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Note: This story is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.


This is a commissioned story. To commission your own story check out my Patreon tiers or my Gumroad store.

Contains: Weight Gain mostly to Breasts


Unlimited Meal Plan

Chapter VI: Revelations

CJ sat on the cheap dorm couch watching a random nature documentary. In truth she only half watched as she scrolled on her phone. Eventually she heard the sound she’d been waiting for as a key worked into the lock and the door swung slowly inward. CJ jumped up from the couch and dashed across the room to wrap her friend in a big hug.

“Oh! I’m so glad we’re back! I missed you!”

Leah dropped the handle of her roller bag and returned CJ’s hug.

“Aww… I missed you too.”

The hug lasted just a beat longer than a ‘friendly’ hug should, then the taller blonde released the curvy girl and stepped back, holding Leah by her soft shoulders. She examined her friend up and down.

Leah wore stretchy leggings and a maroon hoodie. Even through the baggy garment CJ could tell that Leah had gained a pound or two over the holidays. She guessed that her friend was still wearing a J–cup bra, because her muffining ‘quad boob’ was visible even through the sweatshirt.

“It looks like someone had a fun Christmas…” CJ smirked, poking one of Leah’s breasts playfully.

“Hey!” The auburn haired girl pulled back, hugging her bosom in both arms and making the shape of her breasts even more pronounced in her oversized top.

“You’re right though,” Leah sighed, “nobody gave me a hard time about my weight at all. I’m pretty sure my aunts and grandma tried to feed me even more than usual. Big dinners, endless cookies, the whole deal.”

CJ laughed. “Well we can hit up the outlets tomorrow after class. How was your flight?”

“Pretty normal. The random dude in the seat next to me kept trying to talk to me until I put my earbuds in and he finally left me alone. He goes to a school in the south somewhere, probably some sports jock…”

“Hey!” CJ said, “I’m some sports jock!”

“Yeah, but you’re cu–er– cool. This guy was a complete tool. Even worse than the random sons of my mom’s friends or whatever they kept trying to interest me in.” Leah rolled her eyes as she hefted her bag onto the bed and slumped onto the couch.

CJ’s heart skipped a beat and she felt warmth in her chest from what she didn’t dare hope was a Freudian slip by her adorable friend. She returned to her place on the couch, close but not touching the busty redhead.

“Well you’re back now. And if any tools or dumb jocks try to come after you I’ll kick their asses.”

CJ shadowboxed and scrunched up her face in a mean scowl, eliciting a fit of giggles from her roommate.

“You weirdo… What are we watching?”

“Some documentary about moose or something. Want to finish this episode and then get some dinner?”

Leah stomach rumbled her enthusiasm. “Sounds like a plan. One last good meal then I’m starting my diet tomorrow.”

The blonde looked over at the short stack, surprise written plain on her face. Leah erupted in giggles again.

“Ah ha ha ha! You should see your face!” Leah leaned to one side shoving CJ with her shoulder. “Alright, tell me what’s going on with these mooses.”


Leah and CJ settled back into their routines as the new semester progressed. Classes and club meetings throughout the week, parties on the weekends, and several nights a week vegging out on cheesy movies and old sitcoms.

With her newfound confidence, Leah felt almost no need to suppress or restrain her appetite. On one particular Tuesday she packed away seven waffles for breakfast — in contrast to her athletic roommate’s three. Between morning classes she hit up a pizza cafe — the staff at the Indian dining room she’d gone to yesterday gave her dirty looks when she asked for a third helping of curry and rice. Lunch was a burger bar, and since CJ was at practice there was no one to stop Leah from having four double cheeseburgers… and loaded fries. Her afternoon homework wasn’t a lab so she slipped into a corner booth with a truly massive coffee that was practically white with sugar and cream. The barista who worked Tuesdays was a shy freshman who never hesitated when Leah asked for more chocolate scones.

Of course all those extra calories had to go somewhere. Leah did indeed need a size up to 34K when they went shopping after the holidays. Thanks to CJ’s boundless encouragement and enthusiasm, Leah didn’t mind the upgrade at all. Though she did notice the band getting a little snug…

One day in early March, Leah walked back to her room to drop her bag and pick up CJ for lunch. The blonde was reading something on her phone.

“Hey, guess what?”


“A bunch of girls are going down to the coast for spring break, and they got a block of rooms in a hotel right on the beach. What do you say?”

Leah’s face fell as she recalled times she’d been teased for her chunky body at lakes and pools as a teen.

“I don’t know…”

CJ skipped up close to the shorter girl, touching her chin so their eyes met.

“Hey hey… don’t go ‘all Leah’ on me again.”

Leah scowled but couldn’t help grinning. “You don’t get to say that, that’s my bit.”

–Pfft– whatever. Do I have to give you another pep talk? Because I fuckin’ will. I’ll help you pick out a perfect swimsuit, and I can promise nobody will give a shit about your little cuddle fluff once we get these bad boys on display.”

CJ emphasized her words by grabbing Leah’s honeydew size breasts and hefting them upward. Leah’s cheeks turned pink but she didn’t pull away. CJ got quiet, focusing on the sensation of her friend’s breasts in her hands. She was stunned by the weight, the elasticity of Leah’s plump pulchritude as the flesh pressed back against her fingers.

Leah let out a faint whimper. “–Hmm– if I agree to go… will you let go of me?”

CJ pulled her hands away as if burned, her cheeks were pink now too. “S—sorry.”

She recovered quickly, wrapping the shorter girl in a hug. “But yay! Spring break, woo hoo!!”

Leah laughed. “Come on weirdo, let’s go get some lunch, I’m starving.”

CJ’s fingers felt the slight layer of chub along Leah’s torso and doubted very much the cute little redhead was even close to starving, but released her friend and nodded agreement.

“Let’s do it. We can go shopping for swimsuits this weekend.”


Leah ended up needing to buy two bikini sets to get the right fit. Despite going up two pants sizes since the start of the school year, she was still considerably too top–heavy for off–the–rack sizes. Nonetheless they found a nice lime green bikini joined with a ring in front, and the long sarong bottom made Leah less self–conscious wearing the ensemble.

They carpooled to the hotel with a couple girls from Zeta Omega Epsilon. As they scanned their keycard and turned on the lights in the room, they were surprised to see the room did not have two full size beds, but a single king.

“Um…” CJ began nervously.

“It’s fine. We’re both girls after all!” Leah said cheerily, dropping her bag on the side table.

CJ’s heart was racing, but she followed Leah’s example and checked out the rest of the room.

“It’s pretty nice for the rate. You can have the bathroom, I’ll change out here. We’re meeting some of the girls downstairs to check out the beach then hitting up the boardwalk for some street food.” CJ started pulling things out of her bag while Leah took her own into the bathroom.

Leah emerged from the bathroom slowly, steeling herself for CJ’s reaction. Looking up she saw the tall blonde frozen and staring, but found herself in a similar state.

CJ’s blonde hair was pulled back into a cute ponytail, and she wore a bright blue bikini with big white flowers printed on it. CJ’s body was everything Leah’s wasn’t— firm abs, toned limbs, and tiny breasts that would just barely fill a palm. Leah always considered herself straight, but she’d often found herself appreciating feminine beauty a little more than most of her friends, and seeing so much of CJ’s lean, athletic body on display was making her rethink things.

For her part, CJ was not confused at all about her feelings toward her short stack friend. Leah’s wavy auburn locks framed her cherubic face and rested on her bare shoulders. Her soft tummy pooched out a little over the sarong wrap, and the opening up one side gave CJ a clear view of one smooth, pale, perfectly thick leg. The bikini top provided less support than a bra, but Leah’s massive breasts still jutted from her torso full and round. CJ remembered doing the math when they’d gone shopping and wondered how soon it would be until Leah’s bust measurement hit a full four feet around. The thought made her heart race. The only thing CJ was unsure about was whether this 5–2 goddess was also into her.

CJ broke the spell first. “R—ready?”

“Ah, yeah. Let me just…” Leah shrugged into a thin see–through coverup robe that reached just to her hips, in the same green as the swimsuit. “Alright, let’s do this!”

It turned out ‘Spring Break Leah’ was even more popular with the ZOE’s than ‘Thanksgiving Leah.’ The small mob of college girls scoped out the beach, then spent the evening going from place to place along the beachside street.

“Alright girls, I got more nachos!”

CJ wondered if any of the ZOE’s had eaten more than three chips from the first plate.

“You want another mudslide Leah?”

CJ thought she could hear Leah’s bikini top stretching as the busty redhead gulped the sugary drink.

“Oooh sushi! Come on!”

CJ put away three entire rolls by herself, which was nothing compared to her short stack friend. The blonde lost count when a plump brunette ZOE slid a third dragon roll among the four partial plates already surrounding Leah.

The roommates didn’t have to spend a dime or lift a finger. Most of the sorority sisters were from well–off families and clearly possessed strong nurturing instincts. By the time the pair staggered back to their room, Leah’s smooth tummy was round and hard from a steady stream of food and alcohol she’d poured into it. The auburn–haired girl slumped onto the bed face–up, groaning in pleasure and pain.

“Didn’t I tell you this trip was gonna be awesome?” CJ lay on her side, head propped up on one arm, admiring the three mounded curves of her friend’s body. She held out a hand tentatively over Leah’s bloated stomach. The curvy girl eyed CJ’s hand and nodded.

CJ laid her palm on Leah’s belly and started rubbing softly, eliciting cute moans from the short girl.

–Oohhh– I don’t know if I’ll survive a whole week of this…”

“Bullshit. You know you love it. Those girls are something else, huh?”

Leah only murmured and groaned in response. CJ realized suddenly that her friend’s noises were turning her on. She flushed and rolled off the bed. Grabbing a few things from her bag she dashed to the bathroom.

“I’m gonna get a shower before bed.” CJ declared as she pulled the door shut behind her.

Leah was already changed and asleep on one side of the bed when CJ re–emerged, so the blonde slid into bed beside her friend–crush. They were laying back to back, with plenty of space between them, but sleep was still a long time coming for the taller girl.


It was still dark when Leah woke with her usual midnight munchies. Her eyelids fluttered open and she felt something warm all along her back. Glancing down, Leah saw a tanned arm draped over her side, and one hand resting on her left breast. She could feel CJ’s soft breath on the back of her neck, and it sent warm tingles down her spine.

Leah slowly rolled onto her back, making her friend stiffen and come awake. Their eyes met for a moment and CJ’s widened when she saw how she was laying.


The tall blonde shifted away from Leah back to her side of the bed.

“Wait…” Leah whispered, shifting herself hips first then the rest of her body to press against CJ, wrapping her soft form around the blonde’s lean one.

Green eyes stared into blue ones for several moments. CJ’s heart raced as she felt Leah’s thick thighs pressed into her lean ones, Leah’s soft arms holding her… Leah’s huge breasts mashed into her chest.

CJ craned her neck upward to press her lips to Leah’s.

They kissed for several minutes, then came up for air.

“You’ve been wanting to do that for a while, haven’t you?” Leah asked smugly.

“You have no idea, babe…”

First | End >>

Unlimited Meal Plan - Complete


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