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Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.


Into a clean, nearly sterile control room of off-whites and beiges walked a stern-looking woman just past her 50th year. She was just over six feet tall, with her blonde hair secured in a severe bun, and wore a white lab coat over tan slacks and light green turtleneck sweater.

The handful of scientists and aides watching screens and making notes reflexively fell silent at the sound of Doctor Lilian von Hartz’ clacking high heels.

“How is ze mid-day meal progressing?” Doctor von Hartz spoke with a thick Germanic accent.

A middle-aged man responded.

“The subject is about 20 percent into the meal, Doctor.”


“Um, just over 4 minutes, Ma’am.”

“Very güd.”

The imposing Doctor von Hartz took her seat in the center of the room. As she did, the door through which she had entered swung open again to admit Doctor Mendoza, who appeared not quite as put-together as she had that morning. Her shirt wasn’t tucked quite right and a few strands of hair had fallen out of place. She also had a faint flush to her slightly dark skin. Doctor Hartz spared only a moment’s glance for the newly returned Mendoza, as the younger woman took a seat at an unoccupied station not far from her.

“Activate ze main view-screen, please.”

The front wall of the room, which had been filled with numeric readouts, faded to a live video feed of “the subject,” the dark-haired 18 year old they were currently studying. Claire was seated at an industrial table, chair and table height adjusted so that her breasts could rest on the table top. A myriad of sensors attached to wires ran from Claire’s head and body, and the flat surface of a scale could be seen between her breasts and the table.

Claire was currently eating enthusiastically from a stacked pile of grilled cheese sandwiches. She had half a sandwich in each hand and 6 remained in the stack. She was alternating bites between one hand and the other, and entire sandwiches disappeared in a matter of seconds. Claire reached for a rubber tube that projected from the table and took a long gulp, mouth filling with water as she rinsed her mouth before grabbing the next grilled cheese off the stack and continued her feast.

“30 percent.” The male voice from earlier stated the obvious.

A younger female scientist seated at another console chimed in.

“Mass increased by 520 grams. 40 grams from water.”

Doctor von Hartz nodded silently, watching intently as the young woman on the screen continued to eat.

In just 9.27 short minutes, the platter of grilled cheese was reduced to crumbs. Claire had consumed over 4000 calories in one meal, and gained over 1.5kg of mass in her breasts. She again chugged on the drink tube, and the scientists in the observation room watched the numbers climb, as the threads on Claire’s simple blue top stretched ever tighter.

Doctor Mendoza leaned into a microphone at her console, and her voice echoed through the viewscreen.

“Good job, Claire. You can relax for a bit while we wait for you to start digesting. I’ll be in in a bit to get you cleaned up.”

As the PA clicked off, Claire stood from the table, leaning back to carry the weight of her full bosom. The text in the corner of the screen read “Day 5” and Claire had already grown to a 35I. The current meal put her at 35K, but everyone knew that number was temporary.

Doctor von Hartz broke her gaze from the viewscreen and stood again.

“Page me vhen ze digestion starts.”

As she turned to leave the room, she spun back around.

“And increaze the evening meal by another thouzand calories.”

Doctor Mendoza started.

“But Lilly–"

She froze at a glare from Doctor von Hartz.

“But Doctor, five thousand calories per meal?”

“Zhe clearly has room for more, Doctor Mendoza, and ve are here to test her, no?”

Mendoza nodded sheepishly.

“Very vell. Carry on, everyone.”


47 minutes later, Claire was reclining in a custom chair watching Netflix when the meters attached to her body registered the changes that signaled the start of her digestion. Doctor Hartz was paged and once again Doctor Mendoza was also absent from the control room when the elder scientist arrived.


“It’s just started, ma’am. Chest vibration is up to 70 percent of recorded peaks.”

“Very güd.” The tall woman sat.

Everyone in the room silently watched their screens, the only sound was the occasional scribbling of notes as numbers changed. Slowly, very slowly, the number indicating breast mass decreased. The cellular makeup of Claire’s breasts changed from the undigested mass of food to increased size and quantity of fat cells.

A few minutes later Doctor Mendoza arrived and took her seat. On the main viewscreen Claire fiddled with her phone, only half paying attention to Stranger Things season 3.

“Do you think she’ll reach J-cup today?” Doctor Mendoza asked the female scientist seated beside her.

“She’s halfway through digestion and already down 500 grams, so I doubt it. Maybe by tonight or tomorrow.”

Mendoza only nodded, keeping her own counsel. She looked over the numbers on her display and made some notes. On the screen Claire heaved herself upright and passed out of sight into the small lavatory. No one remarked as her overall mass numbers dropped, and a few minutes later there was a flush, a running sink, and Claire returned to her seat.

“Vibrations at 50 percent.” The male scientist announced.

“30 percent.”

“15 percent.”

“Digestion vibration has ceased.”

“Pleaze prozeed, Doctor Mendoza.” Hartz directed.

Mendoza left the control room again and reappeared in the viewscreen. When Claire saw her she grabbed the remote and paused the playback.

“Measuring time?” The younger woman asked eagerly.

Mendoza nodded in reply, extending a hand to help Claire stand. They walked behind a privacy partition and the scientist helped the brunette undress down to her underwear. The scientist brandished her tape measure and recorded Claire’s progress. She was still 5’1”, though the doctor thought perhaps she was creeping toward the first quarter-inch mark. In the 5 days she’d been at the lab, Claire was up to 187lbs, and her measurements were 35.25 - 25 - 42.75.


“Well you’re up another half pound since this morning.”

“Yeah yeah, but what about these?” Claire hefted a bra-clad breast in each hand and wobbled them meaningfully. The bra was perfectly sized, there was a dedicated wardrobe specialist on the team, and simple flesh tone. She usually took her bra off to eat, but it made the measuring much easier.

“Still a large I-cup I’m afraid.”

The short girl’s face was a mask of greedy frustration.

Mendoza laid one hand on Claire’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be very surprised if you don’t hit J-cup after dinner. Tomorrow morning at the latest.”

Claire’s visage lit up like a kid at Christmas, and she jumped giddily.


Her near volleyball-sized breasts bounded upward, nearly coming out of her bra. Mendoza took a step back protectively.

“Easy there chica, you’re gonna put an eye out!”

Claire grinned and adjusted herself into the bra again.

“Sorry Doctor. So when’s dinner?”

“You know it’s still over 4 hours away, Claire. We have to monitor your body as it rests between meals. Just relax until then.”

“Do you know what I’m having at least?”

“Um, I think tonight is Italian, spaghetti and meatballs if I recall correctly.”

Claire pumped a fist and sent her overfed knockers wobbling again.


“Yes, yes. Come on, let’s get you dressed.”


After dinner, Claire reclined watching another movie, pasta-filled cleavage obscuring the bottom of the screen. One of the techs made a note to have her television elevated on its wall mount. Again.

Another tech was entering data, as Doctor Mendoza had just finished taking Claire’s measurements before straightening up the room and leaving through another door.

Across the building, in another room, a darker, soundproof room, with a locked door, Doctors von Hartz and Mendoza were having a meeting. A private meeting. The darker-skinned woman was on her back lying on a bunk, skirt pushed up around her waist as a nearly white-haired head bobbed between her legs. The older woman came up for air.

“Und tell me ze meazurements from donight.”

Doctor von Hartz’ accent always got thicker when she was aroused, Camila Mendoza had observed.

“Hips, *unh* just under forty-three inches *aah*.” Mendoza spoke between soft moans of pleasure.

A few moments passed as she just breathed.

“Waist, *mmm* still twenty-five inches.”

“Fantastisch, zimply amazink” von Hartz mumbled into the younger woman’s nethers, causing a fresh round of whimpers and moans from above her.

“Underbust is still 35 and *ahn* a quarter.” Mendoza reported.

“Und? Und!?” Lillian was really going now, and the reply was both slow in coming and nearly unintelligible.

"*Uhn* *aaa* Forty, *mmm!* forty-five, *Ahn* *oh god*, and a half!”

Doctor Hartz continued now, tongue buried deep.

"*Dios mio, yes! Yes! Aaahh* Thirty- *mmmmm* Thirty-five Jaaaaayyyyyy.”

Mendoza buried her fingers in the older woman’s white-blonde hair as she cried out in ecstasy.

Doctor von Hartz slid up onto the bed to lie on her side next to her spent lover. She muttered and whispered in her ear, but mostly to herself.

“Thirdy-five J… Thatz over two inchez of growth, at her zize, in five dayz!”

A free hand wandered into her own waistband, and Mendoza recovered herself enough to unbutton her boss’s slacks, rolling over and leaning in to pepper her with tiny kisses.

“I caught you drooling while she was eating that spaghetti, Lilly.”

“Nonzenze! I do not drül.”


“Anyvay, I am merely exzited by the potential of young Claire’s genetiks. If *hmm* if ve can harnezz her condishon, zhe kould revolutionize cozmetick medizine, it vill be *oh* vorth millionz!”

Mendoza’s hand had joined Lilly’s, and it was the older woman’s turn to grow flushed and sweaty.

“Are you sure that’s all it is, Doctor von Hartz?”

Mendoza spoke her boss’s formal title with a decidedly informal tone.

“Are you sure you don’t just want to see how big those teenage tits can get?”

“Don’t *mmm* don’t be vulgar, Camila.”

Camila grabbed Lilian’s free hand and pressed it to one of her own modest B-cups.

“Don’t lie to me, von Hartz. You’re a dirty old pervert under all that German stoicism.”

Lillian opened her mouth to protest, but Mendoza filled it with her tongue. The pair moved together into their own rhythm for awhile before Camila continued her teasing.

“You might have the rest of the scientists on the team fooled, and I'm certain those fat cats on the company board can’t see past the profits, and their own lust, to notice yours.”

Doctor von Hartz was reduced to panting and half-formed words now.

“You get sopping wet just watching that medical marvel in there shovel food into her mouth. You love watching her tops get tighter and tighter as she swells up with calories.”

"*Oh, oh Camilaaaaa*"

“Why do you think I keep dressing her in button-up blouses? I can feel your anticipation all the way from my station as the threads on those buttons strain. Any day now one of those meals is going to make one of those buttons…”

She punctuated each next word with another kiss.

“Pop. Right. Off.”

Lillian von Hartz was near her limit now, and Camila Mendoza knew it.

“That’s right, I know what you want, ‘Doctor.’ I bet you’re already planning on telling me to up her calories again before tomorrow’s breakfast.”

Hartz nodded wordlessly, eyes glazed over in lustful hunger.

“How many calories for Claire’s breakfast? Six thousand? Seven?”

Their rhythm was speeding up now.

“How long before you’re stuffing her with ten thousand calories? Or twenty? How long until she’s shoveling down ten full days’ worth of food? For. Every. Meal?”

“How big will she have to get before you’re satisfied, you greedy, greedy woman? N-cup? T-cup? Will you feed that girl out there until she runs out of alphabet?”

Camila could feel her lover reach her climax, and waited, continuing to pepper the older woman with kisses as she silently rode the waves of pleasure. As she came down, Hartz met Mendoza’s eyes and began stroking her hair.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Camila said, “I’m not jealous or anything. I know you're too much of a professional to ever think of seducing a test subject. And I’m pretty sure she’s too young even for you.”

Camila gave Lilly another kiss.

“But I’m a little concerned, my darling. How big is too big? What’s the limit?”

“Mmm, sveet Camila, my sveet young one. This is zcience. Ve are here to, vhat is ze sayink, puzsh ze envelope?”

She rolled the younger woman over so they could spoon as fatigue took them, and whispered in her ear.

“Ze limit does not exist.”

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Claire's Testing - Complete


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