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Note: This story contains ridiculous and unrealistic content. It is not suitable for minors.

The characters in this story are based off of the series “Tawawa on Monday,” which if you’re a fan of my work and are into anime or manga, you should definitely check out.


On a brisk winter morning, a trio of girls walked along the food stalls near a Japanese shrine. They had finished their Hatsumode and were on the hunt for some snacks.

One of the girls was a tall, athletic brunette with short hair, the other two were shorter, and clearly related. The older sister stood about 148cm and had reddish brown hair cut in a bob, with a single braid behind each ear, held with a clip below the earlobes. The younger was even shorter than her sister by a few cm and had lighter red hair that hung just past her collarbone.

Despite all three girls wearing bulky winter coats, it was clear they were all blessed in the chest department, with the older sister being the most gifted at J-cup, her sister 3 sizes behind at F-cup, and the tall friend who we call “Volleyball-chan” was somewhere just a little larger than the little sister.

The same little sister was currently talking, listing off the treats she wanted to try.

“After I get a few of these I’d like to try some of that… then we shouldn’t leave before getting one of those…” The middle-school girl was babbling.

“Hey sis,” Ai-chan (the bob cut girl) interrupted, “didn’t you say you were going on a diet?”

The youngest girl stopped suddenly, making the trio halt their progress toward the food stalls. She grimaced and placed both hands on her stomach, which suddenly growled loudly enough that the other two could hear. She then raised both hands to rest them self-consciously on a bosom that was already impressive for her age.

“S-senpai,” she began, looking up at the tall brunette, “what do you think of big boobs?”

“Big boobs?” Volleyball-chan asked, contemplatively.

In her mind Volley played a montage of memories with Ai-chan that she’d stored away. The first time she saw her, impressive H-cups straining her school uniform blouse. A few months later when they had switched to winter uniform sweaters, the short girl’s breasts now inflated enough to rest on her desk during class. The many times she had startled her friend with a little innocent groping just to evaluate her growth…

Coming back to the present, Volley gave the younger girl a thumbs up and said “I say the bigger they are, the better!”

“What a scary idea…” Ai-chan muttered to herself in shock.

Needing no further encouragement, Ai’s sister dashed up to the nearest food stall.

“Excuse me, sir! Five orders of Yakitori skewers please!”

Ai grimaced as she handed over the last of her paycheck as a part-time bakery server to pay for her sister’s gluttonous order. She and Volley each ordered a single serving for themselves.

As the young girl wolfed down her food like a girl possessed, Volley leaned in to her friend and asked “what’s going on with her?”

“Oh, it’s just this thing Mama said to us the other day, about how everything she eats goes right to her chest, and the two of us are just like her. Mama says it’s ‘the fate of our family.’” Ai-chan sighed at that. “She claimed she was going on a diet to avoid getting as big as me, but I guess she changed her mind for some reason.”

“Hmm” Volleyball said thoughtfully, with a glance down at her friend’s winter coat, toggle clasps pulled tight by the bounteous flesh within. “Are you sure you only want one skewer, Class Prez? If you want some more it’s my treat…”

Ai-chan scowled up at her friend and said “No. Thank you.” as she bit a hunk of chicken off its bamboo skewer.


Volleyball-chan watched Ai-chan finish wiping down the chalkboard in their homeroom. She pretended to be packing up her papers and books in her bag, but was really watching every jiggle and wobble under the short girl’s uniform sweater.

Class was over and only a small handful of students were still in the room, chatting and packing up their things. As Ai-chan finished cleaning the board, one of the other girls approached her tentatively.

“Um, Prez… do you think maybe I could… there’s this boy in gym class and…”

Ai-chan gave a resigned sigh, turning to face the girl squarely and puffing out her chest. Volley thought she could almost hear the strain of button threads being tested under that sweater.

“Thank you very much!” The other girl exclaimed, clapping both hands together and bowing her head with eyes closed briefly. She approach the overdeveloped redhead and rubbed both breasts vigorously, like someone rubbing the belly of a Buddha statue. She then bowed her head in thanks again and bounded out of the classroom with newfound confidence.

“I really wish you hadn’t started that rumor.” Ai said to Volleyball as she started packing up her own book bag.

“What? It’s harmless, and look how much better they always feel afterward.”

“I mean, I guess…”

“And besides that, girls in our school are actually talking to you now instead of spreading jealous gossip behind your back.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call that encounter I just had a conversation. Anyway what’s going to happen when none of them get any bigger after all that wishing and groping?”

“Come on, it’s luck! Everyone knows luck isn’t a guarantee.”

“If anything it’s me who’s going to swell from all this touching.”

“Wait, really? Let me check..”

Before Ai-chan could react, the tall athletic girl was behind her, both hands reaching for as much flesh as they could grab. She squeezed and hefted, giving a thorough examination.

“Hmm, they’ve definitely grown, but not as much as I expected.”

“Don’t act so disappointed!”

Volley felt around some more. “Is this that light green bra with the white lace edging?”

“What have I said about your weird bra comments!?”

“Well anyway, that means you’re still in J-cups. You haven’t hit triple digits yet?”

“No!” Ai-chan said, wriggling her way out of the larger girl’s grasp. “Now get off of me!”

“Well your birthday’s pretty soon, right?”

Ai was taken aback by the non-invasive question. “Yeah, in a couple weeks.”

“Well then,” Volley said with a grin, “maybe you’ll hit that K milestone by then!”

Ai-chan made a scoffing sound, grabbed her book bag and stormed out of the room.


On the Monday before her birthday, Ai was sitting in homeroom half turned to face Volley who sat behind her. It was the start of the day, before the teacher arrived, and they were chatting. One of their classmates with long black hair in twin tails approached and set a plate with a slice of cake on Ai-chan’s desk.

“Happy Birthday, Class Prez!”

“Oh… thank you.” Ai responded with stunned timidity, glancing back at Volleyball-chan.

“Aren’t you going to try it?” The brunette asked.

Ai-chan picked up the plate and fork and took a bite.

“Mmm, tasty!”

The twin-tailed girl beamed, reaching a hand toward Ai, who reflexively presented herself for the ritual touching as she took another bite of cake.

Unnoticed by Ai, Volleyball met the other girl’s eyes and nodded approval. It seemed she had spread word around the school that Ai-chan’s birthday was next Sunday, and a birthday greeting with a gift of cake or other dessert would improve their chances of a blessing from “the boob god.”

Throughout the morning half a dozen more girls approached Ai between classes with an edible offering and a good luck grope. When she and Volley met up for lunch they were met by a group of ten girls who lined up to offer their gifts to the blessed girl.

To make matters worse, each girl stayed to watch Ai eat the cake or cookie or muffin that she gave her. The one time Ai-chan offered to finish a treat later, the girl offering looked so devastated, and Volleyball so disapproving, that Ai laughed it off and scarfed the treat down with feigned eagerness as the girl gave her breasts a good rubbing. Apparently part of Volleyball’s story was that the blessing only counted if the good luck girl ate the whole offering.

When the last of the girls walked away, Ai-chan slumped back in her chair, resting both hands on her middle. Her bento box was still unopened.

“Aren’t you going to eat your lunch?” Volley asked, popping a slice of omelette into her mouth.

“Stuffed.” Ai said. “Can’t eat any more.”

“Come on, you should at least have a little, you need some nutrients in you.”

“I think I have more than enough nutrients in me already.”

“Pfft, you can’t live on cakes and sweets!”

The brunette reached over and opened her friend’s bento, picking up a hot dog octopus with her chopsticks.

“Here, say aah.”


Volley popped bite after bite into her short friend’s mouth, until the bell chimed for the next period.


That night, and every night for the rest of the week, Ai-chan staggered home with a belly so full her uniform skirt made it hard to breathe. She didn’t bother with the jeans she often wore at home but would change immediately into baggy sweatpants instead.

Her little sister was still eating enough for three middle school girls, but couldn’t eat fast enough for their mother to not push second and third helpings on Ai-chan, using the standard lines like she was still a growing girl, and needed her nutrients. This week she had the added excuse that her daughter should “cut loose a little” for her impending birthday.

There wasn’t a night that entire week where Ai-chan didn’t go to bed with a distended belling gurgling as it digested a mountain of “nutrients.”


Mid-day that Saturday, Ai-chan was dressing in street clothes to meet up with Volleyball for a birthday lunch. They had plans to check out a new pie shop. She was putting on her bra, yes it was the green one that Volley had correctly identified by touch a few weeks before. She struggled to get it clasped, the week of being stuffed like a cow for a fair competition had made all her bras very tight. She was already dreading the price tag of another custom order size-up.

Anticipating another birthday “feast,” Ai put on a skirt that was a little loose with a belt, checked her perfect face in the mirror, popped on her shoes and headed out.

“Wow” Ai-chan breathed as she entered the new restaurant. It was even cuter inside than the bakery where she worked. She saw Volleyball-chan wave to her from a booth seat so she crossed the shop to join her friend.

“This place is so cute!”

“I know, I’m so glad I heard about it in time for your birthday.”

Ai smiled and they made small talk until the server arrived, wearing a pink maid’s dress with a bright white apron with frilly edging.

“Thanks for coming in to our shop, can I get you something to drink?” Volley ordered barley tea and Ai-chan asked for strawberry milk.

“Sure thing ladies. And don’t worry,” this she directed at Volleyball-chan, “your order will be ready really soon.”

As the server floated away Ai-chan asked “you ordered already?”

Volleyball grinned mischievously “That’s right. Do you know what their specialty is here?”

“Um… pies?”

“That’s right, but not just any pies. They have 16 different kinds of special chocolate pies.” Volley paused for dramatic effect. “And, since you’re turning 16 tomorrow…”

“You didn’t…”

“That’s right, I ordered them all.”

“We can’t eat sixteen pies you idiot!”

“Oh relax, they’re not whole pies, just a slice of each kind.”

“That’s still like…" Ai-chan did some quick math “three pies’ worth of slices, for two people!?”

“Oh I’ll probably just have a taste of each. It’s not my birthday after all…”

“You’re relentless, you know that?”

“But you love me anyway!”

Ai smiled at her best friend and second biggest fan, taking a sip of her milk.

The pie slices turned out to be massive, almost a a full quarter of a pie. True to her word Volley only tried a tiny bite of each one, and by the time they got to the sixteenth slice Ai had adjusted her belt to its last hole and slid the skirt’s waistband down so her bloated tummy could swell mostly unimpeded into her blouse and sweater.

“Just two more bites, aah…”

“Aahh… *ump*"

“Last one…”

"*Hompf* … *ulp* … haahhh”

Ai-chan panted in exhaustion, both hands caressing her middle as her friend fed her the last slice of pie. In the end it had to have been over *four* whole pies' worth of chocolate and whipped cream. Ai had lost count, but Volleyball had not.

“Alright birthday girl, are you ready for your real present?”

Ai’s eyes popped open in fear. “Please, no more. If I eat one more bite I might explode. Or at the very least I’ll pop a button off my skirt instead of my blouse.”

“Relax silly girl, it’s not something you eat.”

Volley pulled a white box with a pink ribbon from under the table and slid it to her friend.

Ai sat up slightly to undo the ribbon and open the box, closing it quickly before looking around the mostly empty restaurant.

“A bra? You should have warned me, we’re in a public place!”

“Relax, there’s nobody watching.”

Ai-chan peeked in the box again. The bra was a cheery pink with lots of lace. She fingered the cups and could tell it was very sturdy and well made despite the size. After a moment she found the tag and leaned in to read it.

“A K65??”

“That’s right. I ordered it a few months ago and I guess I overestimated a little.”

“But still, I of all people know how much this must have cost you…”

“Not a word about that. You only turn 16 once.”

“So wait,” Ai said, trying to shake herself out of her pie coma. “Is that what this week has been all about? Were you stuffing me with sweets all week to make sure I’d fill out your birthday gift?”

“Well..” Volley had a rare expression of shyness and blushed bright red.

“You idiot.” Ai said affectionately. “You could have just waited a few months, I’d have probably gotten here on my own.”

“What can I say? I’m impatient.”

Ai-chan sighed and smiled, closing the gift box again. “Thank you for my birthday present.”

“Who knows you best, ‘Class Prez?’”

“My sexually-harassing best friend.” Ai said, closing her eyes and rubbing her belly.

“Hey, you want to come over to my place and I can rub that tummy for you?” Volley asked with a different kind of blush.

“Not a chance.”


The next morning Ai-chan got dressed for her birthday party with her family. Volley-chan was coming later of course, as was Ai’s new friend Jitome-chan from the shrine. Ai fastened the hooks of her new birthday present bra, and breathed a relieved sigh. The garment fit perfectly, no longer crushing but cradling and supporting her ponderous breasts. The straps even rested lightly on the skin of her back and shoulders, giving her plenty of space to move and breathe.

The effect of a properly-sized bra was that her breasts were no longer being compressed and the effects of her recent growth spurt were all too apparent.

After pulling on and straightening her tan sweater, examining her reflection in a full length mirror, Ai-chan’s sister poked her head in and saw her newly updated silhouette.

“Onee-san!! How am I supposed to catch up with you if you keep growing bigger!?”

“Quit spying on me you little perv! And it’s not like I did this on purpose!” Ai shooed her little sister out while she finished getting ready.

The party went as parties do. Jitome gave a commiserating smile at Ai-chan’s expanded form, while Volley was so impressed she had to help herself a good fondling, “to make sure her present fit just right.”

They lit candles on the cake and sang, popping streamers. Unsurprisingly Ai-chan’s mother had bought and made copious snacks and treats. Ai attempted to go light on the snacks but her mother and Volley worked together to make sure she was well stuffed by the time her friends went home.


The next morning it was a Monday, and Ai-chan had a very light breakfast as the start of her plan to cut back for awhile to make up for the excesses of her birthday week. As she went about her morning routine, braiding her hair and doing her make-up, Ai hummed to herself in anticipation, this was the day she rode the train with her beloved “Onii-san.”

Ai fastened her skirt around her once-again trim waist and grabbed her new bra, putting an arm through each strap. Reaching behind her back she met some resistance before the hooks met, pulling the garment tighter to make it fasten. This was a very familiar sensation, but one she had not expected to go through this morning.

Stepping over to the mirror, Ai looked at her reflection and saw the flesh of her abundant bosom just beginning to swell over the top of her brand new bra, the straps just starting to dig into her shoulders.

“Oh, no.”


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