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Contains: Breast Expansion as Weight Gain


Part 3

The rest of the summer passed in a blur. Every few weeks Tabitha would text me and I’d go over to her apartment to take pictures for her, but we never did another feeding session. As she grew impractically large her OnlyFans subscriber count started to drop off, but she started to interact with the more niche communities on Reddit, started a Discord, and was more popular than ever. She started a Patreon, and set up higher–price tiers where a select few could make requests. She started making increasingly explicit videos for the big spenders.

I’m ashamed to say I was one of those high end subscribers. I got to see every video where my stepsister gorged herself. She’d make role-play videos where she addressed the camera as “daddy” or “good boy,” squeezing herself into whatever outfits the other guys (and maybe a few girls, if the comments and Discord chat were to be believed) requested that she wear.

The money poured in, and Tabitha grew. Week after week I watched her improbably large breasts swell and fatten with the many thousands of calories she stuffed into her mouth each day. After our little feeding session, she was already resting her chest on the table during her eating videos. Less than a month later, she did a photoshoot in a bathrobe and pasties. Her thin arms were positively dwarfed by the enormous fat teardrops as she hefted them in front of her. It was clear she couldn’t do hand–bra photos anymore— they were simply too big.

And still she ate, and still she grew. The higher tier subscribers to her Patreon and OnlyFans got exclusive access to a ‘mukbang’ stream she did once a month. An hours–long session where she shoveled food into her mouth and answered questions from the chat. She even set up a series of secure links where subscribers could order food from DoorDash without knowing her address.

I often was able to finish several times during a single stream.

For Halloween, she’d somehow managed to assemble a witch costume. To be more specific, she was the Sorceress from Dragon’s Crown. Even the ridiculously well–endowed video game character couldn’t hold a candle to my outrageously enormous stepsister.

“Hey guys! Are you ready to see the final results of all your donations to my Halloween cosplay drive?” Tabitha said on my laptop screen.

She was standing behind a dressing screen, wearing a long auburn wig. Everything from the neck down was obscured from view.

“Okay… first thing’s first…”

Tabitha’s head disappeared below the screen. She popped back up a moment later wearing a truly gigantic witch’s hat.

“Tadaaaaa! Do you guys like it?”

My stepsister squinted at the screen several feet away. I watched the chat fly by, with various emoji— lots of eggplant and sweating faces. And messages that mostly said “show us the rest” at various levels of respectfulness.

“Okay okay, enough teasing. I know what you guys… and girls…” She winked at the camera. “Are all here to see…”

Tabitha stepped out of the frame, then slowly sauntered back in. The first thing I and the rest of the viewers on the stream saw, were two large, round, white–clad shapes the size of yoga balls. They jiggled incessantly, and projected at least two feet into the frame. I watched entranced, as I’m sure everyone else was doing, as they bobbled and swayed for several moments with each step. After several excruciating moments I spotted Tabitha’s leg, then the other, and finally her face along with the rest of her body.

The ‘Sorceress’ was on display in all her glory. Many yards of white fabric and lace stretched over every inch of the bottom half of Tabitha’s gigantic breasts.

The chat positively exploded. I very nearly did as well. Tabitha grinned in smug pride as she showed off for the camera, slowly twisting her body from one side to the other. Her massive mounds never stopped wobbling. The structural engineering that had gone into her costume was truly impressive. When she turned in profile to the camera, my stepsister reached her arms forward. At the furthest lengths of her fingertips, the smooth, pale skin of her half–exposed breasts still extended almost half a foot beyond her reach.

“Isn’t it great?” She gushed. “I had to get it custom made of course, and the girl who made it put in so much support!”

Tabitha twisted her shoulders rapidly, as if to demonstrate the strength of her costume top. My breath caught as the pair of breasts which likely weighed as much as the rest of her body careened to one side, then followed her movement to the other. I could see her knees buckle and my stepsister almost fell over from the inertia of her massive milkers.

Heh heh whoops! Guess my top isn’t stronger than gravity!”

Tabitha moved closer to the desk, showing her gorgeous face in more detail.

“Alright guys, now that you got me in this crazy outfit, I know what you’re all really here to see…”

She bent down, grabbing something off the floor. I could hear her grunting as she fought with the weight of her enormous breasts. She reappeared holding a three gallon bucket. It held so much candy it was overflowing.

“Halloween candy!”

My stepsister held the bucket out for us to see the contents, even though the full size chocolate bars and peanut butter cups were plainly visible, mounding out of the top. The camera shook slightly as she plopped the bucket on the desk.

“I know what you’re thinking…” she said with a wink, “this isn’t that much candy for a girl of my… size.”

Tabitha ran her hands lovingly along the sides of her breasts as far as she could reach. She bent down again and lifted another bucket that matched the first.

“After all…”

She dropped the bucket and bent to fetch another.

“I’m a very…”

A third bucket.

“Hungry girl…”

A fourth.

“And I have to…” She dropped a fifth bucket on the desk, half in the frame.

“Keep my hungry girls well fed!”

Tabitha lightly slapped the sides of her breasts, sending ripples along the surface of her exposed cleavage like two stones tossed into a pond. She slid her chair up to the desk and sat, smooth white flesh filling the bottom quarter of my laptop screen.

My stepsister grabbed a full size Snickers bar from the last bucket, ripped it open in one smooth motion and shoved the whole thing into her mouth, tossing the wrapper to the floor as she snatched a second bar from the bucket.

Mmm, Now! Lesh tah–kin, more ca–dee!”


I got a forced reprieve the day after Halloween, because my group of friends agreed to have a competition for “No Nut November.” I don’t think I’d have had the willpower to go through with it after watching Tabitha dump twenty gallons of candy down her throat, but we’d made the pact back in March, and I couldn’t back out without taking a big hit to my reputation.

We’d agreed to all put $100 in a pot, and whoever made it all the way to November 30th would split the winnings. Really it was a win–win for me— a month without spending money on my stepsister’s videos and medically–stimulated appetite was really going to help out my bank balance.

I signed up at the gym, started doing regular poker nights with the guys, and worked on my backlog of video games. I paused my subscriptions to Tabitha’s accounts, and blocked her number on my phone and various socials. The hardest part was the long hours at work, but fortunately things were plenty busy in the lead up to the holiday shopping rush, so there really wasn’t too much downtime for daydreaming.

Once in awhile I’d have literal dreams about Tabitha. More than once I dreamed she spent all day in her bed, massive breasts covering the mattress and spilling over it. She’d call tauntingly to me all day and night to bring her more and more food. Malnourished and dog–tired I ferried armloads of burgers, sandwiches, and giant milkshakes that appeared in the kitchen, dropping it on Tabitha’s vast cleavage. She never stopped stuffing it into her mouth with both hands as I watched her gargantuan chest swell larger and larger, until she filled the room and the walls started to crumble around us.

Luckily I always woke up in time, but I’d be rock hard. Usually a cold shower and a late–night gaming session would cool me down, but those thirty days seemed to last forever.

On December first, I collected $350. Only one other guy had gone the distance. I resubscribed to Tabitha’s sites and unblocked her from my phone. As I’d expected, she’d messaged me a lot. When I didn’t respond to texts or calls, she’d sent DMs on Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok. After the first week she started messaging almost daily.

[Hey stepbrother, where’d you go?]

[Did you go off the grid or something? Lol]

[I miss my #1 fan 😘]

[Did something happen to you? I hope you’re okay…]

[Did I do something wrong? I want us to still be friends 😢]

[Where the FUCK are you??]

[I doubled my dose and have been eating so much… I miss you stepbrother… 😭]

[I’m running out of Hunger Cup, I need my big brother to come bring me more…]
[Oops, big stepbrother… 😉]

[Well I finally figured out your secret. Your stupid friend Mike posted about NNN on his insta… I guess I should be flattered that you had to ghost me to do your dumb challenge. Well, good luck, and you’d better come see me on the first. I’ll let you make it up to me 💦]

December first was a Sunday, so I did something I’d never done— I messaged Tabitha first.

{Hey, you home?}

[Hey stepbrother… did you win?]

{Yep, 350 bucks}

[Nice, congrats! You wanna spend it all on food and get the fuck over here?]


It took two overloaded carts to hold all the groceries I bought on the way to Tabitha’s apartment. When I knocked on her door I had three bags draped over each arm, and the back of my car was still packed full.

“Come in!” A voice called from a distance.

The living room of Tabitha’s apartment was empty, so I dropped the bags on the table.


“In the bedroom!”

I walked slowly down the short hallway, my heartbeat throbbing in my ears. I was already starting to sweat from anticipation and anxiety. The door to Tabitha’s bedroom wasn’t latched, so I pushed it open slowly. Nothing in my 30 days of daydreaming and self–restraint prepared me for the sight that greeted me.

Tabitha. Was. Huge.

She sat on the bed, legs splayed out, and a pile of pillows stacked behind her. She was wearing an enormous parody of a tank top that stretched tightly over a pair of breasts the size of beanbags. They sat heavy and round on her lap, extending past her knees. From my vantage staring stunned in her doorway, I honestly couldn’t tell if my stepsister was wearing anything on bottom at all.

“Welcome back, stepbrother.” She said in a much less teasing tone than she normally used. I was still staring at her lap–filling orbs, the shape of her shot glass size nipples seemed to point right at me.

Tabitha snapped her fingers at me.

“Hey, up here!”

I met her eyes.

“I’m guessing from that look that you’re still holding it from the contest.”

“Y–yeah.” I muttered.

“I’m very glad to hear that. If you get some food in here I’ll let you give me your first ‘nut’ of the month…”

She must have read the shocked question on my face, because Tabitha burst out laughing.

“Not in there you perv! We’re still sort of related…”

She ran one finger along as much of her glorious cleavage as she could reach.

“But I’ll let you stick it in here if you brought enough to fill me up…”

I had a hell of a time making the six trips it took to bring in all the food I’d bought.


I collapsed on the foot of the bed. I’d barely managed to slide it between the massive mountains of my stepsister’s breasts before erupting with 30 days of pent up self–restraint. I could hear Tabitha moaning as she shoveled muffins and rotisserie chicken into her mouth. My view of her face was blocked by a hundred pounds of boobs.

“I’m proud of you –homf– stepbrother, but don’t –nom– leave me again, okay? –urp– In fact, –munch– I set the bed back up in the other room, –hmmm– if you want to stay all the time. –crunch–

I sat up, my stepsister’s face slowly coming into view over the horizon of her overfed chest. She smiled at me.

“I’ll let you watch me eat, and you can use me like this again once in awhile…”

She shoved another muffin into her mouth and ran one hand along the round curve of her bare breasts.

“It’s getting kinda hard for me to move around now.” She met my eyes with her smokiest gaze yet, and I felt myself getting hard again, mere moments after my last release.

“You’ll move in and help your big, hungry stepsister, won’t you stepbrother?”

I nearly tripped over my feet in my rush to fetch another load of food from the living room.


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