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Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.


Chapter III

It was the start of Claire’s third week at the research lab, and her family had been allowed a brief visit. Claire’s parents pulled their car, an old but not quite decrepit SUV, into a parking lot. They found a spot and the trio walked up to the generic looking building. Claire’s mother and father were accompanied by her younger brother, Nate. All three appeared to either be quite fit for Americans or somewhat undernourished.

Claire’s mother was of a height with her middle daughter, 5’1” with curly brown hair that was lacking a certain shine. She wore modest brown slacks and a pale blue blouse, both of which seemed slightly oversized for the middle-aged woman.

Her husband hadn’t been faring much better. The balding man had only a few inches of height on his wife, and was clad in jeans and a flannel shirt. His wardrobe also appeared to have been purchased for a more well-fed man.

Their one son, Claire’s “little” brother Nate, had lucked into some recessive genes in his family’s bloodline and towered over his parents at a full six feet. He wore gym shoes and basketball shorts, with an ironic tee. And although he appeared to have hoovered up any calories Claire left behind to fuel his vertical growth, his physique could best be described as “gangly.”

The family entered the building and were greeted by a mousy scientist in her late 30s who led them to the wing where Claire was being housed. Along the way they could see through the glass into many rooms. People worked at computers crunching numbers, in labs mixing chemicals, and some rooms even contained cages of animals. The two men didn’t give a second thought to the idea that this facility was doing tests on animals in some way. Claire’s mother was taken aback for a moment, before deciding that since she was letting these people do some kind of testing on her daughter, she was in no position to judge their ethics.

At last Claire’s family were led to the chamber where she was living. Her father noticed the scars on the walls showing that the space had formerly been divided into living, sleeping, and bathroom facilities, but was now a single large room with a few strategically positioned curtains for privacy. From behind one of these, Claire’s family could see the faint shadows of two people as one appeared to help the other finish dressing.

Claire emerged from the curtains with the familiar Latina doctor who had come to their house when this all started. Both Claire’s parents and brother were rendered speechless by the sight of her. Claire was wearing fuzzy pink bottoms that clung to her ass somewhat scandalously. At least, that’s what they would have thought if any of her family could see Claire’s hips or behind. The view was of course obscured by her enormous breasts. Claire was larger than any of her family had ever seen her. Comparisons to fruit or sports balls were inadequate, even medicine balls or watermelons were considered then discarded. Claire’s prow billowed forward like the sails of a tall ship in full wind, weighed down only slightly by gravity as they stood high and firm on her torso. Claire wore a button-down blouse over a long-sleeved tee, and the buttons on the layered garment were already being tested by the many pounds of flesh within.

Claire’s father cleared his throat to break the awkward silence that hung in the room.

“Doctor… Mendoza, was it?” He extended a hand to the dark-haired woman in the lab coat.

“That’s right.” Camila returned the handshake with a slightly uneasy smile.

“I’ll leave you for awhile. All the monitoring equipment will be disabled while you’re here.”

Dr Mendoza nodded to Claire and her family and left through a door.

“What does she mean, monitoring equipment?” Claire’s father asked with suspicion.

“They have cameras and sensors on me Daddy, that’s the whole reason I’m here.”

“What about your privacy?”

“They’re scientists, they’re just trying to learn about me for their research.”

“Hmm, I don’t know–"

“Never mind that,” Claire’s mother interjected, “look at you! What on earth are they feeding you in here!?”

“Oh I don’t know. Normal food, mostly…” Claire had the gall to blush slightly and cast her eyes downward in what almost passed for shame.

“But so much… how…?” Her mother reached out a hand to almost touch the cotton-clad surface of Claire’s swollen orbs, stopping just short of contact.

“Yeah,” Claire chuckled softly, “they’re definitely feeding me well.” The hint of pride in her voice almost gave her away.

“Anyway, I’ve missed you all!” Claire deftly changed the subject with a heartfelt smile.

Claire’s mother wrapped her daughter in a big hug. Or at least, what should have been a big hug. The malnourished woman reached both arms around her daughter, managing to just reach Claire’s shoulders. There was simply too much Claire for her mother to get her arms all the way around.

Her father and Nate settled for side hugs, cautious to avoid any contact with the largest parts of Claire’s figure. Her parents made affectionate noises through this ritual, but her little brother said nothing, tongue tied and wide eyed.

A sudden thought entered her mother’s mind, scrambled for a foothold and attempted to reconcile her concept of reality with the evidence of her senses.

“So, you must have just finished up a late breakfast or something before we arrived, eh?” Claire’s mother prepared to heave a sigh of relief, surely this was the explanation for her daughter’s overfilled form.

Before Claire could reply, her mother’s delusional calm was shattered by a gurgling rumble. Glancing down from her daughter’s face to her prominent curves, Claire’s mother could literally *see* the material of Claire’s blouse pucker and tug as the flesh within vibrated and rippled.

Claire put a hand on each enormous boob and blushed.

“A-actually, I finished breakfast a few hours ago. It’ll be lunchtime pretty soon.”

Claire’s mother’s eyes unfocussed as her world was shattered yet again. This was her daughter’s size empty!? She was this big *before* she started eating lunch? Sensing his wife’s distress, Claire’s father put a hand to her shoulder and guided her a few steps to a nearby chair where she collapsed.

The rest of the family sat, Claire resting her bloated bosom in her lap. Freed from the tension of holding them upright, Claire’s back curved slightly and her flesh bulged out over her legs. Her breasts stretched forward to just start hanging off her knees, and her thighs were completely obscured by their bulk.

They made small talk, Claire’s father mostly leading the conversation through sheer force of will. He ran through a typical day for Claire here at the facility, and offered comments and follow-up questions as if he were talking to a neighbor about his plans to build a back deck. Nate remained silent, only occasionally managing to nod or react to Claire’s answers. Her mother put on a brave face, smiling nervously and adding questions here and there.

Fortunately this awkward conversation didn’t last too long, and Doctor Mendoza returned.

“Sorry to break this up everyone, but Claire’s lunch is ready. You can visit some more after she’s eaten, but for the sake of our research you’ll have to leave the room during the meal.”

Claire’s father was the first to stand, helping his still distracted wife to her feet and back through the door, their son following in a zombie-like state. Back inside the chamber, Camila was already reattaching sensors to Claire’s body, and setting up the table and chair for her subject’s meal.

The table had been replaced with a sturdier model, with thick legs of reinforced steel. Scale sensors were placed on its surface just so, and Claire was led to her seat. Resting her breasts as usual on the table’s surface, Claire’s mounds relaxed and spread, covering nearly half of the available area. She nearly reached the far edge, and only the table’s rectangular shape made enough space on either side of Claire’s chest for the food being carried in through the back doors.


Claire’s family were led to a small observation room behind the main lab where Doctor von Hartz and the others were reestablishing their sensor readouts. The room had a large glass wall but was soundproofed so Claire’s parents and brother could not hear any of what the scientists were saying. They took seats and waited.

“Honey are you sure you want to watch this?” Claire’s father asked.

“Of course I do. I have to see what they’re doing to our little girl.”

Nate nearly choked at the word “little,” but kept his peace.

“But we already agreed to this. It’s not like we can just pull her out now and take her home…”

“Who says we can’t!?” She barked.

“Sweetheart, we signed a contract. They’re gonna give us enough to pay off our mortgage! But only if she stays through to the end!”

“Is that all you care about, money??” Claire’s mother asked, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Claire’s father took his wife in his arms, and made gentle shushing sounds.

“There, there. You know I care more about our Claire than any amount of money. But she’s fine. They’re obviously taking good care of her.”

“Too good of care, clearly. By the end of three more weeks she’ll be too big to fit out the door…”

Their conversation was interrupted by a change in the large wall-filling viewscreen in the main room. Claire’s family could see her seated at a large clinical table, breasts bulging out widely and looking even larger than they had in person. Several nondescript people in white lab coats set platters of fried chicken on what little space was available on Claire’s table, and a large bucket was set next to her chair.

“I guess we’re watching.” Claire’s father said with a sigh, moving to sit. “Sure you won’t change your mind?”

Claire’s mother shook her head, wiping her eyes as they took their seats.

Her family had been living with Claire’s “condition” for several years now, so her appetite was something they were all well-accustomed to. What they saw in the lab, however, was something else entirely. The scientists set up enough fried chicken to stock a KFC. Platters of poultry sufficient to feed a family of four with some left over, two on each side of Claire’s fleshy mountains.

Unaware of her family watching, not that having an audience had ever bothered her before, Claire double fisted the fried meat. A drumstick in each hand, her white teeth and pink tongue scoured every bit of flesh and crunchy breading in large gulps. Claire dropped bones into the bucket with one hand while grabbing thighs and breasts with the other.

And speaking of breasts, Claire’s family could see hers swelling as she poured chicken into them. Huge mouthfuls of meat and breading were chewed and swallowed, small lumps sliding down her throat, making her neck bulge and adding their small mass to the abundance already expanding out in front of her. Grease covered her lips and chin, but Claire was oblivious, in a fugue state of gorging.

When the first two platters were clean, scientists appeared from the periphery and took them away, sliding the full ones within Claire’s reach, and adding two more behind those. Twice more this happened, and Claire never acknowledged them, she just stuffed more and more food into her mouth, down her throat, and into her breasts as they swelled, slowly but surely. They bulged out past the far end of the table, and its hard line made an undeniable reference point to Claire’s inevitable growth.

Claire’s mother now understood why her daughter’s outfit was layered as it was. The top layer had buttons, and they were being tested. Small diamonds formed between the buttons, then grew. Wider and wider they spread, puckers forming behind the buttons as pounds and pounds of chicken were stuffed into them.

As she started in on the last two platters, the button at the crest of Claire’s food and fat filled bosom broke free. The soundproof room gave her family no indication of what sound it made, but a few bites later another button joined it somewhere on the floor.

More and more chicken, bite after bite, until at last it was over. Claire licked grease from her fingers as another button lost the fight. Then as she moved to stand, the motion putting a different strain on the material sent two more flying. The only buttons on Claire’s top that were still attached were one at the very top, and two down by her waist. Fortunately she had the long sleeved tee underneath to protect her modesty, but it was stretching to become nearly transparent.

On the screen, Claire’s family could see Doctor Mendoza cleaning her up, removing her ruined top layer and putting a new, larger shirt on her. This one was by no means loose, and its buttons were already being tested.

A youngish male scientist poked his head into the observation room.

“Mendoza says you can go back to the living chamber– er, Claire’s room, if you like.”

Camila met them at the door again as they reentered the chamber.

“Please be brief, the digestion phase is critical to our research. I’m sorry.”

Doctor Mendoza did not leave the room this time, but stood against the wall and waited for the family to say their goodbyes.

Claire was reclining in the sofa now, arms resting on her swollen breasts, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. Or maybe an albatross. Two of them.

“Hey guys, sorry I was a little cranky before. You know how I get when I’m hungry.” Claire’s breasts bulged out of her lap, swollen high and looking even more firm and tight than before. Claire patted them contentedly.

Her mother managed to keep calm, fixing her face with a pleasant smile. “We’re just glad to see you’re doing alright, sweetie.”

“I’m doing great mom, I’m so looking forward to three weeks from now.”

“We’ll be glad to have you home too, honey.” Her father replied.

“Oh,” Claire blushed slightly. “Yeah, that too.”

“At the end of five weeks is your big feast, right?” Nate said, speaking for the first time in at least 20 minutes.

“That’s right.” Claire rubbed the tops of her breasts, oblivious to the eroticism of the act. “Just three more weeks and I’ll finally get to eat my fill.”

“D-do… do you mean you’re not full right now, Claire?” Her mother asked nervously.

“Oh, I mean I guess I’m kind of full now… At least satisfied… I’m not hungry anymore…” Under her caress, Claire’s breasts rumbled almost too faintly to be heard.

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Claire's Testing - Complete


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