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Kinktober prompt:
College Professor/Student

Contains: Breast Expansion


Kinktober 19 - College Professor/Student

I thought I was lucky when Doctor Katelyn Delacruz let me retake a failed exam. I felt like the gods had smiled on me when she agreed to extra tutoring. I knew I was blessed when all it took were a few “gifts” to earn both of these opportunities—I’m much better at baking than calculus. The fact that Doctor Delacruz was the sexiest professor in the entire faculty was a nice bonus. I was a little uncertain when—after an entire semester of my bribes—Doctor Delacruz started to gain weight, but most of that weight settled in her magnificent breasts, so I considered it a win.

I knocked on the slightly opened office door. “Doctor Delacruz?”

“Come in!”

Her face broke into a wide grin, and her eyes sparkled. It made my blood rush to think she was as happy to see me as I was to see her. Eyeing the door, she undid another button on her blouse. From this angle, her tits looked as big as her head, and I had to force myself not to stare.

I set the tin of cookies on her desk. This was no assorted cookie tin like grandma keeps sewing notions in; this tin began its life filled with popcorn. Now, it held dozens of my homemade cookies. Chocolate chip made with extra butter—dipped in milk and white chocolate.

“Are those… for me?” Doctor Delacruz asked.

She liked to play these little games, pretending we didn’t both know exactly what was going on between us.

“I’ve been practicing for the holidays,” I lied. “I thought you might like a little treat while you’re grading exams.”

“That’s very sweet of you.” She opened the tin and plucked a cookie from the stack. Her first bite was at the overlap of the two coatings, and took nearly half of the cookie. She made a tiny moan of appreciation, stuffing the rest of the cookie in her mouth with two quick bites.

“It’s a good thing you came by,” She said—as if I hadn’t been here just before the end of office hours three days this week. “I was just looking at your answers on the last quiz, and I think you’re still struggling with differential equations.”

At this point, I was messing up the tests on purpose, and we both knew it. Doctor Delacruz explained the math at a normal volume, munching on cookies. Eventually, I heard the sound of the professor across the hall closing his door and walking away down the hall. Katelyn met my eyes over her glasses.

I closed her office door and turned the lock. Katelyn was already sitting on her desk, and she crooked a finger at me, pointing to her chair. My body thrummed with anticipation as I sat. Her body was so close I could feel the heat of her.

“If my peers found out about this,” she said, “I could lose my job.”

“None of my peers would even believe me,” I said.

Katelyn cocked an eyebrow as she looked down at me. “Then your peers are idiots. You could have any woman you wanted.”

“But you’re… you!” I said lamely.

“I’m what?” She scoffed, “The hottest professor on campus? Goddess of the math department? You students and your hyperbole…”

I opened my mouth, then closed it again. I literally had no response to that.

“Although,” Katelyn began, plucking another cookie from the tin bucket, “I have gotten a fair bit… curvier, since you started bringing these little brib—gifts…”

I ached to touch her, but she always made me wait. Katelyn crossed her free arm under her chest, thrusting her breasts upward so the swell of her cleavage seemed to double.

“Have I mentioned,” Katelyn said, soft and slow, watching for my reaction, “I’ve gone up three dress sizes and six bra sizes since you started bringing me treats?”

My pulse throbbed in my ears. I knew my face was tomato-red. Katelyn spread her knees, hiking her suit skirt up until I could see her black panties. She bit into another cookie and pointed.

I dove in to enjoy my “little treat.”

“I hope you’re planning on taking Calc 3,” She said, putting one of my hands on one huge breast. “I wonder how big they’ll get after another semester of your amazing baking…”


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