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This is a commissioned story. To commission your own story check out my Patreon tiers or my Gumroad store.

Contains: Breast Expansion as Weight Gain, Slime


The Host


As the days passed, Lizzie fell back into her normal routine. After all, she still had a senior project to finish before the due date. She really didn’t want to become a ‘fifth year senior.’ So she went to class, spent time in the lab, and seemed to spend every waking minute eating.

After a few more trips to the lingerie shop — outgrowing three special order bras before they were even delivered — Lizzie switched to buying very large sports bras and tanks from the ‘plus size’ store. They were designed for overweight and even obese women, but at least they fit comfortably around her growing chest. They lasted longer than bras anyway.

Every morning Lizzie went to the cafeteria and ate enough for two to three people. She stocked up on snacks from the grocery to avoid the temptation to pay vending machine prices. She snuck cookies and snack cakes in her bag when she went to class. When she started to get annoyed looks and raised eyebrows at the cafeteria near her dorm, Lizzie started going to a different cafeteria for lunch, and another for dinner. By that point she was getting stares anyway due to the sheer size of her tits, which made her wonder if she should have bothered sneaking around.

But human beings are adaptable creatures, and Lizzie was no exception. She got used to packing away fifteen to twenty thousand calories a day. When her breasts grew big enough to rest on classroom desks, she put her tablet on top of them to take notes. While it never stopped being annoying, she learned to ignore the gaping mouthes and owl–like eyes that followed her everywhere she went. And perhaps strangest of all— she got used to having a second voice in her head.

Too hot…

What’s too hot?

That solution is too hot, the reaction will fail.

Lizzie lowered the flame on the Bunsen burner. It was difficult working in the lab with one hand, but if she turned to face her experiment she was likely to send everything crashing to the floor with her basketball–size tits.


Lunch soon?

As soon as we’re done here.

The voice grumbled softly. Lizzie had learned to tune it out; but she knew if she waited too long between meals or snacks it would become impossible to ignore.

Lizzie’s roommate stopped talking to her. The chubby redhead only made annoyed scoffs and glares whenever Lizzie passed her in the common area of their dorm room. Knowing her roommate was much more stereotypically girly than she, Lizzie didn’t let it bother her.

I guess if I cared about looks as much as she does I’d be jealous too.

Lizzie glanced at her reflection, turning sideways and holding the 3XL tee shirt against her flat stomach, making the size of her massive breasts even more obvious.

Especially since I keep getting bigger…

Dinner time?

Lizzie sighed.

Yes, dinner time.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks became months. In the waning days of the spring semester, Lizzie threw herself fully into her senior project. Running through a fresh hypothesis in her head during lunch, Lizzie didn’t notice that the ‘lunch lady’ had stacked her plate with seven grilled panini. She looked questioningly at the heavyset foodservice employee.

“Save you a second trip.” The older woman smiled.

Lizzie thanked her and found a table. Sitting sideways, Lizzie rested her breast in her lap. She worked through formulae and calculations on her notepad where it rested on the large shelf of her bosom, taking bites from a sandwich held in her free hand. Lizzie was so focussed on her work that she was surprised when she reached down and found her plate empty. Reflexively she put her notebook on the table and went through the line again.

Thirty minutes and five sandwiches later, it was time for Lizzie to get back to the lab. She put her things in her bag and felt at her bloated stomach. She hadn’t been able to see it except in the mirror for over two months, but now it was packed full, swelling out like a woman six months pregnant.

At least this huge shirt hides the bloating.

Lizzie could feel the churning beneath her skin as her body processed the gargantuan meal. In her peripheral vision she saw her breasts tremble slightly.

What the…?

Lizzie looked around the cafeteria. She didn’t see anyone watching her, so she stared right at the fleshy beach balls filling her lap.

It happened again. Her breasts were mostly covered by a stretched–out tee, but there was quite a lot of cleavage exposed. Lizzie watched as the surface of her skin rippled, her snug shirt getting ever so slightly tighter.

Are you growing right now?

Mmm, good lunch.

The voice in Lizzie’s head literally burped.

Fuck me… Whatever, I’m late for my lab time.

Lizzie leaned back in her chair, using the weight of her chest to propel herself forward, feeling her vertebrae crackle as she stood upright. The weight on her chest and shoulders threatened to send her tumbling down on her face.

At least my fall would be well–cushioned…

Don’t fall on me, please.

If you keep growing like this I might not be able to help it.


The churning in Lizzie’s stomach grew warmer, and her body flushed with endorphins.

You’re right, it was a good lunch…

Lizzie threw herself into her project. Every conscious thought focused on memorizing formulae and writing up reports. And eating. Lizzie woke up starving and went to bed engorged. There was no room in her bag for anything but her one notebook; every spare inch was taken up by boxes and bags of snacks. Her professors eventually gave up reprimanding her for eating in class. Lizzie compromised by buying snack cakes and soft candy to stuff herself with, assuming quieter food would be less distracting.

Of course Lizzie was a distraction just sitting in class. Her breasts grew so large that resting them on the table would block her view of the professor, so she started sitting sideways, taking notes with one hand. The sight of a pretty blonde with tits so big she took up two seats in the lecture hall would have been distraction enough; but the constant stream of cookies and snack cakes Lizzie popped into her mouth meant she showed up to each class bigger than the one before. Many of Lizzie’s classmates of all genders ended up retaking those classes the following semester.

The morning Lizzie was scheduled to present her project before the review board, she put special care into her clothes and makeup. Looping her bag over her shoulder, Lizzie headed out of her bedroom, surprised to feel her body make contact with something. Lizzie looked around the slopes of her immense breasts and saw they were touching both sides of the door frame.

This is starting to get ridiculous.

Are you stuck?

Lizzie pushed her way forward; luckily her breasts scraping the doorway did no damage to her outfit.

Whew, not stuck.

That is good news. Breakfast now?

Lizzie smiled, rubbing both hands over the swell of her enormous chest. She gave them a friendly pat, sending ripples over their surface, making them bob and quake for several seconds. Lizzie heard a loud huff and a bang— she looked up to see her roommate’s door slam closed.

I think you were right, she is jealous.

I wonder if she’ll still be jealous when I get too big to fit through the door?

Maybe. Come on, let’s go eat. I’m starving.

Lizzie passed through the larger exterior door without issue; but knew if she kept growing it was only a matter of time before her tits got her stuck somewhere. Stomach grumbling, Lizzie put the thought out of her mind. She had to focus on her presentation. Plus, it was omelette day in the cafeteria.



Lizzie’s presentation went well; she got high marks from the review board. And blessedly they were all too well–mannered to comment on her jaw dropping, improbably–proportioned body. She celebrated with an extra–long dinner, letting the slime living in her chest goad her into a sixth and seventh trip back through the buffet.

When Lizzie squeezed her way back through the door to her room, her roommate was watching TV in the common area. The redhead glanced at Lizzie and scowled, but kept her tone polite as she asked “How was the um… presentation?”

“You’re looking at one of next semester’s Masters students!” Lizzie gloated.

Her roommate reacted in a way Lizzie didn’t expect, jumping up and wrapping her in a hug. For a brief moment the redhead was taken aback at Lizzie’s new size — her breasts were so large her arms couldn’t meet behind the blonde’s back. She recovered quickly though.

“We need to celebrate!” Lizzie’s roommate dashed to their tiny kitchenette and dug out a large glass bottle from the back of the fridge.


Lizzie wasn’t much of a drinker. And she hadn’t touched a drop since the accident that saddled her with her ‘hungry passenger.’ But she was still riding the high of her good news.

“Hell yeah!”

A shot of vodka turned into two, then a third. Lizzie normally had a pretty high tolerance, but that small amount of liquor was enough to make her more drunk and giggly than that time in high school a friend stole a bottle of peach schnapps from her mom’s cabinet. Some days later Lizzie would ponder the multiplicative effects of alcohol with her slime–enhanced metabolism, but for tonight she was in full ‘party girl’ mode. Watching videos and laughing with her roommate like they were best friends.

“Sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you lately.” The chubby girl said from her place beside Lizzie on the couch.

“It’s already forgotten.” Lizzie grinned.

Her roommate poked a finger into one side of her lap–filling tits. “How did these things get so big anyway? And so fast??”

“I had an accident in the lab and some weird slime thing got into me.”


The redhead pouted. “Alright then, keep your secrets.” Her stomach rumbled. “I’m starving. You wanna order some pizza?”

Despite the fact that she’d eaten more for dinner than she had the entire day yesterday, the voice in Lizzie’s head said—


And the voice in her mouth agreed without hesitation.

Lizzie’s roommate continued to drink, and kept pace with Lizzie’s snacking. For a while. Without her sober intellect to keep it in check, the slime had almost full control of her body. She picked up her phone again and again to order more delivery food. Five pizzas were followed by three bags of Chinese food. Then a whole party platter of sushi. Two buckets of fried chicken. A dozen donuts. At some point in the night her roommate tapped out and went to bed. Under the slime’s influence, Lizzie kept going until every restaurant she could order from was closed for the night.


Lizzie woke with a pounding head, and an unfamiliar weight on top of her body. Her eyes opened slowly and she glanced around the unfamiliar room.

Did I fall asleep on the couch?

Lizzie tried to sit up, but something held her pinned on the sofa. She looked around again and saw every flat surface in room piled high with empty pizza boxes, oyster pails, and styrofoam clamshells. It looked like a dumbstruck of food containers had been emptied over her head, spilling out in a small mountain around her. At the far end of the room Lizzie could see all cabinet in their kitchen hanging open, as was the fridge. Every scrap of food in the apartment was gone.

It was a sign of how hungover Lizzie was that it took her so long to notice the elephant(s) in the room. She’d gotten used to waking up each morning with bigger breasts than the morning before, but this morning was on a whole new level. Her breasts had grown far beyond fruit or sports metaphors. They filled her lap and spilled onto the couch cushions to both sides of her thighs. Lizzie felt like she had two beanbag chairs resting on her lap. Big, heavy, firm beanbag chairs made of flesh.

Slowly, carefully, as if questioning her entire reality, Lizzie brought both hands to rest atop her gargantuan boobs. They were half again as big as they’d been yesterday.

Are you awake?


Mmmm, we had a good feast…


I told you, I need food to grow big and strong. Thank you for feeding me so well.

Lizzie took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm her building hysteria.

What. Am I supposed to do. Now??

Um… breakfast?


Oh! That’s my bad. Here, I think I’m strong enough now to help with that.

The room seemed to spin as Lizzie felt a sudden wave of vertigo wash over her body. She felt like she was being hugged, squeezed; like something was pressing into every part of her body from every possible angle. The weight on her lap and torso lessened and Lizzie watched, stunned, as her chest seemed to deflate like a slowly leaking balloon. At the same time she felt a tingling in her bottom half, and a sensation like the couch lifting her up, inch by inch. Lizzie’s breasts receded back to the size they’d been yesterday, perhaps a little smaller, and her mouth fell open as she watched her hips and ass appear beneath them as her weight was redistributed.

Is that better?

Lizzie tried to stand again, but was still pinned to the couch.

You just gave me a fat ass instead of freakishly huge boobs!

Lizzie looked herself over from her seated position.

They’re still freakishly huge to be honest…

Hmm… Let me see…

Lizzie’s body felt like it was on fire. She nearly cried out in pain before her spine crackled in a way that felt better than any chiropractor’s hands. She felt a power building in her legs and lower back, and the next time she tried to push herself upward she sprang off the couch with ease.


Better now?

How did you do that?

I’ve grown big and strong enough to change your body in other ways, I guess.

This is fascinating… can you do other things, like make me taller? Lizzie thought as she twisted, running her hands down her wide hips and bouncing on her heels to feel her newly grown bubble but shaking.

Maybe… After breakfast?

Lizzie slapped her massive butt, watching it jiggle, and heard the seams on her sweatpants creak.

Fine. Breakfast. But then I need to go clothes shopping… again.


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