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Three exactly 1000-word Breast Expansion shorts. 1K DeviantArt watchers special.


Short Stacks

Volume VII, 1K Special


A young woman doesn’t read the label on the pill bottle close enough.

Contains: Breast Expansion


Use as Directed

–bing bong–

Marcus opened the door to his apartment.

“Hey babe!”

His girlfriend Janelle stood on her toes to hug him. Something seemed off but Marcus couldn’t put his finger on it. She walked past him, and he took a moment to appreciate the sight of her ass wiggling in her tight jeans. It was a little warm for a big hoodie, but Marcus didn’t question it.

“Popcorn?” He asked as he closed the door and followed.

“Did you forget what day it is?”

“Um…” Marcus was worried. His girlfriend was usually very laid–back and easygoing. It was one of the things he loved about her.

“Not our anniversary… that was last month.” He said, remembering the bill at the steakhouse, and the night that followed making it well worth it.

“Well… it’s not that anniversary…” Janelle clasped her hands behind her waist, twisting her torso. Something was definitely off about her tonight.

“Alright you got me. What day is it?”

“It’s our sex–versary, silly!”

Marcus chuckled. “Is it now?”

“I’m surprised you don’t remember. Was it that bad?”

Marcus stepped up close, leaning down for a kiss. “Of course not Janelle. It was magical, like every time.”

–Hmpf– good answer.” She walked toward the couch then turned again. “Anyway… since it’s a special day… I thought maybe we could skip the ‘Netflix’ part and get right to the ‘chill.’”

Marcus grinned. “Works for me.”

He jumped her, and in one smooth motion she was off the floor and lying on his couch. They made out for several seconds, but when Marcus’ hands drifted down from Janelle’s face to her body, he found more of her than he expected.

Marcus was a boob guy. But after a series of girlfriends with great racks but personalities like harpies, he decided to give Janelle a chance. He’d never been happier. But when his hands met her chest over her baggy sweatshirt, he felt much more than his girlfriend’s B–cups.

“Janelle, what…?”

She grinned up at him.


Marcus sat up, and Janelle maneuvered them until she was sitting on his lap. She grabbed her hoodie and pulled it off in one smooth motion.

The lobes of flesh that bobbled happily in Janelle’s tank top were big. Not massive like Marcus had seen online in art or morphs, but still two to three times bigger than B–cups. He was stunned, looking from Janelle’s chest to her face and back.

“What… how…”

Janelle grinned again, looking down at herself.

“Oh wow, they’re even bigger than when I left.” She met his gaze again. “Well, I know you’re more of a boob guy, and I found these pills online. The effects are temporary, but I thought they might be fun to try.”

Marcus’ id took over and he grabbed his girlfriend’s melons with both hands. His fingers probed and squeezed, reveling in the elasticity of her flesh pressing back. Janelle moaned in delight.

“Oh god –hmm– that feels really good…”

Their foreplay intensified, lips meeting and tongues dancing. As Marcus continued to fondle Janelle’s chest, the pressure of her tits against his fingers seemed to intensify. Her flesh under his hands felt unusually warm. He leaned back to inspect her.

“Wha— don’t stop!” She pleaded, arcing her back and grinding against his pelvis.

“Are they… getting bigger?”

The boobs that had filled Marcus’ hands when he started groping Janelle were now spilling out around his fingers. He released his grip on them and they stared. The crease in her shirt slowly flattened out— proving Marcus right.

Janelle shrugged. “They should stop soon.”

She grabbed Marcus’ hands and returned them to her chest. Marcus had to distract his mind to keep from coming early. It was like all his most private fantasies come to life, and his feelings for Janelle only made it better.

She stood up, bending to undo the button on his pants. As her cleavage dangled in front of his face, Marcus stared.

Janelle had been big when they started going at it. Huge even. But now her breasts were bigger than watermelons. She was sweating. She was clearly growing faster— flesh oozing over the neckline of her shirt while he watched.

“Babe, I think…”

His words stopped when Janelle slid herself down onto his rock hard dick. She rarely initiated this strongly. As Janelle rocked herself up and down on him, Marcus watched her massive breasts bounce between them. On each downward motion they dropped, and seemed to be a little heavier, a little larger, with each drop. By the time he came, Janelle’s breasts were filling the space between them.

They cuddled in the afterglow for a moment, but Marcus could feel weight increasing against his chest, and inch by inch his girlfriend’s head moved further away.

“Babe I think something’s wrong.”

“But it feels soooo right…” Janelle mumbled.

Marcus realized with surprise that his girlfriend was about to climax again. Her tank top looked painted on, and the mass of her chest was starting to push her off his lap.

“Where are those pills?”

Janelle slid off his knees and rolled onto the floor, hugging her enormous tits and twitching with pleasure.

“In –ahn– my bag…”

Marcus dug out the bottle and read the label.

“How many of these did you take?”



“It’s fine –hmm– it says not to take more than –uh!– 400mg in 24 hours. Ten pills is only like 100.”

“Janelle each pill is 100mg!”

Janelle rolled onto her back. As she twitched with another orgasm her shirt exploded in a chorus of rips. The massive mounds of flesh on her chest seemed to ripple as they swelled visibly.

“So I –hmm– I took a thousand mg?” She whispered. “How big am I gonna get?”

“We should call a doctor.” Marcus said as he started to get hard again.

“We could…” Janelle moaned, “or you could get over here and fuck me again.”

Marcus decided he could call a doctor later.



A sci–fi story about a troop of women who are stealing ‘excess matter’ from Earth.

Contains: Breast Expansion


Might makes Right

The silvery–blue ship hung in space on the far side of Earth’s moon, undetected by human telescopes. The ship was long and sleek, with a spherical forward section, and two bulbous shapes protruding from its stem. The rear of the ship began with two round shapes that tapered off into long cones with main thrusters at the tail.

A young woman in a skin tight silver jumpsuit banged on a cabin door.

“Kimra where are you!? We’re going to be late for morning review!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Don’t get your panties in a bunch Kily.”

The door slid open into the bulkhead with a hissing sound, and a redhead emerged, dressed identically to the first.”

“What are ‘panties?’” Kily asked.

“They’re these things earthlings wear, they go over your…” Kimra gestures to her pelvis. “Under your clothes.”

“We don’t wear clothes under our clothes, Kimra. You’ve been spending too much time with these primitives.”

Kily thought her friend’s half–bare breasts looked larger than her own K–cups, and questioned her as they walked down the corridor.

“You look kinda big, Kimra. Have you been holding back your tributes?”

“A little bit.” Kimra confessed. “There are a thousand of us, she’ll never notice.”

“The Queen is gonna put you out an airlock if she catches you.”

“It’s barely two cup sizes Kily. And she’s not a Queen, just a General. She has power because we let her.”

“Goddess.” Kily cursed. “I’m going to get demoted just for being your friend. K–1 has power because she has power.”


The two women rushed into to a cavernous compartment near the center front of the ship. They took their places among ranks of other women, all dressed in the same silvery–blue jumpsuits, with different hair and skin color. Down to the last woman, they each possessed K–cup breasts, filling their uniforms with round, flawless cleavage.

Standing on a dais at the front of the room was an impossibly beautiful woman. She looked about thirty and wore a skintight jumpsuit so black it seemed to absorb the light. Her hair fell in luscious blonde waves to a perfectly rounded ass. Her own half exposed breasts rose out of her suit like twin planetoids, nearly three times the size of those possessed by her assembled underlings.

“Good morning Ladies.” The Queen spoke in a commanding tone. “I am pleased to report that you collected nearly half a ton of mass in the last cycle, and I expect you all to surpass that number today. The science ministry tells me obesity levels on this backwater planet are down nearly a tenth of a percent since our arrival. The Blue Council will be pleased with your work here.”

“We’re projected to meet our quota within the next thirty cycles and with any luck—“

As ‘Queen’ Karsyne spoke, she paced across her platform, eyes drifting over the ranks from woman to woman. As her eyes lit on Kimra, she paused.


Kimra blanched. Kily stared ahead, pretending she didn’t know the woman standing beside her.

“Yes!? –er– My Queen?”

Karsyne stepped down off the dais and approached Kimra. She waved a woman in a green uniform standing nearby.

“Step forward, K–623.”

Kimra took a hesitant step, as the green–clad woman stepped up beside the Queen.

“Scan her.”

Every woman in the chamber knew this was pure pageantry— the Queen surely knew any information the science minister could give her. The woman read off Kimra’s vitals nonetheless.

“Height 165.72cm, weight 63.37kg, hair red, breasts…” The minister paused.

“Well?” Karsyne demanded.

“M–cup, My Queen.”

Soft murmurs of surprise spread through the assembled women.

“Quiet in the ranks!” An officer somewhere ordered.

“Someone’s gotten a little greedy…” Karsyne whispered, walking in a slow circle around Kimra and looking her up and down. She turned to Kimra’s friend. “Haven’t they, K–624?”

–er– Yes, My Queen.” Kily replied.

“It seems it’s time for another lesson. Who’s next on the list?” She didn’t wait for a response. “Send in K–1723!”

The assembled women stood waiting for several minutes. A blonde woman in a silver uniform bearing C–cup breasts ran in. She stood before the queen at attention, gulping air.

“Congratulations K–1723…” The Queen said, turning back to Kimra.

“Wait, please, no!” Kimra sputtered. “I’ll go donate the extra right now, please don’t!”

“Silence, K–623!”

Karsyne held up two fingers, and Kimra felt a tingling in her chest. A single tear spilled from one eye. The Queen’s uniform creaked as her gargantuan breasts swelled slightly larger. Kimra felt the nanomaterial of her uniform slide across her skin as it retracted, collapsing against her torso as her once impressive chest deflated to tiny mounds, barely A–cups.

“Listen, all of you!” The Queen said more loudly. “Lest any others think my rules are mere suggestions, or to foment mutiny on my ship. Know that my power is beyond that which you can see. I am this ship, and my word is absolute.”

She gestured to the younger woman as she had Kimra, and the blonde cried out in ecstasy as her modest breasts began to swell. Her own uniform creaked as it stretched until her cleavage spilled over it as much as the ranks of women before her.

“You are now K–623.” The Queen said to girl, who beamed broadly at her newly enlarged chest.

“What shall we do with this one?” The science minister asked. “Airlock?”

Kimra knew any pleading was useless at this point, but her eyes darted from K–1 to the science minister and back. Occasionally she glanced at the new girl who was replacing her, and the breasts that had been hers mere seconds ago.

“Let’s not waste the resource just yet. We’ll give her one more chance.” Karsyne said. “Send her to Engineering. A few hundred cycles scrubbing thruster tubes should teach her some humility.”

She turned to Kimra. “You are now K–237481.”



Day in the life of some of Madison’s staff.

Contains: Breast Expansion as Weight Gain


Supply Chain

Maureen stalked through the halls of a massive structure that had once been a research lab. Her low heels clacked on the industrial linoleum floor as fast as they could without running. A mousy girl followed, shadowing Maureen for the day.

“Didn’t this used to be a science lab?” The girl squeaked.

“Research, and yes. All research operations have been moved to a facility upstate.”


“To dedicate this facility to production.” Maureen sighed. “Are you here for the tour or are you hear to learn your new job, Miss Walker?”

“Sorry Ma’am…”


The two women stepped into a large warehouse filled with stainless steel tanks several stories high.

“This is secondary condiment storage. We have dedicated supply lines of tankers coming in during each shift.”


Maureen rolled her eyes faintly. “Semi trucks with fluid tanks. We receive shipments from all the major fast food chains, and there are high capacity pipes running from here into main storage in the next building. It’s critical that we keep these tanks stocked, but not let them get so full that the tankers can’t empty their deliveries.”

“I see.”

“Tell me why?”


Maureen gestured to the enormous tank beside her. “This is fry sauce. What happens if the primary fry sauce tank is full, and this one is too, and a tanker of fry sauce needs to make a delivery?”

–Um– they have to wait?”

Maureen favored the girl with a small smile.

“That’s right. The tanker will have to sit in the unloading bay until enough fry sauce gets consumed. Now what happens if another tanker arrives to fill that tank, ketchup?”

“They’ll… also have to wait?”

“Exactly. We’ll have a backlog.”

“That’s not good.”

“No. This is why we try to maintain these tanks at about half capacity. Roughly one thousand mega liters.”

The girl’s eyes went wide.

“It’s about 30 tanker loads.”

“I… see…”

“The primary tanks hold about three thousand mega liters, so it’s important to keep them topped off.”

“I understand.”

They walked for awhile, and the young woman spoke again.

“I… I have another question, Ma’am?”

“Yes, Miss Walker?”

“Why do we need condiments?”

Maureen rounded on the girl.


The new girl shrank in on herself, shoulders hunched and she seemed to grow even smaller.

“W–what I mean is, wouldn’t it be more… efficient… to just… it’s all going into tubes anyway, right?”

Maureen’s expression softened.

“Ah, I see.”

They continued walking.

“The full truth of that mystery is something only Chloe knows.”


“The VP of Operations, yes. She’s Madison’s only true confidante, as far as I know.”

Maureen pushed open a heavy security door, and the two women stepped out into the mid–morning sun. They crossed an elevated catwalk between two buildings, and the new girl gaped.

“I’ve… I’ve never seen her so close before…”

Filling the sky a few dozen feet from the catwalk was a wall of skin. Above the muffled sounds of countless kitchens and assembly lines within the primary building, Maureen and Miss Walker could hear faint gurgling and creaking. There were no other sounds. The city was too far away, and even birds had long fled the area.

“She’s quite something, isn’t she?”

Miss Walker only nodded.

“I do have a theory about your question.” Maureen began in a conspiratorial whisper.


“She does sometimes eat solid food, if the rumors are to be believed.”

“I see.”

“But I think even in the feeding tubes, she can taste the original flavors. So the burgers need ketchup, mustard, etcetera, and the fries need fry sauce.”

“That –uh– that makes sense…”

The young woman was still staring at the miles of mammary skin that stretched far into the distance.

“Come on, we still need to go over the primaries.”

Maureen pulled open another door, and Miss Walker followed her through.

“This is our main perishables wing. Tomatoes, onions and garlic are in this room, while lettuce and pickles are across there.”

The new girl nodded.

“And this…” Maureen pushed open another set of doors, to another hall lined with latching doors. “Is primary meat storage. Pork, chicken, beef.” She pointed at each door in turn.

Miss Walker noticed thermostats beside each door.

“Shouldn’t –uh– shouldn’t meat be frozen?”

“Oh, we use it up much faster than it could go bad.”

“I see…”

A portly, balding man rushed down the hallway toward them.

“Maureen, we have a problem.”

“What is it now, Dave?”

“There was a big accident on I–33, and our shipments of pork won’t get here until tomorrow afternoon.”

“Gods damnit. What’s our current supply?”

“Two twenty–seven kilograms.”

“That won’t last the night. What’s the cycle on barbecue burgers and meat pizzas?”

“Thirty–eight minutes.”

Maureen pressed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger.

“Alright. Reduce the cycle to eighty–three minutes. Are we blending with beef?”

“At five percent, Ma’am.”

“Increase it to fifteen.”

The man’s eyes went wide.

“She’ll know!”

“Just do it, Dave. Up the sauce rate by 3 grams per second, and see if we can get extra shipments of ground beef and barbecue. Second shift if we can, third at the latest.”

The man nodded and scurried away.

“How do you know all that?” The girl asked.

“What? The ratios and consumption rates?”


“Experience, Miss Walker. Years of experience.”

“But… Madison hasn’t been here for years…”

“Madison has been here for years. But you’re right. I worked logistics for Sysco for fifteen years before I took this job.”

“I see…”

“Don’t fret, Miss Walker. You won’t be doing anything so mission critical as my job. For now we’ll keep you in the lettuce department. It’s pretty low–risk.” Maureen chuckled. “We could make burgers without lettuce for a week before she notices.”

Miss Walker sighed with relief.

“Don’t mistake me. Nobody here at Madsgenix Production has a cushy job. You’ll be expected to pull your weight. After all— our production is always expanding.”


William Strawson

That last one is really fun and wild. It's cool to occasionally see a story that focuses on the "infrastructure" side of things.