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Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.

Spas is loosely based on the character from Girls Frontline.


Chapter III

"And what else, hon?"

"And the pancake platter!"


"Oh, and pancakes with fruit!"

"You want the platter and the pancakes with fruit, sweetheart?"

"Yep! Oh and the Biscuits and Gravy, the Bacon & Egg Hashbrown Casserole, the Eggs-in-the-Basket..."

Tom almost thought he could see smoke rising from the server's order pad. She kept writing as Spas listed off item after item. Tom thought she might order the entire menu, and was thankful they'd gotten here early enough that it was just the breakfast menu. The silver-haired beauty might have added lunch and dinner to her order.

Fortunately Tom's parents had given him a decent allowance, and he had saved most of it by living off instant ramen, and almost never going out. Really he was saving up to buy a new gaming PC, but he decided he had now a better use for his money.

Though maybe their next "date" should be at a buffet...

Spas was finally winding down, running out of new dishes to add to her order. But she had one last item.

"Oh! And another one of these..." She picked up her latte mug again and took a long deep sip.

"Whew, goodness. Well, Lord knows I love to see young'uns with good, healthy appetites. Y'all want me to send that out as it's ready..." She looked to Tom with the question, the white-haired girl lost in Latte-land.

"Yes, please. The last few we'll probably just get boxed up to go."

"You got it hun, I'll getcha a refill on that coffee too."

The odd pair made small talk while they waited for the food. Spas was frequently surprised at how much Tom knew about her world, and he was surprised at how much she and the other girls experienced in that game world that he never saw on screen.

"And then AK-47 was harping on to the Commander about me about stealing her rations, which I *totally* hadn't."

Spas looked up at Tom who was wearing a tiny smirk.

"I hadn't!"

Spas fidgeted in her seat for a moment.

"Well, I hadn't *that* day... or the day before!"

She looked to Tom again, who was only listening and watching, enjoying the sight of the pale-skinned T-Doll dig herself a deeper hole.

Finally, Spas confessed in a tiny, barely audible voice, "It was two other girls' rations that day. AK's had been three days before..." She stared down into her empty latte mug.

"Heh heh" Tom chuckled softly, and smiled warmly as her face turned bright pink.

"Tell me more about AK-47."

"Oh, she's great! This one time we were searching the ruins of this village–"

Spas' story was interrupted by the arrival of their food. Well, the arrival of Tom's food, and the arrival of Spas' first round of food. Her anecdote was immediately forgotten, and her glowing red eyes almost scared off the restaurant worker carrying the heavy tray.

The mousy young woman placed a large plate and a small one in front of Tom, then two large plates and three small ones in front of his female companion. He wondered if perhaps in the post WW3 world there was not much restaurant or dinner table etiquette left, or maybe he had kept her waiting for breakfast too long. Either way, Spas started in on her food almost before the server had left.

Tom nodded his thanks to the server and cut a bite of French toast with his fork. Evidently he was not going to learn any more about the T-Doll AK-47 right now.

Just like she had the previous night, Spas ate like a starving woman. Tom supposed having consumed nothing but a 600 calorie coffee since her ramen binge, she must have worked up quite an appetite.

Every bite of the "Sunrise Sampler" was gone before Tom had finished his first slice of French toast. Spas was just finishing the last of her first pancake platter when the second arrived.

None of this is to say that she was by any means a messy eater. It was inevitable that a few crumbs scattered from the hashbrown casserole, and a few drops of fruit jam stuck themselves to the edges of her mouth. The silver-haired girl used fork and knife properly, she just happened to slice chunks of pancake almost as big as her fist before shoving them into her cute little maw.

By the time Tom finished his French toast and eggs, he guessed that Spas was about halfway through her order. He assumed she would be getting full pretty soon, and he would have to ask their server to box up the rest, but the curvy shotgun kept eating.

And eating.

And eating.

Tom watched with fascination as biscuits and gravy, bowls of grits, and eggs cooked in every style he knew, not to mention another pumpkin pie latte, disappeared between his cute new friend's pink lips. She was relentless, and Tom idly wondered where she was putting it all. He was tempted to lean around the table and look, but was too much of a gentleman to do so. Either that or he was just afraid of what he'd see there. In his mind's eye he saw Spas' stomach ballooning out under the table like a cartoon character, spilling over her lap and swelling toward the floor.

Eventually, of course, the final few plates of food were delivered. Spas was starting to breathe heavily and Tom wondered if she was approaching her limit. But when a big bowl of fried apple slices and one last massive chunk of hashbrown casserole arrived, she snatched up her silverware again and started to shovel them in. When the last bits of apple in sugary sauce slid down her throat, Spas leaned back in her seat and rested a hand on her middle. Tom could see that she did indeed look bloated, the leather of her armor vest was puckering severely at the clasps, and every move the silver-haired girl made caused the garment to creak audibly and ominously.

"That was all so *hic* good!"

Her body shuddered with the hiccup, and Tom feared she was one light spasm away from a wardrobe malfunction.

"Did you get enough, sure you don't want anything more?" He joked.

Spas' crimson eyes glittered at the prospect of more food, but as she tried to sit up a pain in her abdomen reminded her of its state.

"Heh heh... I guess I'm *hic* full. I think if I ate one more bite I might pop."

Their server returned shortly after that.

"My my darlin, you can color me impressed. My manager and I had a bet going whether you'd be able to finish all that, and bless yer heart you sure did."

The heavyset waitress looked conspiratorially over at Tom.

"I know gamblin' is a sin, but you two just won me forty bucks, so here's this." She handed him a voucher card. "Next time y'all come in, you got a free meal."

Spas' eyes sparkled again and she grinned greedily. The rumbling from her belly had to be her digesting breakfast feast and not hunger pangs, right?


Tom was still reeling somewhat from the sticker shock of their breakfast bill as the pair walked to the mall. He shook it off however as the cute girl walking beside him lifted his spirits just by her presence. Amazingly, despite having eaten enough breakfast for a family of six, she was as energetic and light on her feet as ever.

At the mall they went from store to store. Tom figured they had time to kill while the power was still out in his building, so he and Spas walked and chatted. He told her about other games he played and answered her questions about his world. She told him more about the other girls at G&K.

After awhile Spas remembered why they were at this massive monument to commerce.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I need to get pajamas here, right? I've never bought clothes before."

"What, really?"

Tom was so startled he stopped walking, forcing Spas to do the same, the crowds flowing around them with annoyance.

"Well, not that I remember anyway. My uniforms are issued to me by G&K, and whenever I want anything special I just ask Miss Kalina."

"Oh, does Kalina handle outfit requisitions too?"

"Yeah, she does all sorts of stuff for the girls. Mostly I have to go see her when stuff doesn't er... fit quite right."

Spas looked down at her feet, or she would have if she could see them. Two black clad orbs filled her vision instead, and she blushed.

Wanting to relieve her of her embarrassment, Tom cleared his throat and started walking again.

"*ahem* So uh... pajamas?"

Spas gave him a grin that made his heart skip a beat and followed.


She looked around frenetically, and spotted a store with a lot of pink in the display windows. Large close-up banners of beautiful women framed the entrance to Victoria's Secret.

"Do they have pajamas in there?"

Now it was Tom's turn to blush, and he guided them into the Old Navy. His voice nearly cracked as he said,

"Let's look in here!"


Spas grabbed a set of bra and panties in her usual size. Tom blushed at that and averted his eyes, but she seemed to think nothing of it. In the pajamas section she went straight for the one piece bodysuit style. After perusing a variety of selections she picked her two favorites. One was navy blue with chocolate chip cookies printed on it, the other was dark pink and covered in breakfast food, waffles, eggs, and bacon. Tom thought he heard a faint rumbling from the girl's middle as she handed him the food-print rompers.

"Do you want to look for some normal daytime clothes while we're here?"

"Oh, could I? This isn't quite my favorite uniform, and I don't really blend in in it. I'm pretty sure people are giving me weird looks."

Tom gave the short girl a once-over. Looking no older than twenty she had white hair, not grey, but silvery white, shining in the fluorescent mall lighting. She wore a 'uniform' that most people would call cosplay. She had uncommonly large breasts, especially for her frame. Tom had noticed the tag on her bra read 36F and wondered idly whether she could also convert bra sizes between countries. Her stomach seemed to have receded in the couple hours they'd been walking around, and the vest buckles over her waist didn't appear to be at risk of bursting open anymore. Oddly the upper half of the girl's uniform looked tighter than ever.

Anyway, Tom thought, the "weird looks" were not because of her outfit. Or at least, not *only* because of her outfit. Spas was a thicc battle goddess, and she would stand out wearing a potato sack.

"Yeah let's do it. Do you want my help picking something out?"

"Mmhmm" Spas nodded with a grin.

"Well, I'm not great at women's fashion, but I'll try." Tom gave a wan smile.

With her signature spritely enthusiasm, Spas bounced around the store grabbing up various items and handing them to Tom. He had explained to her how dressing rooms worked when she had tried to undress while they were looking at the pajamas.

Finally Tom's arms were full and they made their way to the dressing rooms. The next hour was spent with Spas picking up several items from the heap and vanishing in the dressing room, reappearing to show the ensemble off to Tom.

Dark purple shorts with a baby blue tee; the shirt was definitely too small

A long beige skirt with a red spaghetti strap top; Tom waved her back into the changing room before they could get kicked out for indecent exposure.

A black miniskirt that showed off almost every single inch of her creamy white thighs, and a grey button-up blouse that actually worked perfectly. Or at least a version of it one size larger would work perfectly.

Two more tees, three tank tops, five different styles of jeans, including some that were so tight Tom thought he could see panty lines. Somehow everything Spas had picked out was at least a size too small. The third button-up she tried on literally popped a button when she spread her arms and spun to show it off. The round bit of white plastic almost caught Tom in the eye.

Finally they settled on a pair of dark red low-rise jeans, and a light grey button-up blouse. Tom had gone and found the blouse in a large and the jeans in a size 16 while she was trying on other things. While somewhat oblivious about fashion, he picked colors that matched the uniform she arrived in, knowing that the colors suited her. This ensemble fit perfectly so they grabbed a second copy of the same blouse in a darker grey, Tom paid and they left the shop, passing back through the mall on their way back to Tom's place.

"Sorry I took so long picking out clothes, Tom." Spas sounded uncharacteristically despondent again.

"Oh, that's okay." Tom said with a smile down at her. "I usually just buy whatever's on the mannequin, making choices is hard."

"I don't know why so much of it didn't fit me right... Maybe the sizes here are smaller than the American sizes I know from my world..."

Tom eyed the puckering buttons on Spas' uniform and suspected that size conversion wasn't the issue.

As the pair passed by the fountain intersection that led to the food court, Spas' stomach let out its customary grumbling so loudly that Tom could hear it over the crowds and muzak of the mall. She blushed and put a hand to her middle, looking up at her host with a faint blush.

"Could we maybe... get some lunch on our way back?"


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