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This is a commissioned story. To commission your own story check out my Patreon tiers or my Gumroad store.

Contains: Breast Expansion as Weight Gain, Sexual Acts, Polycule


The Cosplayer

Part Two

When Tina arrived at Casey and Joseph’s apartment, she was hauling a duffel bag almost as big as she was.

“Woah girl, you hauling a body in that bag?” Casey asked with a laugh.

“Haha no… I borrowed a Digimon costume and some other stuff for the shoot.”

“Oh nice. Come on in here.” Casey led the busty blonde into the living room, admiring the way her J–cup breasts gave a little bounce with each step. The outline of her bra was visible even through the large flannel she wore. The apartment’s living area was done up in led light strips and one wall was covered with some cheap green screen material.

Tina dropped her duffel on the couch, then looked around the apartment, taking in Casey’s elaborate setup.

“Is um… is…”

“Joseph has class. I figured it’d be more comfortable to do shoots and costume changes without him hanging around gawking.”

Tina’s cheeks flushed pink, and Casey had a brief flash of jealousy at the thought of this big–titty blonde stealing him away from her. Casey shook her head, realizing she was projecting; she was the one obsessed with Tina and her growing boobs after all.

“Do you want to change out here, or I can show you where the bathroom is…?” She asked Tina.

“W–well, the Renamon suit goes on over my clothes, so we can start with that.”

Tina pulled a plush yellow costume from the bag, then shed her outer layer. Under the flannel Tina wore a girl cut tee that hugged her flesh melons like a second skin. It was loose around her stomach, but the extra material needed to cover her healthy chest left a wide crescent of pale midriff exposed. As she stepped into the costume, Casey got an idea.

“I’ll be right back!”

Casey returned a few minutes later wearing rolled up jeans and a white shirt with blue sleeves. Her slightly red hair was much too dark and the blue in her shirt wasn’t even close.

“Okay, this is pretty low effort, but I don’t think my fans will mind. We’ll have to take a bunch without the head though…”

Tina donned the Renamon head and the girls took photos of several standard poses— back to back, one hand outstretched to the camera, and some high fives. Casey checked the results on the camera’s screen, walked back over to Tina to stand facing her, then closed the distance. Their breasts were mashed together slightly with nothing but a fur suit and a set of tee shirts separating them. She put one hand on Tina’s shoulder, then pressed the other against her waist, making the baggy costume conform to Tina’s breasts more clearly.

Tina squeaked inside the Digimon head, but didn’t pull away from Casey’s touch. Every few photos Casey moved her position slightly, bumping and touching Tina every so often through the suit. She apologized each time, but when she reached up to pull the large head off Tina’s suit, the blonde girl’s face was red.

“Oh hey, are you okay? You need a break, want some water or something?”

“N–no, I’m alright…” Tina said softly.

Casey held the costume head by their waists and snapped a few photos with her remote while the two girls looked into each other’s eyes. She tossed the head to the couch, out of the frame, then took a few more shots as she raised her right hand to brush hair behind Tina’s ear.

Caught up in the moment, Tina let her eyes close as Casey’s face drew close to her own. The shutter snapped as the inches between their lips shrank, then suddenly Casey stepped back from the blonde cosplayer. Tina’s eyes popped open.

“That should be good for now.” Casey said. ”Some good teasing always brings people back for more.”

“Oh…” Tina said, more than a little breathless. “Yeah, that’s good… smart.”

Tina’s other costumes were a flight suit from Battlestar Galactica, and the pieces of a pretty decent Tifa Lockheart outfit. Red gloves and everything.

“Oh man I wish I’d asked what you were bringing. I’ll take a bunch of you with both of these but you should bring them next time. I’ll fix up an Aerith suit and maybe see if I can pull off a red dress like Six…”

When Joseph got home, the couple invited Tina to stay and ordered pizza for dinner. They watched anime while they ate, chatting about nerdy things. Tina ate almost a whole pizza herself. Casey lifted one of the boxes, holding it out to her.

“One piece left, it’s all yours.”

Tina only hesitated a moment before grabbing the thick cheesy slice from the box.


“Oh, I’m so glad you guys came!” Tina gushed as she ushered Joseph and Casey into her dorm room. They each carried two bags full of microwave popcorn, chips, soda, and cookies.

“Who doesn’t love movie night?” Joseph asked.

“Well…” Tina looked toward her feet, the view partially obstructed by the curve of her baggy shirt. “I used to do this every week, but eventually my old friends stopped coming.”

Joseph busied himself making popcorn while the girls chatted.

“That’s lame.” Casey said. “Did they move away, or just normal life stuff?”

“Well they all made different excuses, but eventually it was just me, every week. So I stopped doing it. I think they all hated me. They were always making dirty looks at my chest when they thought I wasn’t watching.”

“Ugh, what bitches.” Casey scoffed. “Probably just jealous…”

Tina’s cheeks were flushing again as the trio took seats on the couch— Joseph and Tina on either end with Casey between them. Tina scrolled through her library with the remote.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about us Tina.” Casey said, her hand resting a little too high on Tina’s leg. “I’m a big fan of boobs, and I’m sure Joseph doesn’t mind, do you Pepe?”

Joseph choked on a bite of popcorn; Tina’s face turned bright pink. She ignored Casey’s remark and fired up Zootopia.


Later that night, Joseph lay on his back in bed while Casey draped one leg over him, resting her head on his shoulder. She lightly stroked his chest with one hand as they relaxed into the afterglow of their love–making session.

“I’ll have to show you some of our photos, Pepe… they’re super hot. I’ve gotten a big wave of new subs since I posted the teasers on Insta.”

“Mmm” Joseph answered.

“She was covered up pretty well tonight but I think she’s gotten bigger…”


Casey tilted her head to meet his eyes.

“Don’t play dumb with me mister, I know you noticed too.”

Joseph shrugged, jostling his girlfriend’s head.

“Well I know you’ve notice her appetite. She hasn’t slowed down a bit. She wolfed down more snacks tonight than the two of us combined!”

“Mmhmm.” Joseph agreed noncommittally.

“All those extra calories… turning into fat… blowing those big titties up even bigger…”

Casey’s hand slid down her boyfriend’s torso, where she found him already getting hard again.

“I knew it!” She accused. “You can’t fool me, Pepe…”

She stroked his member and felt it twitch in her hand.

“Well, no sense in letting this go to waste…”

She climbed back on top of him, preparing for round two.


Tina and Casey posed for a set of photos dressed as Tifa and Aerith. Tina wore a long black wig while Casey put her hair in a long braid with loose framing curls. She wore a pink dress and a red half jacket, with her hair tied in a pink ribbon. She showed off more cleavage than most Aerith cosplay, but Casey knew her audience.

Tina meanwhile was by far the bustiest Tifa that Casey’d ever seen. The tiny white tank top framed by black suspenders was like a second skin; her magnificent pale cleavage seemed to go on for miles. Her black miniskirt was also nothing to sneeze at. Tina’s excess adipose wasn’t going entirely to her chest; Casey could see the shape of both ass cheeks clearly, and she desperately wanted to give those soft thighs a squeeze. While still lagging far behind her massive chest, Tina’s lower half complemented a full package that Casey was struggling to resist.

Like before, they posed back to back, looking over shoulders, facing each other with clasped hands. Once again Casey as Aerith leaned in close to Tina as Tifa, staring into her eyes as she slid one hand up the blonde’s waist, stopping short of her jutting breasts.

“Tina…” Casey began breathily, “may I kiss you?”

In response, Tina leaned in to the other girl. As their lips met, Tina raised a hand to hold Casey’s head against her.

–Mmmm– switch hands…”

Tina pulled back.

“Use your other hand –haa– for the photos.”

“Oh –heh heh– sorry…”

They resumed making out, but Casey could tell the reminder of what they were doing made Tina lose some of her confidence. She snapped a few dozen more photos then set the tiny remote on a nearby table.

“Come here.”

Casey led the blonde to the couch where they sat together. She held Tina’s hands in her own, staring into her eyes.

“I didn’t ask to kiss you for the photos.” She glanced to the side, then down at Tina’s cleavage, then back up at her eyes.

“Well, not just for the photos…”

They resumed making out in earnest, and when Casey felt a small hand make contact with her own breast, she brought both of hers around to cup the larger girl’s, hefting the fat orbs and making Tina’s cleavage explode upward.

Casey sat on the couch, legs spread over Tina’s shoulders as Aerith got eaten out by Tifa. She whimpered and moaned and held one hand on Tina’s head, guiding the other girl.

“I –haa, aaah– had no idea you were into girls…”

Tina’s head popped up from her work and Casey heard a muffled voice under her long pink skirt.

“I’m bi, actually.”

Tina’s tongue slid back into her wet folds; Casey was coming within seconds.

The two women sat beside each other on the couch, heavy breaths slowly returning to normal.

“Well… that was fun.” Casey said, breaking the spell.

Tina sat up sharply.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe we—“

Casey put a hand on Tina’s shoulder, pressing her back into a relaxed posture.

“Don’t worry about it. Joseph doesn’t mind.”

“Did you…” Tina’s fingers fidgeted and she stared down for a long moment. “Did you know I had a crush on him in high school?”

Casey’s face lit up.

“You did?” She put on a teasing tone. “Do you still…?”

“I… I guess so…”

“Well, I don’t mind sharing either…”

Tina looked to Casey expectantly.

“Do you want me to ask him for you?” Casey teased.

“Oh my god, it’s like we’re still in high school…” Tina groaned.

Casey laughed. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll talk to him later tonight. He might need a little convincing, but I’m sure I can talk him ‘round.”

“Jeez…” Tina muttered.

“In fact…” Casey began, lacing her fingers into Tina’s hand, “would you be into… sharing sharing?”

Tina’s eyes went wide and she stared at the other girl, stunned.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’” Casey whispered.

“After all…” she swung one leg over Tina, sitting in the girl’s lap and hefting one volleyball size breast in each hand, “you’ll need more than one lover to handle these puppies…”

Tina’s cheeks went pink, and Casey kissed her again.

“Speaking of which… I kinda want to take a little snack break before we get changed for round two. Are you hungry?”

Tina’s stomach gurgled and she smiled at the busty Latina in her lap.



“I have a favor to ask, Pepe.” Casey said, slowly stroking him as they lay naked in bed. “And I want you to think it over before you say no.”

“You’re –huff– evil, you know that?”

“Me?” Casey teased, batting her lashes at her boyfriend.

“Just ask.” Joseph groaned, nearing his limit.

“I found out today that Tina is bisexual.”

–Unh– oh?”

“And she has a crush on you…” Casey’s hand started to speed up.

“You don’t mind if we… share her… do you?”

Joseph erupted in her hand, surprising them both.

“Well…” Casey smirked, “that was easy.”


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