this sandwich. But you better not try anything. I’m a one-woman girl.”

“I’ll be good,” Jeanie promised. “I just like cuddling with huma—pretty girls…” Her fingers pressed into Katelyn’s flesh, softly kneading her ample breast. “Is this okay?”

Katelyn’s cheeks darkened, but she nodded. “I suppose… though if you get me worked up again, I’ll have to kick you out so Pey and I can go another round.”

Peyton rolled over and laid her head on the pillow. She pulled Katelyn’s hand back on top of her massive breast and held it there. “Goodnight, you two.”


Chapter VIII

Weeks became months. Peyton danced, made money, ate, made love to her girlfriend, and slept. Willow started coming over to hang out so they’d have a fourth for games, and life was good.

Peyton passed her tiny kitchen and saw Jeanie carrying a tray of cocktails. She checked that the other women were out of earshot and said, “Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, Mistress!”

“How come the other girls don’t notice you doing magic?”

“Oh! It’s just like the wishes, Mistress. Has anyone you knew before noticed the changes from your first wish?”

Peyton thought about that. Ms. Abernathy hadn’t batted an eye when she knocked on her door and paid her in a stack of five-dollar bills. She’d gone to her old work with Willow once, and the few servers there who knew her hadn’t commented on her gigantic rack.

“I guess not.”

“You’re the only one who can tell because you’re my Mistress.”

She noticed for the first time that Jeanie only called her “Mistress” when the others weren’t around. Most of the time, she acted like a roommate. Well, a roommate who kept the apartment clean and brought her anything she wanted, often without being asked. She told Willow and Katelyn that Jeanie was her friend and was starting to think that wasn’t a lie.


“Yes, Mistress?”

“Would you call me by my name?”

–Um– If you like, Miss–er– Peyton.” Jeanie’s cheeks flushed.

“I think I’ve decided what I want my last wish to be.”

“Oh!” Jeanie set the tray on the counter. She clasped her hands over her waist and smiled up at Peyton expectantly. “Of course!”

“I wish for you to be free.”

Jeanie’s eyes went wide, and her brow crinkled. “You… you wish for me to leave?”

Peyton took a step forward, momentarily forgetting her size as her enormous breasts bumped into Jeanie’s large ones. “No, no! That’s not what I mean. I want you to be able to choose. You’ve been living here with me like a maid, waiting for me to make my third wish. And my life is so perfect now. I can’t think of anything more I want for myself. So I want you to be free. That’s what I wish.”

Jeanie looked down at her feet. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have me, say, give Willow some nice big boobs?”

Willow called from the other room, “What was that?”

“Nothing!” Peyton called. Turning back to the genie, she said, “I’ve made up my mind.”

“Can… can I still stay here?”

Peyton scowled. “Is there usually this much bargaining with magic genie wishes? Of course, you can stay— if that’s what you want.”

Jeanie hopped on her toes, clapping. “Yay!”

She snapped her fingers, and Peyton felt… nothing.

“Did it work?”

“Of course! Well, I can’t truly free myself. But I bound myself to you. Now, I won’t be able to be claimed by another Master as long as you live.”

“What!? That’s not what I—“

“Are you guys coming or what?” Willow called. “We’re gonna start it without you!”

Katelyn scolded her, “Don’t say that. No, we won’t, hon!”

Jeanie grabbed her tray, and Peyton followed her into the living room. Peyton sat beside Katelyn, who popped a mini cupcake into her mouth. Jeanie wrapped an arm around Willow. “Are you sure you don’t want me to give her just a little boost?”


Jeanie’s eyes gleamed.

She snapped, and Peyton watched Willow’s tiny lumps swell into plump grapefruits, stretching her red anime tee. She was still the smallest of the four of them, but on her tiny frame, her boobs looked massive. Jeanie squeezed Willow’s chest together, fondling her with delight.

“Just look at them! They’re so cute!”

“Oi!” Willow laughed, swatting Jeanie’s hands away. “No free touches, blondie!”

Peyton sighed. What chaos had she unleashed on the world by freeing a boob-obsessed genie? Although, if Jeanie was still bound to her, at least her mischief couldn’t be too widespread. She sat back on the couch, propping her feet on the ottoman and letting Katelyn lean into her shoulder. As the movie started, Katelyn held up another mini-cupcake, and Peyton opened her mouth to accept the offered sweet.

“Those are good, aren’t they?” Jeanie asked. “Katey uses extra butter to make them so tasty.”

Peyton nervously swallowed her mouthful of chocolate and sugar. She was suddenly aware of all the extra snacking she’d been doing since Jeanie came into her life. The weight of her massive breasts seemed to increase, and she felt a soft pop—a button lept from her shirt to plink off the coffee table and onto the floor.

“Don’t tease her,” Katelyn said to the blonde. She ran a hand lovingly along the curve of Peyton’s breast. “I can’t have my growing girl wasting away…” She lifted another cupcake to Peyton’s lips.


When Peyton opened her mouth to scold the genie, Katelyn stuffed the cupcake into it.

Jeanie grinned smugly. “Shh! It’s starting; no talking!”

Peyton pouted while she chewed.


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