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This is a commissioned story. To commission your own story check out my Patreon tiers or my Gumroad store.

Contains: Breast Expansion as Weight Gain, Sexual Acts, Polycule


Part Five

In the months following the holidays, Joseph helped Casey find a hospital whose natal unit would buy her excess milk. Using some of her share of the modeling money, she bought a state–of–the–art breast pump, and spent several hours a day emptying her growing milk tanks. Which is not to say she and her partners didn’t consume the white nectar every chance they got. A simple over–the–counter pill had taken care of Joseph’s lactose sensitivity.

“That’s it babies, drink up. Mama has plenty…” Casey moaned as she brushed her fingers through Joseph and Tina’s hair.

Their heads were dwarfed by the round sacks of tanned skin that rested on her chest, and the sounds their tongues and lips made as they suckled gave Casey almost as much pleasure as the physical sensation itself. Joseph’s lips left her swollen nipple with a loud –pop– and he sat back on the bed.

“That’s it for me.”

Casey pouted.

“Sorry babe, I need to cut back or I’m gonna have to buy all new pants.”

Casey reached down and hefted the lonely breast upward, wrapping her own mouth around the wet nipple.

“More for me then. I’ve been so hungry lately.”

She gazed down lovingly at Tina’s blonde head as the shorter woman’s full tummy pressed against her knee.

“If you’re not gonna help drink then at least get over here and give Tina some love. I’ve only got two hands.”

Joseph smiled. It had taken him some time to get used to their ‘unique’ relationship, but he found there was enough love in his heart for both women. He climbed off the bed and walked around to Tina’s side, climbing up behind her. His hands rested gently on her shoulders, then slid around to her sides, massaging her enormous breasts with big sweeping gestures. Tina moaned cutely through her mouthful of nipple and milk, and her suckling intensified.

“Woah, easy there –ahn– not so hard baby…”

Tina calmed a moment, until she felt the tip of Joseph’s cock tap against her plump rear. Casey saw her eyebrows raise. Tina spread her knees slightly, never taking her mouth off Casey’s nipple. Joseph put his hands on her waist and guided himself into her. The rhythm of his thrusting made Tina’s face mash into Casey’s smaller — but still massive — breast, and she started to suckle and gulp like her life depended on it.

“Oh! –ah– Guys… –haaaa– not so hard –ahhh!–

Casey’s moans were a blissful mixture of pleasure and pain as her partners fucked and sucked. Milk spilled from her mouth as she cried out while trying to drain the tit Joseph had abandoned. Tina’s suckling got harder and faster as Joseph’s rhythm sped up.

Joseph and Casey’s eyes met across Tina’s back. He mouthed “love you” as his hips bucked and Tina started moaning through mouthfuls of milk. Casey repositioned her hands so she could support the breast she was drinking with one arm, then reached down toward one of Tina’s enormous breasts. The nipple was just out of reach.

“Just –uhn– a little… There!”

Casey leaned her body forward, momentarily suffocating Tina with tit flesh, and managed to reach one of the blonde’s engorged nipples. Tina cried out, spilling milk all down her front. She clamped back down on Casey’s nipple, making the Latina scream herself.

“Oh god! –ahn– teeth, baby, teeth! –AH–

Tina’s mouth left her nipple, making gooseflesh pop up across the skin of her bare breast from the unexpected cool air.

“Sorry, Casey –ahh!–

Casey pinched Tina’s nipple a little harder.

“I didn’t say stop.”


Joseph came home one day to find the girls sitting on the couch. Tina had her laptop perched atop her massive breasts, and Casey was pointing at the screen.

“So here is where you set the fees for a set of photos. And you send mass DMs here. You’ll have to manage it yourself at first, but once you get enough subscribers I can hook you up with the agency that manages my account.”

“What are you girls up to?” Joseph asked.

Casey looked up at him, smiling warmly.

“Tina’s setting up her own OnlyFans!”

Joseph was confused.

“That’s great Tina! Are you… are you guys not working together anymore?”

“Of course we are!” Casey answered for her. “But we’re getting enough demand for spicier stuff that we thought it’d be better to keep the main account a little more PG. I might even do my own second account if there’s enough interest in… milky stuff.”

She smirked and gazed thoughtfully into the distance.

“Speaking of milky, I need to pump again. Unless you guys…”

“Sorry babe, I ate on campus.”

Tina looked conflicted, staring hungrily into Casey’s cleavage. She shook herself and turned back to her laptop.

“I would, but I should really focus on this. I want to get it up by Saturday.”

“That’s my good little entrepreneur…” Casey cooed as she stroked Tina’s blonde hair. “Come on babe, it’s more fun when I don’t have to reach and hold the pump myself.”

Casey hefted herself off the couch, boobs wobbling madly as they swung braless in what used to be a very baggy tee shirt.


“Alright, this should be more than enough to last you for a 90 minute stream.” Casey said, dropping a stack of takeout clamshells on the desk just out of view of Tina’s webcam.

“Thanks for helping me with this, Case.” Time smiled as she checked her makeup in the camera. The whole bottom third of the screen was filled with cleavage.

“Of course babe. What are partners for?”


Casey flushed. “Well… business partners obviously…”

Tina grinned up at her wickedly.

“Oh dios mio” Casey laughed when she saw Tina’s expression. She stepped behind the desk and bent down to kiss Tina long and hard.

“Casey…” Tina began, a little breathless, “I… I think I love you…”

“Aww! I love you too baby!” Casey wrapped her arms around the blonde. Her huge breasts mashed into Tina’s gargantuan ones.

She peppered Tina with wet kisses until the seated girl laughed and pushed her away. “You’re messing up my makeup! The stream starts in five minutes!”

Casey laughed and stepped out of the camera’s view.

“Can I stay and watch? Or will that be too distracting?”

“Probably, yeah…”

“Alright, well have fun. Come find me when you’re done, and we’ll finish our… talk.”

As Casey stepped out into the hallway, she could hear Tina starting her livestream.

”Hey guys! Welcome to my first ever mukbang stream! Wow, there’s a lot of people on already… Maverick32 thank you so much for the donation! Oh and BillieJean, MrSmith, NeoNeo… sorry guys I don’t think I can read all these names. Not if I’m gonna eat alll this food!”

Casey could picture the flood of emoji scrolling past on Tina’s stream. She went to grab her laptop so she could watch along. Joseph wasn’t home anyway and that makeout session had gotten her all worked up.

Five minutes later Casey had her hand down her pants and her laptop on her knees. She watched the screen but could hear Tina from the other room several seconds before the voice came from her laptop speakers.

”Oh man, I –homf– was worried this –ulp– sauce would be too spicy. –chomp– But the honey gives it a nice –gulp– sweet heat.”

Tina dipped chicken nuggets into a red–orange sauce, eating them whole. Two or three at a time disappeared into her mouth as she talked. Every so often she used the hand not holding the sauce cup to run sweeping contented strokes down her half–exposed breasts, emphasizing where all those extra calories were going to end up.


Several hours later, Joseph returned to find the girls cuddling together on the couch, watching TV.

“Hey, you’re home!” Tina said with a bright smile.

“Go and get changed,” Casey added, “we’re going out for dinner.”

“Oh?” He said, vaguely puzzled.

“Yeah, we’re celebrating!”

“What happened?”

“Tina did her first mukbang stream!”

“Muck… bang?”

Casey laughed. “She ate a bunch of food on camera, basically.”

Tina blushed faintly. “It went really well…” Her face lit up again. “I got over three hundred donations! Almost five hundred dollars!”

“Oh hey! Tina that’s great!”

Pepe you should have seen her… it was so hot…”

“Stoooooop!” Tina protested, face going fully red.

“Ay, chica, I’m not gonna apologize for getting turned on by the sight of you feeding these monsters.” Casey punctuated her words by squeezing a handful of flesh from one of Tina’s lap–filling tits.

“If you just ate a bunch of food, are you still gonna have room for dinner?” Joseph asked.

“Oh, the stream finished hours ago. In fact, maybe we should try a buffet?”

Dios mío…” Casey practically crawled on top of Tina to give her a long deep kiss. Using both hands she reached down to find the blonde’s nipples and squeeze them. “You’re going to get sooo big…”

Joseph laughed. “Alright, I’ll get changed. Case, get off the poor girl so she can get ready.”

“Fiiiine.” Casey whined, “You want some help getting changed, babe?”

“That’d be great.” Tina agreed. “It’s getting kinda hard for me to reach…”

Casey whimpered and bit her lower lip. “You know all the best things to say…”


The middle–aged Asian man’s eyes looked like saucers when Joseph and the girls walked into the buffet. Both were wearing custom–made bras — extra padded to prevent leaks in Casey’s case — and enormous well–made blouses. It was impossible however to disguise the sheer size of them. The blouses hung loose, but both women wore snug leggings that showed off their wide hips and round asses, so it was clear they were not fat, just a pair of very exaggerated hourglasses.

“Three please?” Joseph asked, snapping the host out of his trance.

“Ah, yes… follow me please.”

The trio considered a booth for half a moment, then requested an open table.

“As much fun as it is sitting across a booth and feeling our boobs touch, it’ll be easier to eat this way.” Casey said.

Joseph sat on one side, while the girls sat opposite each other, angled away from the table. Eating one–handed was still more convenient than dealing with a set of four massive tits covering the majority of the table.

Casey and Tina made their own first trips, and second. Then Casey went up for them both on the third and fourth, after which she put Joseph to work fetching food. The girls ate and ate, barely pausing to make conversation between plates. Whispers spread through the restaurant and by the second hour a few people stayed even though they were done eating, just to watch the spectacle.

“Excuse me, sir?”

The host approached Joseph as he was filling another pair of plates at the buffet.

“Sir, we are getting some complaints from the other guests…”

“What’s the problem?”

“Well… your companions…”

“What about them?”

“Well sir, your party has been eating for over three hours, sir…”

“Isn’t this a buffet? ‘All you can eat?’”

“Of course sir, yes, but…”

Joseph backed off a little, setting down one plate and reaching into his pocket. He produced two twenties, which he handed to the man.

“Here. Give us another half hour and we’ll be out of your hair, okay?”

The man looked like he wanted to protest further, but sighed instead.

“Very well sir. Thank you.”

Joseph carried the plates back to their table.

“Bad news girls. We’ve got half an hour.”

“What, why?” Casey asked.

“People are getting upset. I had to bribe the front desk guy.”

“Oh my god, that’s hilarious.”

“Well gimme that plate and go get some more.” Tina ordered. “If we’ve only got thirty minutes I wanna make ‘em count.”

Casey picked at her own plate, having clearly reached her limit some time ago. “How are you still going so hard, chica?”

“I think that mukbang –chomp– stretched me out. I have sooo much more –nom– room now…”

Dios mío…” Casey moaned softly. “Get her more food, Pepe. I’d help you if I wasn’t too stuffed to stand…”


The thruple lay together in bed, panting in the afterglow of another marathon love–making session. The girls laid on either side of Joseph, huge and massive breasts just touching over his chest.

“Hey, Tina…?” He began.


“Casey and I have a question for you.”


“You wanna move in?” Casey interrupted, grinning eagerly.

Tina’s eyes widened. “Really?”


“Yeah,” Joseph added, “we could split the rent three ways, and we’d love having you around all the time.”

Tina craned her neck to kiss Joseph, then leaned over him to kiss Casey as well.

“I love you both, and I’d love to move in with you.”

“I love you too/We love you too Tina.” They both said.

Casey tugged on the blanket to try and cover some of her behind as it hung off the side — there was a little too much tit for them all to fit comfortably.

“We should think about getting a bigger bed.” She said wryly.

They shared a laugh, and Joseph brushed each woman’s head as they rested under his chin. He felt like the luckiest man on earth.


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