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Note: This story is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.


Contains: Weight Gain, Breast Expansion


Dungeons and Developments

Chapter IV: Steamy Coffee and Stealing Curves

Sam and Mandy sat at a high-top table at the coffee shop down the street from the game store. He had a normal sized white mug half full of black coffee, while she had a mug that almost required two hands. A bit of whipped cream decorated Mandy’s upper lip as she took a generous sip from her whole milk caramel latte, and she cleared it with her pink tongue.

“So then you have the bandits, right?”


“And Anna will want some of them to be women.”


“What if they’re all women?”

Sam sipped his own coffee thoughtfully.

“That would probably work.”

“And mostly kind of… stacked?” Mandy asked with a sparkle in her deep green eyes.


“You know… busty… ‘well endowed.’”

The topic of breasts made Sam give his companion a once-over before he could stop himself. He suspected Mandy was wearing a nerdy graphic tee as usual, but today it was covered up by a smart black blazer. He couldn’t tell through all the layers but she looked a little more busty than usual herself. Mandy always looked great but this look was just a smidge more mature, and Sam would be lying if he said he wasn’t into it.

“Oh, –heh heh– I mean I guess that’s fine… Would that be normal for more physical classes like fighters, and especially archers?”

–hmm–… That’s a good point. What if they get larger as their level goes up?”

“What like, magically?”

“Well, the how and why I’ll leave up to you, but I assume you’ll have higher level enemies as we progress through the encounter.”

“No spoilers, but probably, yeah.”

“So just make the harder ones bigger, like mages and stuff.”

Mandy gulped more sugary ‘coffee’ as Sam considered that.

“And the main boss of the camp could be huge.

“You know,” Sam said, picking up his mug, “I’ve played D&D with teenage boys who talked about breasts less than you three…”

Mandy stared down at her half-empty giant mug.

“Is that… bad?”

“Not bad, just a little different.”

“But you don’t mind, right? You’ll keep DMing for us?”

“Oh of course. Running sessions with you guys is a blast.”

Mandy let out an audible sigh.


Sam quirked an eyebrow, and the bespectacled girl’s eyes went wide.

“Oh my gosh, I’m using weeb-speak like a fuckin’ nerd. Sorry…”

“It’s fine Mandy. Is that um… ‘I’m sorry?’”

“It’s more like ‘thank goodness.’”

“Oh, alright. And we’re all nerds here, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed.”

Mandy covered her faint blush with her enormous latte.

“Well, I think I have enough to go on, I’ll work on these for next session.”

Sam gulped down the last of his coffee and slid his chair back.

“Oh, one more thing!”


“Since we haven’t scared you off yet, feel free to make some of the bandits a little… aggressive.”

“I mean they’re enemy mobs, obviously they’re aggressive.”

“No no, I mean like… ‘sexually’ aggressive.”

Seeing the grimace on his face Mandy backpedaled.

“If you’re comfortable with that, of course. No pressure.”

“I’ll uh… I’ll give it some thought. This is kinda new territory for me.”

“Sure, of course. Thanks Sam, I appreciate it.”

Mandy reached across and touched his hand, then jerked it back.

“I mean we… we appreciate it.”

Sam’s hand still tingled from her soft touch.

“Uh… sure thing. Enjoy your weekend, Mandy.”

“You too Sam.”


Sam was more certain of it than ever; the girls were bringing in more snacks every week. This time Sasha had brought a charcuterie board one of her normie friends had made. The damn thing almost took two people to carry, and was loaded down with fancy cheeses and meats.

She was wearing a long sleeved white sweater which left a lovely slice of her midriff bare, and a form-fitting skirt in pale pink plaid that reached halfway down her gorgeously long thighs. Sam was sure her thighs had been a little less… ‘jiggly’ a few weeks ago. He couldn’t deny however that her bubble butt looked amazing in that skirt, and that sweater showed off her upper curves very well.

While Sasha was positioning the board and plucking up a few choice bits with her manicured fingers, Mandy entered the room balancing two full size slow cookers in her arms. One was filled with bacon-wrapped cocktail wieners and the other with Swedish meatballs.

Mandy had dark blue ripped jeans and a striped blazer over a white tee shirt that said “It’s MimOsa not MimosA” in a certain wizard-y font. Mandy had grown the least of the three girls, but she definitely had full handfuls on her chest now.

Not that Sam had a ton of experience with varying handfuls of breasts. He’d barely been with a handful of women.

Anna brought a big container of buffalo chicken dip again, and a second just as large with some kind of cheese and sausage dip.

“Damn, is it meat week or something?” The brunette asked with a chuckle.

Mandy had on running shoes and black leggings, topped with a snug black tank top under a bronze jacket. Her chest had inflated the most of the three, being the most curvy to begin with, and Sam could see a little cuddle fluff starting to show despite her all-black outfit.

“I told you guys we need to start coordinating the snacks…” Mandy said wearily.

“Hey, I brought stuff that’s not meat!”

“Like my body’s going to punish me any less tomorrow for adding a bunch of rich cheeses to a pile of meat.”

At Anna’s last remark, the girls seemed to remember Sam’s presence, and the room fell silent.

“This looks amazing Sasha, which one has the cranberries?”

“That one there.”


“What’s in this, Anna?”

“Cream cheese and Ro-tel, and sausage of course. Do you like it?”

“It’s like sausage gravy on a cracker!”

“I know, right?”

The girls set up their papers and dice, and loaded their plates, and the session got started.

Arriving at the bandit camp, the party attempted some negotiation but were drawn into battle. While Anna was refilling her plate with meatballs and charcuterie selections, Tavara burned a second-level spell to finish off a bandit archer.

“You know we have a whole hideout to clear…” Mandy said sharply.

“I have plenty of spell slots, we’ll be fine.”

“Vermillion flame coruscates from Tavara’s extended palm, striking the bow-wielding woman in her pathetically flat chest. Red embers spread from her core until nothing remains but a pile of ash.”

Sam knew the drill by now.

“Tavara had once again expended too much mana to incinerate her foe, and the mana surged back up her arm, flowing into her body to make her a… J-cup.”

Sasha swallowed her bit of cheese and asked,

“What, um… what about her outfit?”

Sam made a single exhale of a laugh and pulled up the fan art the girls had given him for their characters. Sasha’s was especially ridiculous.

“Extra-large hat flapping in the magical breeze, Tavara’s breasts pressed against the white er… lacy front of her sorceresses robes.”

“…and?” Sasha was blushing again.

“And… making them even more tight.”


“And… she felt like they might rip at any moment.”

Sasha literally whimpered, and nodded wordlessly at Sam.

“Quit stealing all –hompf– the kills!” Anna complained.

“Maybe I can er… heal your garments if they do rip…”

“Um, there are still three bandits in the fight, ladies.”

Combat rounds continued, until Anna finally got what she wanted.

“Auralia uses Breast Flow!”

Sam cocked an eyebrow.

“‘Breast Flow’?”

“Okay it’s technically called ‘Life Slash,’ but this is her personal name for the technique.”

“That’s fine. Go ahead and roll.”

Anna had clearly been saving this one. It was a particularly difficult check unless the enemy was badly wounded.

“That’s a hit, go ahead and roll damage.”

Anna did so, and added the bonuses from Camilla’s buffs.

“Alright and, she’s down. Describe the kill.”

“Auralia brings her arms back, holing her sword behind her head, its blade pointing straight up to the sky. Taking long strides she sprints the short distance between herself and the curvy bandit mage, leaping in the air and swinging her katana down and diagonally through the woman’s whole body, as if slicing through her breasts.”

‘These girls and their breasts…’ Sam thought, before realizing that thought made him keenly aware of three sets of healthy curves sitting around the table and he almost physically shook his head to dispel the accompanying thoughts.


Anna was waiting. Sam had a pretty good idea what to expect by now, he had been waiting for it every time Anna tried a new ability. Of course the name of this one was a dead giveaway. He found the skill effect and readied his improv.

–ahem– As Auralia lands behind the bandit mage, a few long seconds pass. Until eventually steam starts rising from the bandit woman’s body. A hissing sound comes from her chest as her impressive breasts begin to vanish, like an –uhh– a deflating balloon?”

Anna’s slightly widened eyes were all the confirmation Sam needed.

“The woman clutched at herself in horror, as if begging the life force to stay in her body. Eventually her eyes burned out and she collapsed in a heap, chest completely flat.”

“Mmhmm, and then?”

“A few steps away, Auralia felt –um–, pressure in her own chest as the –um– dead woman’s breasts transferred –erm– ‘flowed’ into her own body.”

Sam glanced at Anna again, her eyes were now very wide.

–um– Her monks robes get tight around her chest as she grows to –uuh– lemme do some math here…”

“Don’t forget she’s probably gone up half a cup size from all of my blessings and healings from Fulla.”

“Oh that’s good, Mandy. Hey could you say ’swell’ instead of ‘grow’ Sam?”

Sam had sorted out the numbers, so he backed up.

“Auralia’s red monk’s robes grow tight across her chest as the dead woman’s breasts ‘flowed’ into her body, her own breasts swelled to H-cup.”

All three young women had seemed somewhat excited when Sam described their characters’s breasts growing, but Anna’s eyes fluttered closed and her whole body stiffened.

She hadn’t… had she?

Anna’s eyes shot open, and she blurted out,


Sasha and Mandy’s eyes met with eyebrows raised, then they looked to Sam for a reaction.

“Just one bandit left… Camilla’s up next.”


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