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Password: Hope





Vincent is the most poorly written character in this universe or the character is really that idiotic. Every time they writers have him bring up Davina no Mikaelson ever brings up the fact that Davina died cuz she had Hayley MURDER ten innocent witches cuz one witch didn’t want to follow Davina as regent who used the ancestors one time use of crazy power to bring back Kol the past regents always use that power to help the witches. In season 1 the ancestors warned Davina if she hurt or killed another witch there would be consequences being the habitual line stepper that she is caused her death not Freya and Elijah. Vincent never brings up the fact that Kol was leaving town but being the selfish coward he is he turned around and came back cuz he was desiccating. Kol was back for a month and the whole he time was brought back he knew the witches sent him to be their hitman the same way she used Hayley. Kol should have told everybody the moment he got back that the only reason the ancestors let him comeback was to kill Davina they could have used that time to figure something out. The only Mikaelson who murdered Davina was Kol cuz u can’t murder a dead person all Freya did was use the ancestors power. The phrase “play stupid games be prepared to win stupid problems” the ancestors were serious about the threat they gave her in season 1.


This is who Elijah truly is Klaus said it in season 1 Farewell to Storyville that Elijah is worse than he is. Klaus said that cuz suit wearing Elijah is not the true Elijah Klaus being Klaus sensed for a thousand years that something was off about Elijah. Remember when Esther told him that if he was always cleaned up he would never know what’s behind the red door. So in season two when Esther forced Elijah to open the red door current Elijah came back. Elijah is over compensating cuz he knows he needs to be extra clean.