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Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.

Remember I said Catherine stories were supposed to be non-sequential?

Also, yes, I did the Dragon's Crown Sorceress again. Sorry, not sorry.


Catherine stood in the living room near Ruby’s workstation, the tiny girl taking her measurements yet again.

“Are you guys *nom* serious? Trick-or-treating?”

“You betcha!” Ruby chirped.

Julie popped another deviled egg into the busty blonde’s mouth, as her arms were outstretched for the measuring.

“But, at our age? I mean, I guess Ruby could pass for a middle schooler… *ouch!*"

“Make another crack about my size and see what happens, Boobzilla!”

Catherine only laughed, sending her massive breasts bobbing and thumping the head of the petite brunette ducked under them attempting to measure her waist.

Ruby only growled faintly as Catherine reported, “A little too much vinegar in that one, Jules.” Catherine opened her mouth for another, which Julie was all too happy to provide, along with some elaboration on their Halloween traditions.

“It’s the college neighborhoods, Catherine. There are a bunch of Greek houses, obviously, but the other student organizations have houses in their own neighborhood, and there’s even a street of McMansions where the tenured professors and some rich alums live. They all expect the students to come around on their own trick-or-treating rounds after the kids have all gone home.”

"*Mmmf* *gulp* Well, that’s kinda cool. What’s this costume you’re making me, Rubes?”

“I’m making *all three* of us costumes. We’re going to be characters from Dragon’s Crown.”

“What’s that *chomp* an anime or something?”

“It’s a video game.” Ruby made a note of Catherine’s hip measurement, remarkably unchanged since Ruby had moved in with her sister and her sister’s… “friend.”

“I thought you didn’t *nom* didn’t play video games?”

“Well, I don’t, really. But I saw fan art from this game while doing some *cough* research, and decided they’re perfect.”

“Okay so let’s see this fan art! Wait, it’s not that kind I caught you looking at whe–"

“NO! *sigh* Okay, well, I’m going to be an elf archer.” Ruby held up her phone showing a tiny blonde with a bow and arrow, green tunic, and hooded cloak.

“Ooohh, nice. *ulp*"

“And Julie is going to be a fierce wizard!” This time Ruby’s phone showed a tall man with a staff, flowing black robes, and white gloves, with long white hair.

“I have to wear a wig? And I’m dressing as a man!?”

“We’re all gonna wear wigs you ninny. And it was either the wizard or the barbarian.”

Ruby held up her phone again showing a towering blonde bodybuilder, wearing steel gauntlets, boots, and a very small bikini.

“Oh, alright…” Julie agreed sheepishly.

“And of course the star of the show, Catherine the Sorceress!”

Catherine saw a tall woman with a hooked staff and an enormous wide-brimmed hat and flowing red hair. She wore robes that opened at the sides up to her hips, and her gigantic breasts were barely contained by a lacy white bodice.

“Jeez, Ruby. I’ll get arrested if I go out like that… *nom*"

Ruby showed the fan art to her sister, who went slightly pale, her pupils dilating as she fumbled to pop another egg into her tester’s mouth.


On the big night, Ruby had recreated the costumes almost perfectly. The props all matched, and though Julie’s Wizard was too short, and her own Elf a little too tall, Catherine fit the Sorceress look perfectly. If anything she was too perfect. She was actually *more* busty than the official art, though not as big as some of the fan art. Ruby had also modified the bodice to have a flowing dark panel below the bosom instead of the soft leather corset. Just in case the Sorceress’ belly did any growing during the night.

The trio walked along toward the student club neighborhood, Ruby leading the way but not blocking the view of the busty girl in the red wig.

“Ruby, why do we need this wagon?” Julie the Wizard was towing a collapsing wagon big enough to hold a large cooler.

“To make carrying our candy haul easier, obviously!”

“Just how much candy do you think we’re going to get, you weirdo.”

Ruby glanced behind her at the “Sorceress” as she walked, O-cup breasts bobbed and swayed with her stride, almost as much as the video game character she was portraying.

“I bet we’ll break the record, this year…” The Elf said, too softly for either of her companions to hear.

Their first stop was a club house for Korean exchange students. They were greeted at the door by one girl and two guys, and though the girl stared at Catherine and her friends in stunned disbelief, the guys chattered to each other in Korean.

“Are you guys the characters from Dragon’s Crown?”

“That’s right!” Ruby said cheerily. Catherine nodded as well, holding out a large paper sack with both hands, her forearms squeezing her already impressive breasts to new heights.

The guys dumped their entire bowl into Catherine’s bag, their female roommate still frozen.

Some variation of this exchange happened at house after house. Some houses were all girls, and they got one to two tiny candy bars at those places, some openly staring daggers at Catherine’s shameless valley of cleavage. More than a few had as much horny generosity as the guys, however.

Most did not get the reference, but the quality of Ruby’s handiwork and the pale bulging mountains of Catherine’s bosom were enough to ensure well above average levels of Halloween bounty. Before the end of the first street, Catherine’s stomach started grumbling, and she plucked a Snickers bar out of the bag Ruby was carrying. Neither of the sisters protested this, they knew Catherine was the reason for their good fortune this year, and soon the small Elf was passing her Sorceress treats as they walked from house to house. By the time they left the club neighborhood, the girls had two entire paper grocery bags full of candy, even though Catherine had probably polished off half a bag’s worth as they walked.

“I guess *huff* you were right about this wagon, Ruby.”

They were making the trek across campus to the Greek neighborhood, and Julie was panting with the effort of toting her extra load. Speaking of extra load, Catherine also was breathing a little heavy, but she mostly distracted herself from the mild exercise by lightening Julie’s burden, one piece of candy at a time.

In the Greek neighborhood they mostly avoided the Sorority houses, except for a few Julie pointed out that might be more… curious. Instead they focused on the Fraternities, where the haul was even better than the club houses.

“Woah, you girls are hot!” A dude with a backwards baseball cap and a sleeveless sports jersey exclaimed. His eyes were locked shamelessly on Catherine’s chest. He called to his frat brothers, “you guys gotta come check out these D&D chicks!”

The fraternity guys often gave them all the candy they had, dropping entire unopened bags of “fun size” candy into Catherine’s open bags. Some felt they hadn’t offered enough treats and gave them six packs and even a few bottles of liquor, the flavored stuff they kept on hand for co-ed parties. Some even offered them regular food, plates of chicken wings, hot pockets, and a literal bowl of mac & cheese.

Completely unfazed, the girls accepted all these offerings. Julie tasted a tiny bit of any of the food to make sure it wasn’t laced with anything, before passing it to her greedy taste-tester to gobble down. They each opened a lite beer also, while Catherine continued sampling candy all through the night.


At last the trio reached the entrance to the posh neighborhood. This was the Silver Tuna that Ruby had been waiting for. The ostentatious brick and wrought-iron gate marked the entrance to rows of immaculate lawns and shining McMansions, and the three girls took in the sight with awe. *chomp* Well, two girls with awe, one girl with a Kit-Kat.

“Are you sure we have to go to *all* these houses, Ruby? The wagon is nearly full.”

The wagon was indeed nearly full. Five brown paper grocery bags fit in the base of the wagon, and they had three more stacked on top. All were full to the brim, and Ruby carried a half full ninth bag that Catherine was sampling from.

“Of course we do! We still have 3 more empty bags to fill! Plus this one!” Ruby shook her bag to emphasize her point.

“How are we going to stack four more bags on this wagon, Ruby?”

“We’re going to stack *two* more bags on the wagon, and then Catherine and I will carry the last two.”

She glanced up at the blonde in the red wig and gigantic hat with the even more gigantic breasts as she dropped and entire Reese’s cup into her open mouth. Ruby reached out to tickle Catherine’s stomach as it was starting to show against the loose under-bust of her bodice.

“Or maybe I’ll carry both of the last two, since the Sorceress here is carrying her own bowl of candy already.”

Catherine looked down at the Elf and winked, popping the second chocolate and peanut butter cup between her lips.

“Yeah, come *ulp* come on Jules, we’re gonna beat the record!”

“What’s this record…?” Julie asked to herself, her question going unanswered as she heaved the wagon along behind them.

Elderly alumni and tenured professors in their tweed jackets with elbow patches greeted them at every door. Catherine knew the game now, and tittered at them coquettishly, squeezing her breasts between her arms and giving them her best greedy pouts and fluttered eyelashes.

Ruby was right, the journey to these houses had been worth it. Even the extra long walk from door to door turned out to be not so bad, especially for Catherine. The lecherous looks of older men were a little disconcerting, but it was all worth it for one simple reason.

Full. Size. Candy bars.

Every single house the three girls stopped at gave them full size candy bars. And not just one for each of them, mind you. Just like the club houses and the frat houses, the bug-eyed grey-haired occupants of these luxurious manors would drop whole handfuls into the bag. A few even forgot where they were and dropped some 20s and even a few 50s and a couple hundreds in the bag.

“Wow,” Ruby said after the third house where they had gotten cash with their candy offering, “I guess Catherine’s buying at brunch tomorrow.”

They all three laughed, and the Sorceress herself popped the last of a king sized Twix into her mouth. Her stomach was really starting to show against the bodice now, but Ruby had made the material long enough that her bloated midriff wasn’t visible, yet. Either way none of their prey could see Catherine’s stomach in the dim light and past her pale acres of cleavage anyway.

Several of the wealthy residents invited them into their homes for a drink. The girls probably should have refused, but they were fatigued and having a good night, and the beers from Frat Row had already lowered their inhibitions. Anyway it wasn’t like these people were random strangers, they were respected, upstanding members of the community. None of them would try to dose a group of undergrads, would they?. Just to make sure, since she was drinking the least, Ruby made sure to snap selfies with everyone whose house they entered, as insurance.

Finally they reached the last house of the neighborhood. A very old Victorian style mansion atop a hill. It was surrounded by old growth Oaks and Walnuts, and gave off a vibe that was not dissimilar from a haunted house. Unfortunately, none of the three girls had ever seen a haunted house movie, somehow.

At the door they were greeted by the most beautiful woman the three girls had ever seen. Their mouths dropped open and Julie’s even had a tiny bit of drool. The woman was wearing a silk dressing gown that was pale pink, almost white, and had blonde hair that flowed in perfect waves just past her collarbone. Her face was perfectly proportioned and symmetrical, with deep blue eyes, full red lips, and an inquisitive nose. Her garment was not translucent, but the girls clearly see the outline of her form within. Her hips were the exact width of her shoulders, and her waist tapered in dramatically to a flat, firm stomach. Her limbs were toned and smooth, neither plush nor sinewy. Below her perfect chin were a pair of D cup breasts that should have seemed small next to Catherine’s abundance, but looked so flawless none of the three girls even considered the comparison.

This perfect creature looked to be no more than 25 years old, but wore a wise and confident expression reserved for those with decades of life experience. She looked the three girls over with a piercing gaze, and her face seemed to glow from within.

“Well well well, my last visitors of the night… Won’t you girls come in for a rest and some refreshment?”

Ruby felt a tiny voice inside telling her to refuse, to object, but the woman’s perfect smile swam in her mind’s eye even when she blinked repeatedly, and she slowly nodded. Julie said not a word and Catherine never turned down an offer of food. Even when she had been gorging herself on chocolate for the past two hours.

Despite the fact that the girls had seen only dim light emanating from the windows as they trekked up the hill to the large house, the interior of the building was lit up like a holiday party in full swing. Candelabra sat on every available surface, projecting more light than mere candles should, and elaborate chandeliers hung in every room. The gorgeous woman led the three girls to a massive dining room, table weighed down with pastries and desserts of all shapes and sizes.

“Now I know it’s All Hallow– er, it’s Halloween, but since I don’t keep any modern candy here, I decided to prepare some more traditional ‘treats’ instead. I hope you girls don’t mind…”

She needn’t have asked. Catherine dashed to the massive dining table like a kid on Christmas, enormous breasts bobbing and in real danger of popping right out of their lacy cups. As if in a trance the two sisters followed their tall, busty friend and took seats on either side of her. Wagon and candy bags were left forgotten just inside the door, along with their costume props, staffs and bow.

“Help yourselves girls, don’t be shy!”

By the time Ruby forked a tiny mouthful of chocolate-strawberry cheesecake into her mouth, Catherine was inhaling her third cinnamon roll. Julie for once was not watching her taste-tester eat, but was lost in her own world called Lemon Bar Land.

The three girls gulped down sugary desserts with reckless abandon, though the one with the red wig was putting away as much as the other two combined. Twice that much, in fact.

The gorgeous woman handed each girl a large, almost bowl-sized mug containing a beverage perfectly suited to their pallets, and infused with more syrup and heavy cream than should have been physically possible.

The first one to nod off was Julie, exhausted as she was from hauling the wagon around all night. Ruby followed soon thereafter. Catherine took no notice of her friends’ passing out, assuming they were tired and having more important cakes to think about.

As the buxom Sorceress continued to gorge, the ephemerally beautiful woman stood by and watched, eagerly at first, then with less enthusiasm, and finally annoyed impatience, tapping a foot as she waited.

At last, a full 17 minutes later, Catherine joined her friends in blissful oblivion.


Ruby’s eyes fluttered open and she found herself in a tight spot. Literally. Her ankles were bound together and her arms lashed to her sides. There was a large leather strap covering her chest and she was standing on a small platform against a large cylindrical pillar.

Ruby looked around and saw only a large, empty room. She heard sounds that she soon identified as chewing and eager gulping, before a nearby voice said,

“What the hell?”

Julie  was tied up next to her sister, on a similar platform set slightly lower so that the strap covered them both at the same relative position. It appeared to encircle the entire pillar, covering the sisters’ chests, and was very tight.

And growing tighter.

“What’s going on!” Ruby cried out “Where are we?” She was having difficulty filling her lungs, so could not shout as loudly as she wanted.

The dark room grew slightly lighter and a figure stepped around the pillar and into the sisters’ line of sight.

“Well, I see my little morsel’s friends are awake at last…”

It was the woman who had welcomed them into her home, Julie and Ruby could tell, though it was also *not* that woman. She looked like a slightly older, less gorgeous, and altogether more real and commonplace woman than she had before. The woman who had invited them in was a goddess come to earth. This woman looked like a blockbuster actress wearing her everyday makeup.

Maybe an actress who hadn’t worked in a few years and had put on a few pounds.

The strap got a little tighter, and the sounds of eating stopped.

“Oh! My sweet treat is out of food!”

The woman disappeared again, and the sisters could only listen as she muttered sweet nothings softly, moved some objects around, and the sound of chewing resumed. Then the woman reappeared.

“Sorry about that my dears. Your friend has quite the appetite.”

“What are you doing to her!?” Julie yelled in a rare display of boldness, puffing and wheezing as she tried to catch her breath under the large strap.

The woman slowly stepped up to Julie and ran a finger along her cheek.

“Nothing dear, nothing she doesn’t want me to do.”

The woman stepped away and sighed.

“I had a whole big spiel prepared for this, but I’m tired and it’s almost Midnight so I’ll just show you.”

The woman raised both arms, snapped her fingers, and a sudden burst of smoke produced a vision of the other side of the pillar. Ruby wondered idly whether the woman was using mirrors, or just a projector and a GoPro or something.

The display showed Catherine, still dressed in her Sorceress costume but without her hat, and with her arms shackled above her head in fuzzy pink handcuffs. Even in the wavering display Ruby could tell that her personal fashion model was bigger than she’d been when they entered the house. Scraps of torn fabric hung down from her bodice, though a wide leather strap was protecting her modesty. Ruby was certain there was nothing but bare skin under that strap.

The woman walked around the pillar again and appeared in the display, running long-nailed fingers gently through her blonde hair. Ruby noticed that Catherine’s wig was gone, from the angle of their view she could see the blonde’s stomach was back to its normal, “empty” size. Catherine was eating eagerly from a pie plate that hovered in front of her, scooping big gulps of berry filling and crust down her throat using only her mouth and tongue.

“That’s it, eat up. Such a hungry girl… such a greedy girl…”

She couldn’t quite tell in the display, but Ruby was certain Catherine’s breasts were growing as she gorged, because she felt the strap getting slightly tighter. It was now pressing hard into her ribs, and even shallow breaths were getting difficult.

“Julie, she’s going to suffocate us!” Ruby whispered.

“No, *huff* I don’t think…” Julie tried to struggle in her bonds and found herself equally short of breath.

The mage was clearly growing larger now, her belly pressed against her loose robes and hips spreading outward.

“You three were such a pleasant surprise this year. I always get *someone*, the Spirits send me what I need… but you, my dear….”

The mage traced a fingernail along the vast expanse of one overfed breast as it bulged against the strap. “You are a damn *feast*!”

“Catherine!” Ruby’s voice sounded from behind the pillar. “Catherine she’s trying to kill us! I don’t know how but she’s *huff* she’s crushing us into this pillar and using you to do it!”

“She’s right Catherine!” Julie’s voice joined her sister’s. "*haa* *haa* I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you need to *stop eating*!”

The woman laughed with diabolical glee Ruby could see flesh jiggling under her robes, and flesh wobbling on her arms as she clapped her hands together.

“You figured it out! I knew you were smarter than you looked. Especially you, tiny one…”

The vision of the woman in the display locked eyes with Ruby, and she knew there was something beyond technology at work here.

“I’ll spare you the lengthy exposition, but I am an erovore. A type of mage who feeds on emotion. Your friend here’s greed and gluttony are fucking delicious, like the best whipped cream you’ve ever tasted. What you two are feeling, however, is like prime rib.”

The woman closed her eyes and moaned, licking her lips. Ruby swore she could see her body thicken faster than Catherine’s waistline at a buffet.

The blonde had run out of food again was coming to herself.

“What’s happening… are you using me to hurt my friends?”

“Only a little bit, sweetie. They’re in no danger.” The mage produced a plate mounded with the softest, most decadent fudge covered brownies Catherine had ever seen, wafting it under Catherine’s nose temptingly.

“In fact, they won’t be hurt any more, and I’ll even let you all go, if you can resist having one more treat for the road…”

She plucked a brownie from the stack between two plump fingers, and held it inches from Catherine’s lips.

“Just tell me you’re full, that your remarkable body has had enough calories for one night, that your gorgeous breasts have grown big enough, and that you don’t want just one little nibble of this brownie.”

Catherine tried, she really did, squeezing her eyes shut and trying not to smell the chocolate.

The mage was speaking in full singsong now, almost baby talk. She looked to be almost 50 pounds heavier than when Ruby and Julie woke up.

“Just a teensy bit more, a tiny little bite… Your tits won’t get *that* much bigger from one little bite, will they?”

The glass wall of Catherine’s resolve shattered, her head bobbing forward to *chomp* over half the brownie in one bite. A second bite and it was gone, and then the mage was popping them into her mouth one after another.

“You’re so incredible, my dear. I can hardly believe *this* is what your body does with excess calories. Why if I wasn’t already so proficient in glamour magic, I’d keep you and try to learn your secret.”

The brownie plate was empty, so with a flourish the woman produced an entire cheesecake from thin air, grabbing a slice in her bare hand and feeding it to the busty blonde in large bites.

Somehow, Catherine was growing as fast as she ate. Each bite the blonde swallowed made Ruby’s chest feel a little tighter. She could see cleavage and under boob bulging around the leather strap more and more with every sweet desert the mage shoved down her throat.

“That’s right my little booby glutton… eat…”

Each of Catherine’s bites added inches to the mage’s body. As Catherine gorged herself on desserts, the mage gorged herself on the swirl of emotions flooding the chamber.

Ruby and Julie’s breathing grew more and more shallow and labored as Catherine grew, and their eyelids grew heavy as everything faded to black.


Ruby started awake sprawled sideways in her favorite recliner. She was in their apartment. Across the room Julie was balled up on the floor with a couch pillow, breathing deeply. Stretched out on the couch was the boob queen herself, even lying on her back the massive orbs only spread out slightly, reaching for the ceiling like proud mountains.

Mountains that were quaking as their owner stirred.

On the floor, a sleeping Julie was waking up as well, stretching like a house cat and smacking her lips at the remnants of some unwelcome taste in her mouth.

“Mmm, morning girls.”

“Morning Jules… jeez, you wouldn’t believe the dream I was having.” Ruby said.

“You tell yours first, ‘cause mine is a doozy.” Her sister replied.

“I dreamt we were abducted by this witch…”

“And she was feeding Catherine?”

“You guys I had that dream too!” Catherine was now fully awake and joining the conversation.

“Whu- how?” Julie sputtered.

“That *was* just a dream, right?” Ruby asked.

“Yeah I mean…”

“It has to be, right?”

“Yeah, totally…”

The three girls laughed nervously, for a minute, then took deep, intentional sighs.

“Well, I should go start on breakfast, unless you two want to eat candy *all* day.”

Catherine had hefted herself to a sitting position, and dug a fun size Snickers from a nearby bag. She had a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs dangling from one arm.

Ruby’s eyes went wide and met her sister’s mirrored expression. For her part Catherine seemed blissfully unaware of the non-verbal communication happening across the room as she popped the chocolate between her pink lips.

Ruby shrugged and said, “hey Cath, toss me one of those.”


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