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Kinktober prompt:

Contains: Breast Expansion


Kinktober 11 - Superhero

In an inconspicuous apartment complex in an undisclosed corner of Gotham City, two women snuggled together in bed. One had jet-black hair, and her normally hard eyes were soft as they watched her companion sleep. The second woman was naturally blonde, but her twin pigtails—sloppy and mussed from last night’s “acrobatics”—were dyed red and black, respectively.

Harley’s eyes fluttered open to see Diana watching her. She stretched her arms above her head, letting out a long yawn. “G’mornin’ Wondy!” She nuzzled her head into the larger woman’s shoulder, wrapping an arm around Diana’s softened waist.

“Good morning,” Diana said.

“Are ya hungry?” Instead of waiting for an answer, Harley jumped out of bed. “I’ll make ya’ some breakfast. Stay right there!”

As she watched the lithe blonde prance out of the room in black and red checked pajamas, Diana laid her head back on the pillow. Clark’s Boy Scout attitude was starting to rub off on her. She still believed villains were villains, but Harley seemed more… “misunderstood” than truly bad. She was unstable and had some very bad influences, but with the right person in her life—Diana in this case—she was capable of changing.

Yet somewhere deep down, Diana had quiet doubts about Harley’s “rehabilitation.” Perhaps that was why she kept the former psychologist in this apartment, hidden away from the rest of the League. But unchained from her ex, Harley was sweet and kind; she was actually nurturing. Diana put a hand to her pudgy midsection, thinking maybe Harley was a little too nurturing.

Harley returned to the bedroom with a tray of food. Coffee, juice, and a whole stack of waffles. “Here ya go! Breakfast in bed for my cute widdle Wondy!”

Diana wanted to protest, but the smell of butter and warm syrup filled her head. She’d developed quite a weakness for the food of the outside world since her relationship with Harley became romantic. Harley sat on the edge of the bed, watching with a wide happy grin as Diana ate.

When Diana set down her fork, Harley asked, “Good, right? Want some more?”

Her belly filled with more calories than she ate in an entire day back in Themiscyra, Diana nodded weakly. Harley still had a tendency to be a little… unstable, and it was easier not to push her on these smaller quirks. The lingering taste of syrup on her tongue and her still-grumbling tummy had nothing to do with Diana’s decision.

While Harley was still in the kitchen, Diana’s communicator lit up.

“Shit!” Diana heaved herself out of bed and slid off her blue sleep shorts.

Her uniform hung in the closet. She’d been on sabbatical for almost a month, but the League was calling her back early.

Harley ran into the room. “What’sa matter, sug?”

“I have to get back to The Watchtower!”

“Aww, really? But’cha just got here!”

Diana stepped up to the shorter woman and ran a hand through her messy hair. “I’ve been here for weeks, Harley. I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?”


“Now, help me get dressed, please?”

Harley tugged the bright blue skirt up Diana’s hips as she fastened her bracers. “Hnnng! It won’t go up anymore!”

Diana clenched her lower body and reached for the skirt herself. With the addition of her superhuman strength, they got the skirt on. The golden belt was another matter.

“I can’t get it closed, Wondy!” Harley whined. The clasps behind Diana’s back were still several inches apart.

Diana inhaled deeply, sucking in her full belly. “Pull, Harleen!”

Harley squeaked at Diana’s use of her full name but pulled. She got the belt clasped, and Diana exhaled. A roll of pudge spilled over the belt on both sides and in the front, and the golden belt creaked ominously.

There was only one more piece; the gold breastplate that went over her red leotard. Diana picked it up and held it to her chest while Harley grabbed the sides from behind her.

“Uh… Wondy?”

“What?” Diana snapped.

“Can ya get it any tighta’?”

Diana pressed the armor into her chest. Her breasts were already overflowing the breastplate much more than her belly did the belt. Behind her back, Harley held the two ends of the golden armor. They were nearly a foot apart, barely reaching Diana’s shoulder blades.

“It’s no use!” Harley whined. She stepped around in front of Diana and poked one fattened breast. “That thing’s never gonna close over these babies.”

Diana looked down at her impressive cleavage. The breastplate had been tight when she last wore it, and Harley was right; it was far too small now. She tossed the armor on the bed with a sigh.

“Does that mean you’re gonna stay‽” Harley asked, eyebrows raised. “And finish your breakfast? I got lots more batta’”

Diana reached for the clasp on the suffocating belt. Maybe it was time to start pushing back a little on Harley’s “nurturing.”

After breakfast, of course.


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